(1) TM frequently is used as an abbreviation of the word ''Trademark''. See http://uspto.gov/ [[add other references]] for more info on the legal ramifications of a trademark. [Category Glossary] ---- (2) '''tm''' commands for managing access to modules * ::tcl::tm::path * ::tcl::tm::roots A list of directories (the "module path") is managed by the commands ::tcl::tm::path and ::tcl::tm::roots. For example, the current value of the module path is returned by the command [[::tcl::tm::path list]]. The command [package require] searches the "module path" directories for modules, which are files named "*.tm". The name of the module file determines the name and version that are entered into the package database when module directories are scanned. See http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TclCmd/tm.htm for a full discussion of module filename requirements, resolution of '::' in module names, and translation of '::' to directory separator characters. See [Tcl modules] for more on modules. See [Distribution Mechanisms] for a discussion of extension mechanisms in general. ---- [Category Command]