[http://www.zoro2.org/dq-e/xdb/dt/file/c37436ec14ca5c400f433834d86462c87c/image/jpeg/img00003.jpg] EMail: mailto:wojciech@kocjan.org Homepage: http://www.zoro2.org/ Projects: * AOLserver emulation layer for Tclhttpd - http://www.sf.net/projects/nstclhttpd/ This includes [dqkit]. * [TclDB] - uniform database API * [DQkit] - TclKit like single file executable with batteries included * [Iapp] - Itcl and thread based web application framework (for both TclHttpd and AOLserver) Some AOLserver projects on http://www.nsstuff.zoro.tcl.pl (English). Some of my pages on the Wiki: * [Tcl_Obj Deep Copy] * [qstarpack] - a quick starpack wrapper * [mk4vfs encryption] - small example on how to encrypt mk4vfs * [ramvfs] - a simple code that allows ramvfs * [mapvfs] - a vfs that allows mapping directories * [WikIndenTk] - a nice Tk tool for indenting/unindenting Tcl code to for Wiki page * [Itcl overhead] - some benchmarks of Itcl and how it affects performance I'm planning to put up some of my free available code on the Web. This will be the place to find links to it... ---- [[ [Category Home Page] | [Category Person] ]]