Version 5 of mg

Updated 2004-04-27 00:11:17

MG (Mike Griffiths); can be emailed at [email protected]

I'm a 17 year old student from England, and fairly new to Tcl, which a friend introduced me to last year. The only thing of any possible use I've done in Tcl so far is Potato MUSH (MUD) Client, a telnet-type client for connecting to MU* games. Although I'm hoping to get some more things written and up at some point in the future.

OK, I actually have a couple of other pieces of code up about the wiki, though still nothing much...

Spider Solitaire - A Tcl/Tk version of the game shipped with Win XP

entry-widget validation for filenames.

A second-formatter, at Bag of number/time spellers

A small proc for checking event-bindings

A couple of procs for photo images; one which allows you to Replace one color in an image with transparency, and another which allows you to Produce Thumbnails of an image.

If you stumbled on this page hoping to find something useful, my apologies ;) though through my newbie-ness I've found a lot of the things by RS and Keith Vetter very useful, so would recommend checking out their code to anyone new to Tcl.

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