Html Viewer 3 (hv3) is a powerful yet minimalist web browser that uses [Tkhtml3] as a rendering engine and SEE (Simple ECMAScript Engine) [] to interpret scripts. The application itself is written in Tcl. Currently it is at alpha stage. Please try it out, then report bugs or make suggestions. * '''Home:''' * A version of hv3 for [eTcl] is available from Hv3 already has a good level of CSS standards compliance: it passes the Acid 2 test [] ''KJN: it is very close to passing the Acid 2 test - in this case it does a much better rendering than my Firefox 2.0.0 browser!'' It does pass the acid2 test. If you know of a reason why this is not true, post a bug report. ''[KJN]: I've tried again with the hv3-linux-nightly-08_0203.gz binary from the home site, and it is indeed a 100% pass - very nice work. Previously I had tried the version hv3-20071223.etk from the eTcl site: this adds a red bar to the bottom left of the face.'' ''[escargo] 13 Mar 2008'' - There is now an Acid3 test (described here: [] and run here: []). ---- See also [Use Hv3 to view ActiveTcl docs] [MHo]: * Where can I specify the '''proxy'''? * Without support for a proxy autoconfig script ('''proxy.pac'''), usage is problematic [DK77] Proxy support is incomplete: ''[escargo] 19 Mar 2008'' - It appears that hv3 does not support https. I couldn't find anything on the web site that seemed to address the issue. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Internet] |% !!!!!!