[WJG] (21/11/08) The release of version 0.9.92 of gnocl included the implementation of some extra Gtk widgets. One of amongst these was the handleBox widget, a toolbar '''container''' which can be torn-away and repositioned on screen. The screen grab below was generated by the attached code. It contains two handleBoxes, each populated with a number of child widgets. The handleBox can be '''redocked''' into the toolbar when necessary. [http://lh3.ggpht.com/_yaFgKvuZ36o/SScTQrH9DJI/AAAAAAAAAFk/4KYEkZLo7uU/handleBox.png] ---- #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" set toolBar1 [gnocl::toolBar] $toolBar1 add item -text "%#Cut" $toolBar1 add item -text "%#Copy" $toolBar1 add item -text "%#Paste" $toolBar1 add item -text "%#Delete" set handleBox1 [gnocl::handleBox \ -shadow none \ -handlePosition left \ -snapEdge left \ -tooltip "tear me off" \ -onDetached {puts "Detached %w %h"} \ -onAttached {puts "Attached %w %h"} \ -child $toolBar1 ] set toolBar2 [gnocl::toolBar] set ent [gnocl::entry] $toolBar2 add widget $ent $toolBar2 add item -text "%#Find" set handleBox2 [gnocl::handleBox \ -shadow none \ -handlePosition left \ -snapEdge left \ -tooltip "tear me off" \ -onDetached {puts "Detached %w %h"} \ -onAttached {puts "Attached %w %h"} \ -child $toolBar2 ] set box [gnocl::box ] $box add $handleBox1 $box add [gnocl::separator -orientation vertical] $box add $handleBox2 gnocl::window \ -title "HandleBox" \ -child $box \ -onDelete { exit } gnocl::mainLoop ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!