My name is Uwe Klein living in Germany on the Baltic Coast. Some remedies for my itches which might cure anothers itches as well;-) ---- * [GIN] (raw version) Inspired by [Tequila] a cross process and cross host IPC library using UDP Multicast from either [Scotty] or [TclUDP] * [DOS Backup/Restore] Looking for some files from olden times i had a set of DOS3.3 Backup Diskettes but only a linux system. * [Animations on a Canvas] Little animation using tags * [Departure/Arrival Style Text Presenter] Rolling characterwheel type display * [Entering numbers with cursorkeys] Bindings and procs to enable easy entry and editing of numbers * [a universal remote gui connector] This is a simple client script and some server code that sends the gui script over to the client and then interacts with it. * [TclLibUsb] wrapped with [swig] for using with tcl. This is rather raw. A tarball of my sources can be found at As libusb is available for the Win32 as well it should be possible to make this into a generic package. unfortunately i feel rather alien in windows. * [TclMyMoko] The Neo Freerunner is an OpenSource Linux based SmartPhone ( and my second try at having a smartphone after a palm device. * [Process Info on Linux] when ps is not enough. informations from linux proc file system * [BraceStarBrace] Poll for a fitting name * [Backdoor Socket Server] Accessing your application from the rear ;-) * [NTP plugin for a detachable nmea GPS source] Accomodate a removable GPS or ( as in my case ) a setup where all nmea messages pass into the main application. * [A Tuning Dial] A widget that appears as a "tuning dial" on a receiver or similar. * [interpolation via blt::vector] ---- Testing and Preparations * [Tcl-URL current] * [Tcl TimeLine (pre)Views] * [1liners] ---- Reference * [Matroshka Dolls or: Tcl Embedability] * [OS Distributions and Tcl Versions] ---- '''[Toot_Mander] - 2010-01-14 19:24:31''' Uwe did u live in Henley in the UK? PLEASE contact me <> Person