Version 3 of mg

Updated 2004-03-19 15:22:09

MG (Mike Griffiths); can be emailed at [email protected]

I'm a 17 year old student from England, and fairly new to Tcl, which a friend introduced me to last year. The only thing of any possible use I've done in Tcl so far is Potato MUSH (MUD) Client, a telnet-type client for connecting to MU* games. Although I'm hoping to get some more things written and up at some point in the future.

OK, I actually have a couple of other pieces of code up about the wiki, though still nothing much...

entry-widget validation for filenames.

A second-formatter, at Bag of number/time spellers

A small proc for checking event-bindings

If you stumbled on this page hoping to find something useful, my apologies ;) though through my newbie-ness I've found a lot of the things by RS and Keith Vetter very useful, so would recommend checking out their code to anyone new to Tcl.

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