---- "JavaScript" is primarily, of course, the language which Tcl's javascript module targets. [[Say a few words on JavaScript as a language.]] [Zarutian] 28. janĂșar 2007: Glad to oblige. Javascript is an derivative of [ECMAscript] and is a cousin to [ActionScript] which is used in Adobe (former Macromedia) [Flash]. Javascript is heavily object oriented prototype based system rather than class based. And is therefore similar to [Lua] in that regard that objects can obtain new methods and member variables. [Ajax] is actually Javascript code that relies heavily on XMLPostRequest component and its callbacks. More about javascript I dont know. "Introduction to JavaScript" [http://www.windley.com/archives/2006/03/introduction_to.shtml] is a March 2006 ETech tutorial. ---- JavaScript and Tcl have a special relation: both at Sun and Netscape (Mosaic, originally), the two were in strategic competition. Roger Binns [[rogerb@rogerbinns.com]] originally embedded a Tcl interpreter in the Mosaic browser; "[d]etails are in the proceedings of the 2nd WWW [[C]]onference". He writes about this that, "The audience were in awe of a demo that printed an entire book based on following the rel links in web page headers, got everything in the right order, loaded the pages and printed". Netscape chose JavaScript, though. See also [Tcl in Javascript] ---- There is also a module in the [tcllib] library of [Tcl] code. Its purpose is to aid developers in generating [HTML] and JavaScript code. Related modules are [ncgi] and [html]. Documentation can be found at http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/javascript.html . Examples of use of this code are encouraged. ---- [NEM] If you want to evaluate JavaScript code from Tcl, then there are a couple of options. Firstly, [hv3], the web-browser built on top of [TkHTML] comes with a binding to the SEE ECMAScript Interpreter library [http://tkhtml.tcl.tk/hv3.html]. Secondly, I also have a very quick/simple binding to the NJS interpreter library available from [http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~nem/tcl/]. ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Package], subset [Tcllib]|[Category Language]|% !!!!!!