[AMG] created a wonderful utility called [itunesdb] which allows you to retrieve information from an ipod in regards to the music stored on it. Below is just one example of how to utilize the [itunesdb] package: ---- #!/usr/bin/tclsh package require itunesdb set ::basepath "d:" set ::db [itunesdb $::basepath/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunesDB] proc genlist {} { $::db seek track set ::fp [open playlist.m3u w+] while {[$::db remaining]} { array unset track array set track [$::db read] puts $::fp "$::basepath[string map {: /} $track(ipod_path)]" } close $::fp $::db destroy puts done } genlist ---- Simply change ::basepath to where your ipod is mounted, and run the script. The script will generate a file called playlist.m3u in the same directory it is stored in, hopefully allowing you to play the music from your ipod over your pc. More features, possibly, to come.