MG (Mike Griffiths); can be emailed at ([]). Working (well, planning to work) on a personal home page at when I can find the time, and hopefully to clean up bits of Tcl code I've written and put up there, among other things. I've recently started doing web design (not using Tcl, as of yet, but hoping to get it set up some time in the future); my homepage for that is []. Tcl To-Do List: 1. Re-write Potato (see below). This has been on my to-do list for a hell of a long time, and isn't too likely to happen any time soon :) 2. Various other card-games, like Solitaire or [Hearts]. 3. TclKaraoke. I really don't know why, but the idea just came to me one night and won't leave me alone. :) Basically just a music video/song player with lyrics and a bouncing ball on a [canvas] below, is how it came to me at first. How it'll turn out if/when I get around to playing with it, though, who knows. :) The largest piece of Tcl code I've written is [Potato MUSH (MUD) Client], a telnet-type client for connect to MU*-style games. It is (IMHO) better than quite a few of the other clients out there, but then I would think that :) Completley lacking docs at the moment, though, and the code could use a re-write just to tidy it up (not to mention get it working cross-platform). Probably my best/most commonly usable piece of Tcl code is [Spider Solitaire], a pure Tcl/Tk version of the game shipped with Win XP. And the various other assorted things I've done or made some contribution to that I felt like noting... [entry]-widget validation for filenames. A second-formatter, at [Formatting Durations] (moved from [Bag of number/time spellers]) A small proc for checking [event]-bindings A couple of procs for [photo] [image]s; one which allows you to [Replace one color in an image with transparency], and another which allows you to [Produce Thumbnails] of an image. A [soundex] proc, for checking if two words sound similar. (If you have Tcllib, the 'soundex' package included does the same job faster.) An [Example Canvas Widget], which someone learning how to use [canvas] may or may not find of interest. How to [Move an item on a Canvas Widget in a Straight Line (animated)] [WikIndent], a (basic, poorly written, but fully-working) little script which adds a single space to the front of files, to indent them as 'Tcl Code' for copy/pasting to a Wiki page. [Web-Safe Colors], a (quickly-written and very ugly;) little program for finding the closest web-safe color to any color you give it. ---- After looking at the page '[Who owns the content on this Wiki]', I thought I'd add this for the heck of it: unless otherwise stated on the specific page/piece of code, anything I stick up here is free for '''non-commercial''' use by anyone who wants it. Just don't blame me if anything goes wrong, and don't claim credit for anything I did :) Feel free to copy it for anything you like, modify it (but please add any improvements so others can share them, too), etc. If you want to use any of it in any commercial capacity, please email at the above address first for permission. ----- [[ [Category Person] ]]