: '''string compare''' ''?'''''-nocase'''''? ?'''''-length int'''''? string1 string2'' Perform a character-by-character comparison of strings ''string1'' and ''string2''. Returns '''-1''', '''0''', or '''1''', depending on whether ''string1'' is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than ''string2''. If '''-length''' is specified, then only the first ''length'' characters are used in the comparison. If '''-length''' is negative, it is ignored. If '''-nocase''' is specified, then the strings are compared in a case-insensitive manner. <> Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether ''string1'' is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than ''string2''. Options are ''-nocase'' or ''-length integer''. (From the Tcl/Tk Reference Guide) "Lexicographically less, equal, or greater" means in terms of ASCII values. The less the ASCII value, the less the character is lexicographically. Basically it means: '''. < 0 < 1 < 2 < ... < 9 < A < B < ... < Z < a < b < ... < z''' The command compares the strings character by character beginning at the left side (i.e. the first character) until it either finds a difference or the end of the shortest string. For example: string compare "abc" "xyz" would return a -1, because "a" is less than "z" in ASCII. string compare "abcd" "abc" would return a 1 - the first string is 'greater' than the second because it is longer. What about string compare "3" "10" While one might be tempted to say "well, 3 is less than 10, so it will return a -1", the true answer is that the above returns a "1" - because lexicographically, 3 comes after 1. This is a reason NOT to use string compare if the arguments may both be numeric a nd you want to know when one is truly less than the other. The ''-nocase'' option ignores the case of the two strings as they are compared. The ''-length NUMBER'' compares only the first NUMBER of characters. Note that this value is '''one''' based. ---- In April, 2003, [Jeff Hobbs] says: [...] string compare should be used sparingly when string equal or string length is an alternative. string equal can do an extra quick check on whether the strings are of equal size first (since we know their size) before any char-by-char comparison must be done. For general benchmarks see [Tcl benchmarks] and look at the STR ones for string comparisons. <> ---- **See also** * [string] ---- !!!!!! [Tcl syntax help] - %| [Category Command] | [Category String Processing] |% !!!!!!