Documentation for [Tk]'s toplevel command can be found at The toplevel '''.''' is created when Tk is initialized. ---- [DKF] notes that, "toplevels on UNIX/X are really a collection of several windows; the window you draw on (which is what [winfo id] will tell you), another window for a menubar (if you've installed one) and a third one to contain the other two. If you do `xwininfo -tree` you should be able to find out what's ''really'' going on." ---- [LV] some users of X and the Metacity window manager have reported frustration when new toplevels fail to be raised. A comment on the Debian tcltk-devel mailing list pointing to [] indicates that if one adds ====== wm group $w . ====== after creating toplevel $w, Metacity will raise the windows as expected. Another comment that appeared in the thread indicated that one needed to "... provide a way to send _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW (and with a correct timestamp!)" when trying to "bring this window to user's attention". ---- [Martin Lemburg]: How can I detect if a widget is a toplevel? If I ask a widget for its class, this will fail e.g. at the root widget, because it doesn't return "Toplevel", but "Wish83". And toplevels could be given a class differing from "Toplevel" during their creation. So ... how can I detect a toplevel? ---- [IDG] [winfo toplevel .] whereas [winfo toplevel .someothertoplevel] returns .someothertoplevel ---- ''[MGS]'' - In other words: proc istoplevel {W} { return [string equal [winfo toplevel $W] $W] } ''[MGS]'' [[2003/05/08]] - Actually, does a menu count as a toplevel? Probably not (in many cases). So how about this? Toplevels can have a -menu option ... proc isToplevel {W} { return [expr {[string equal [winfo toplevel $W] $W] && ![catch {$W cget -menu}]}] } ---- '''Q.''' How can I get widget path of all my toplevel windows ? ''[MGS]'' [[2003/08/02]] - There is no automatic way, so have to do the work yourself. Try this proc for starters: proc toplist {{W .}} { set list {} if { [string equal [winfo toplevel $W] $W] } { lappend list $W } foreach w [winfo children $W] { set list [concat $list [toplist $w]] } return $list } Then you can use: set tplist [toplist] for a list of all toplevel windows (NOTE: this includes menus as well as strict toplevel windows) set tplist [[toplist .toplevel]] for a list of toplevel windows which are descendants of window .toplevel [MG] Aug 31 2004 - That isn't quite true; your [[toplist]] there doesn't include the window '.' . This should give a complete list of toplevels... proc toplist2 {} { set list {} foreach x ". [winfo children .]" { if { $x eq [winfo toplevel $x] && [catch {$x cget -tearoff}] } { lappend list $x } } return $list; };# toplist2 ''[MGS]'' Er, yes it does (include window '.'). ---- [RS] notes that: if { [string equal [winfo toplevel $W] $W] } { can, using [expr] string comparison, be simplified to if {[winfo toplevel $W] eq $W} { ''Note:'' This require Tk 8.4+ ---- ''[MGS]'' [[2003/08/24]] - Of course there's always [wm stackorder], but it only returns mapped windows. ---- How does one ''delete'' a toplevel? [MG] Aug 30th 2004 - Just [destroy] it, with destroy $toplevelWindow ---- Recently on a mailing list someone asked why, when they created a toplevel, that it did not automatically go away when they clicked on the close button/right click and chose close/etc. Their code was ====== wm withdraw . destroy .w set t [toplevel .w] wm title $t "main pgm" ====== The response provided was they would need to also add something like ====== wm protocol .w WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit ====== and the following was suggested as an alternative ====== wm protocol .w WM_DELETE_WINDOW { if {[tk_messageBox -parent . -title "Close?" -icon question \ -type yesno -default no -message "Do You want to close this\ window"] == yes} { exit } } ====== Note: Any destroy of the main window (aka .) exits the application. There are some other Windows-Events to handle with this, like window size change ... ---- returns . ---- [Peter Hiscocks] I was having trouble getting using a topview as an alert. The topview would appear but without content. I discovered that an 'update' command at the end of the alert procedure worked to fill in the toplevel. ** See Also ** [Maximizing a toplevel window]: [winfo toplevel]: [binding to a toplevel window]: [A fading Window]: [|%Introduction to Toplevels] (link is broken, check [|]) <> Widget | Command | Tk syntax help | Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming