Version 6 of structured data

Updated 2021-12-21 20:59:50 by pooryorick

structured data is data that is composed of smaller well-defined and indexable parts.


Structured data may be textually represented via some data format, and perhaps stored in a DBMS. Data structures may be serialized into structured data for purposes of communication or persistence.


In one sense, any program or script ever written is a system for working with structured data, but there are also programs dedicated to structuring, querying, and archiving data. This is a list of such systems in the Tcl world. It omits more general database management systems, and focuses on systems that provide a more customized interface for processing data. Also excluded are systems dedicated to Vector or matrix algebra in Tcl and Numerical Analysis in Tcl, which are enumerated on those pages.

Speed Tables, by Karl Lehenbauer
Generate C code that implements a table data structure and access routines, and use a Tcl interface to create, access and manipulate those tables.
TclRAL, by Andrew Mangogna
A Tcl extension written in C that implements the relational algebra.
tDOM, by Jochen Loewer and Rolf Ade
Billed as an XML parser, includes an interface to manipulate a DOM tree, and also full XPath processor, making it a formidable system in its own right.
ycl eav, by PYK
An entity-attribute-value system backed by sqlite that works something like a hierarchy of dictionaries, but with advanced querying capabilities and processing features such as trace.
Yggdrasil, by SDW
Provides nodes, containers, and typed links. Implemented in incr Tcl.

See Also

data structure
Compact data storage
Data Modelling
query language
A necessary feature of any system for structuring data.