Version 1 of expr problems with int

Updated 2001-05-25 11:40:23

Richard Suchenwirth - Mathematics with expr has some problems coming from the C implementation. On my NT box, and on most present-day computers, int is represented as a 32-bit signed "long". This means there is a limit, a.k.a. MAXINT, to what an integer can express:

 % expr 2147483647
 % expr 2147483648

Probably not what was intended. (Larry Virden interjects - I would much prefer to see Tcl do things that are 'intended' than not - if anyone else has this desire, perhaps it would be worthwhile to consider what compatible changes could be made to Tcl so that one gets the math one expects...)

From the given threshold, positives are recast to negatives, up to

 % expr 4294967295

and then you run into

 % expr 4294967296
 error: integer value too large to represent

You might consider using the multiple-precision extension called Mpexpr [L1 ], which can handle integer and floating point numbers with large numbers of digits, or the pure-Tcl Arbitrary Precision Math Procedures.

As an alternative, you gain some more computing power by converting such strings to floating-point variables. You gain the advantage of a wider range of values and (usually) more significant digits, but you do not have unlimited precision. (You can't count all the way to 10e300 by ones.) You also lose the ability to use the [incr] command, but you can always use [expr].

You cannot use expr's double() function to perform the conversion, because expr fails with the same integer conversion error (as above) before calling double().

One simple way of casting an "integerstring" to a "doublestring" is to append a dot:

 set x $i. ;# or: append i "."

This may however produce an ill-formed number if the numberstring contained a dot already. Hume Smith gave a clever solution in news:comp.lang.tcl :

 append i "e0"

makes it look like scientific notation, meaning "multiplied by 10 to the 0th power, which is 1", which forces the string to a floatstring (i.e. that expr interprets as double) with pure string manipulation. If there is the slightest possibility that scientific notation occurs in the input, make it bullet-proof like

 if ![regexp "e" $i] {append i "e0"}

Here's a solution from Donal Fellows that checks the error reason:

   # The absence of {curlies} from [expr] is crucial!
   if {[catch {expr double($int)} float]} {
       if {[string equal [lrange $::errorCode 0 1] "ARITH IOVERFLOW"]} {
           # We know we've got an int value now!
           set float [expr double($int.0)]
       } else {
           error "attempted conversion of non-numeric to float"

Paul Welton showed in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup that you can get an unsigned string rep if you ask for it:

 format %u -1 => 4294967295

This can be sugared into a C-like declaration:

 proc unsigned  var {
        uplevel trace var $var w "{set $var \[format %u \$$var\];#}"
 } ;#RS
 unsigned y
 set y -1

But if you incr a variable which holds that value, you're still stuck at 0...

Volker Hetzer wrote in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup:

 [expr -1 / 10] returns -1 !!! What's that?

Peter G. Baum responded: That's integer division. From man expr:

 *      /      %

Multiply, divide, remainder. None of these operands may be applied to string operands, and remainder may be applied only to integers. The remainder will always have the same sign as the divisor and an absolute value smaller than the divisor. So

 expr -1%10

must be >0 and < 10, and

 expr 10*(-1/10)+(1%10)

must be -1. If you solve for "-1/10", you find, that -1 is the correct answer.

Steve Offutt wrote: To prevent errors caused by integer division, either explicitly cast to double, or introduce a decimal point:

 % expr -1 / 10
 % expr double(-1) / 10
 % expr -1 / 10.0
 % expr -1.0 / 10

Dan Kuchler added: Of course, if you want 'integer' division, you have to do something like:

 expr {int(double(-1)/10)}

Kevin Kenny (23 May 2001) --

If you're dealing with integers that don't fit in 32 bits, but do fit in your double-precision floating point significand, you can sometimes use 'double' to get a little bit more precision. Consider:

    set x 0x0100
    set y 0x1000FF1
    set z [expr { double( $x ) * double( $y ) }]
    set upper [expr { int( $z / ( 1 << 24 ) )}]
    set lower [expr { int( $z - ( 1 << 24 ) * double( $upper ) ) }]
    puts [format {0x%06x%06x} $upper $lower]

which prints:


Comparing doubles may also be a real problem. See also Bag of algorithms - Bag of Tk algorithms - Mathematically oriented extensions