Version 36 of catch

Updated 2009-04-25 13:37:55 by LV


catch - Evaluate script and trap exceptional returns


catch script ?varName?



TCL core command


The catch command may be used to prevent errors from aborting command interpretation. Catch calls the Tcl interpreter recursively to execute script, and always returns without raising an error, regardless of any errors that might occur while executing script. catch script ?messageVarName? ?optionsVarName? If script raises an error, catch will return a non-zero integer value corresponding to one of the exceptional return codes (see tcl.h for the definitions of code values). If the varName argument is given, then the variable it names is set to the error message from interpreting script.

If script does not raise an error, catch will return 0 (TCL_OK) and set the variable to the value returned from script.

Note that catch catches all exceptions, including those generated by break and continue, and return, as well as errors. The only errors that are not caught are syntax errors found when the script is compiled. This is because the catch command only catches errors during runtime. When the catch statement is compiled, the script is compiled as well and any syntax errors will generate a Tcl error.



break, continue, return, error



The catch command may be used in an if to branch based on the success of a script.

 if { [catch {open $someFile w} fid] } {
   puts stderr "Could not open $someFile for writing\n$fid"
   exit 1

The catch command will not catch compiled syntax errors. The first time proc foo is called, the body will be compiled and a Tcl error will be generated.

% proc foo {} {
   catch {expr {1 +- }}

% set a [foo]

When foo is executed, (from: Tcl Help; bold words added by RS)

Why is it a bad idea to "catch" large chunks of code? Because Tcl stops execution of the code as soon as it encounters an error. This behavior can lead to problems like this:

    # I've got an open socket whose handle's stored in fid
    catch {
        puts $fid "Here's my last message."
        close $fid
    } err
If the "puts" command generates an error, "catch" detects that and stops execution of the code block. You never get around to closing the channel. It's better practice to put separate "catch" commands around
both the "puts" and the "close" commands to detect errors in either case and handle them appropriately.

This is a different style of programming than in a language like Java. In Java, you can have a variety of exceptions, each represented by a different class, that signal different types of error conditions. Then
in a "try" block, you can test for the different types of error conditions separately and handle them in different ways. (My complaint about Java is that there seems to be so many different classes, I'm often at a loss as to which ones I should be testing for.) In contrast, Tcl generally has only one type of error. In theory, we could use different return codes to signal different types of error, but in practice this is hardly ever used.


I think it is extreme parochialism to state "it's a bad idea to code this/that way".  It is perfectly reasonable to catch "large" chunks:
  if { [ catch {
    close $fid

} err ] } {

 } err ] } {
    return -code error $err



If you catch "large" chunks you can at least have a program that can tolerate some errors that you did not anticipate. It is certainly better to fix problems the first time they appear, but tinkering with the code on a live system is rather poor practice.

Most users would rather not have the software come to a screeching halt on every unanticipated error. -PSE

 set resource [some allocator]
 if {[set result [catch {some code with $resource} resulttext]]} {
     # remember global error state, as de-allocation may overwrite it
     set einfo $::errorInfo
     set ecode $::errorCode
    # free the resource, ignore nested errors
     # free the resource, ignore nested errors
     catch {deallocate $resource}
    # report the error with original details
     # report the error with original details
     return -code $result \
            -errorcode $ecode \
            -errorinfo $einfo \
 deallocate $resource
continue normally
 continue normally
Besides a full-scale Java-style `[try]` implementation with all kinds of functionality for the catch branches, this could probably also be improved with a simpler command ''withresource'', that doesn't have the catch branch functionality, like this:
Besides a full-scale Java-style [try] implementation with all kinds of functionality for the catch branches, this could probably also be improved with a simpler command ''withresource'', that doesn't have the catch branch functionality, like this:
 set resource [some allocator]
 withresource {
     some code with $resource
 } finally {
     # this would be executed always, even in case of error
     deallocate $resource

continue normally

 continue normally

HaO 2012-02-17: Within the upper code, one may use the tcl 8.5 feature of an option dict returned by catch.

MS: Oops, forgot to mention it here: this bug was closed on 2000-10-25, it is fixed in tcl8.4a4.

Note that the bytecode compiling of [catch] in Tcl 8.x has a bug. catch will inappropriately catch errors in the substitution of its arguments:

 % # should return 'foo'
 % catch [error foo]

Compare with Tcl 7.6:

 % catch [error foo]

To work around the bug, defeat the bytecode compiler by generating catch:

 % [format catch] [error foo]

Track Sourceforge bug # 119184 to learn if/when this bug is fixed.


Example for caught return, from a posting of George Petasis in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup:

 % proc foo {} {
        puts "catch result is :[catch { return}]"
        puts "after return"
 % foo
 catch result is :2
 after return 


For a more complex worked example of catching [[break]], [[continue]], [[error]] and [[return]], this Wiki has a pure Tcl implementation of a Java-style [try ... finally ...] construct.  -- [KBK] 24 Dec 2000
** `[catch]` and `[exec]` **
The options dictionary from catching a call to `[exec]` contains a wealth of
When you [[catch]] the result of an [[exec]] command, ''$::errorCode'' contains a wealth of information about what happened.  See the [exec] page for how to take it apart.
On comp.lang.tcl, Ulrich Schoebel shows this as an example of how to get at the exit code of a command being [exec]'d in [Tcl]:

MS: this will work as long as the unknown proc has not been modified, and is relatively slow as the whole error processing machinery is also set in motion. If you want to use this approach in a more robust and fast manner, you may want to define

   proc throw {{msg {}} {code 10}} {
       return -code $code $msg
This will throw an exception, caught by ''catch''; it will only be an error if code is set to "error" (or 1); do not use codes 0 to 4 in general as they have special meaning: 

   0       TCL_OK         normal return 
   1       TCL_ERROR      error return
   2       TCL_RETURN     cause the *caller* to return
   3       TCL_BREAK      call [break] in the caller
   4       TCL_CONTINUE   call [continue] in the caller

See also Tcl performance: catch vs. info for the slowness of catch.

A common use for catch is when invoking external commands via exec . Since any non-zero return code would otherwise result in a raised error, one typically wraps the invocation with catch and then checks for the appropriate things. Since grep is just one example of a Unix command which uses a non-zero return code to mean something other than error, one needs to be aware of cases like this when writing the exec.

[does someone have an idiom for execing a command, capturing the stdout, stderr, return code, etc. testing the return code and producing useful output based on stderr when appropriate, etc.? Answer: "UNIX only exec wrapper" is one model.]

catch and stderr

Someone mentioned on comp.lang.tcl that it took them a while to understand that when you use catch and supply a variable, the output from the command that would go to stderr ends up in the variable. Someone mentioned on comp.lang.tcl that it took them a while to understand that when you use catch and supply a variable, the output from the command that would go to stderr ends up in the variable.

On comp.lang.tcl, Ulrich Schoebel shows this as an example of how to get at the exit code of a command being exec'd in Tcl:


 if {[catch {exec grep -q pippo /etc/passwd} result]} {
  # non-zero exit status, get it:
  set status [lindex $errorCode 2]
 } else {
  # exit status was 0
  # result contains the result of your command
  set status 0

JMN 2007-11-24: glennj: the above is slightly lazy. The definitive method is seen as KBK's contribution to the exec page. I've been in the habit of using the idiom: LES: or should one rather follow advice given at exec and error information?

JMN 2007-11-24

 if {[catch {
 } result_or_errormsg]} {
   #handle error
 } else {
   #normal processing
However.. it's possible that a non-error situation in the script can give the return value of [[catch]] a value other than 0
for example, if you simply use a [[return]]   to exit the script early.
You could use the extra ?optionsVarName? argument to examine the specific -code value, but in most cases that's more complicated than necessary,
and I was hoping to keep the overall 'if structure' more or less in place.
I'm now leaning towards replacing the above idiom with the following:
 if {1 == [catch {
 } result_or_errormsg]} {
   #handle error
 } else {
   #normal processing

This suffers from the problem that return -code error in the script will now not result in the error handling branch being run.. This suffers from the problem that 'return -code error' in the script will now not result in the error handling branch being run.. Anyone got a neater way?

I initially expected the return value of [catch] would align with $code if 'return -code $code' was used, but [catch] will always have the value 2 if [return] is used.

See also:

See also: