Version 27 of TreePad -Structured multipage text editor using TreeCtrl

Updated 2006-10-30 14:14:38

WJG (10/Mar/06) More notes to follow.

But in brief this a re-hack of the treectrl demos (Random and Random500) to provide a multipage text editor. Something of wiki, but the use of the tree enables the users to organise their jottings into a structured order. As said, more to follow. Also, apologies for the size of this project. Somewhere in the treectrl docs it sorta says 'a little more coding in required'. Well, it's true!


Load buttons and pop-up

escargo - Here's a link to LoadButtons.tcl: LoadButtons -Batch loading of images graphics for GUI objects and to popup.tcl: Popup Menus -An all in one solution for application wide popup menus.

What (and where) are the GIF images that LoadButtons is trying to load?

WJG Escargo, thanks for adding the extra links. GIFs. As this was a re-working of the treectrl demos, just copy the treectrl/pics directory to wherever treepad.tcl and the various other items have been saved then edit the LoadButtons.tcl and popup.tcl to turn off the demo mode. I appreciate that this listing is perhaps too long for a wiki page but, seeing as this is for the most part an adaption of someonelse's code rather than my own, the wiki is the most appropriate place to post it.

escargo - The SourceForge site for treectrl [L1 ] has a zip file containing more than the files that ActiveState 8.4.12 had in it. I found the demo directory with the pics directory under that.

Be sure to change the LoadButtons.tcl: "set DEMO(loadbuttons) no"

Otherwise treepad.tcl will fail.

WJG-this has been changed below... Just after the modules have been loaded.

 # treepad.tcl
 # Adapted from TreeCTRLdemo.tcl
 # by William J Giddings, 2006.
 # Description:
 # -----------
 # Multipage text editor using a treectrl tree widget
 # to organise the text in a structured manner.
 # Usage:
 # -----
 # See demo proc for example

 package require treectrl  

# popupmenu stuff

 # create some menu icons
 image create photo im_new    -data "R0lGODlhEAAQAMQAAP////f33e/v9+3t1+rr6+fnztzcxtjWvdbOvdTQyMrJubm5qKmqmJiYh4yUiXh4dmZmZFZWVDY2NTIyKSUlIwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACwAAAAAEAAQAAAFYGAijklFnmfFmChZVYZBteULxwXrPhByHIZCYYKqECaLn3AQ0ImMAoniUBgwmy5CQOKgWq86Y8SBCFoDaGytAVym0a9nLFh9BwzxEq7+zj+/fU4jFQtpfi0VASs0KYIjIQA7"
 image create photo im_cut    -data R0lGODlhEAAQAIEAAPwCBAQCBPz+/ISChCH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAQABAAAAIwhI9pwaHrGFRBNDdPlYB3bWHQ1YXPtYln+iCpmqCDp6El7Ylsp6ssR1uYSKuW0V8AACH+aENyZWF0ZWQgYnkgQk1QVG9HSUYgUHJvIHZlcnNpb24gMi41DQqpIERldmVsQ29yIDE5OTcsMTk5OC4gQWxsIHJpZ2h0cyByZXNlcnZlZC4NCmh0dHA6Ly93d3cuZGV2ZWxjb3IuY29tADs=

 # define package namespace
 namespace eval popup {
  set VERSION 0.1

  #define menus, works for cascades too..
  set ::popup::menu(main) {
    {cascade -label "New" -hidemargin 0 -compound left -image im_new -command {.txt1 delete 1.0 end}}
    {cascade -label "Edit" -menu .edit}
    {command -label Exit -command exit}
  set ::popup::menu(edit) {
    {command -label Undo -hidemargin 0 -compound left -image im_undo -command {event generate [focus] <<Undo>>}}
    {command -label Redo -hidemargin 1 -compound left -image im_redo -command {event generate [focus] <<Redo>>}}
    {command -label Cut   -compound left -image im_cut   -command {event generate [focus] <<Cut>>}}
    {command -label Copy  -compound left -image im_copy  -command {event generate [focus] <<Copy>>}}
    {command -label Paste -compound left -image im_paste -command {event generate [focus] <<Paste>>}}
  set ::popup::menu(file) {
    {command -label Open -command {File:Open .txt}}
    {command -label Save -command {File:Reload .txt}}
    {command -label Save -command {File:Save .txt}}

 # create menu (m) with from list of supplied items (a)
 proc popup::create {m} {

  set c $m
  set m ".[string tolower $m]"

  # destroy any pre-exising menu with the same name
  destroy $m

  # create new menus
  menu $m -tearoff 0
  foreach i $popup::menu($c) {
    eval $m add $i

 # display the popup menu adjacent to the current pointer location
 proc popup::show {w m} {

  set m ".[string tolower $m]"

  # set w [winfo parent $m]
  # lassign [winfo pointerxy $w] x y
  foreach {x y} [winfo pointerxy $w] {}

  set ::active(tag) $m
  #get active ta
  tk_popup $m $x $y

 # treepad stuff itself

 # some basic tree graphics
 image create photo help-book-closed -data {

 image create photo help-book-open -data {

 image create photo small-txt -data {

 # custom namespace
 namespace eval tree {
  variable path
  variable text
  variable active
  variable fname untitled.dat
  variable lines yes
  variable stripeClr #f2f8ff

 # rename the item tree label
 proc tree:rename {path active x y} {
  # get the scrren position of the text box
  foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$path item bbox $active colItem elemTxtName] {}
  # create entry then position it over tree text enrty
  entry $path.rename -borderwidth 1 -relief solid -background #ffffdd
  $path.rename insert 0 [ $path item element cget $active colItem elemTxtName -text ]
  # minimum width for entry, just in case text = " "
  set w [expr $x2-$x1]
  if {$w <50} {set w 50}
  place $path.rename \
    -x [incr x1 -5] \
    -y [incr y1 -5] \
    -width $w \
    -height [expr $y2-$y1]
  # edit it
  focus -force  $path.rename
  # close and update when focus changes or return pressed
  bind $path.rename <Key-Return> { tree:rename:validate %W $::tree::path $tree::active }
  bind $path.rename <FocusOut> { tree:rename:validate %W $::tree::path $tree::active }

 # update tree, then destroy entry widget
  proc tree:rename:validate {w path active} {
    # do not permit empty fields, must be a space
    set str [$w get]
    if {$str==""} {set str " "}
    $path item element configure $active colItem elemTxtName -text $str
    destroy $w
    # return focus back to the tree widget
    focus $path

 # tree:init
 proc tree:init {T} {
  # Get environment default colors
  set w [listbox .listbox]
  set SystemHighlightText [$w cget -selectforeground]
  set SystemHighlight [$w cget -selectbackground]
  destroy $w
  # determine row height
        set height [font metrics [$T cget -font] -linespace]
        if {$height < 18} { set height 18 }
        # configure the treectrl widget
        $T configure \
    -itemheight $height \
    -selectmode single \
                -showroot yes \
    -showrootbutton yes \
    -showbuttons yes \
    -showlines $::tree::lines \
                -scrollmargin 16 \
    -xscrolldelay "500 50" \
    -yscrolldelay "500 50"
        # Create columns..
        $T column create \
    -expand yes \
    -text Item \
    -itembackground "$::tree::stripeClr {}"  \
    -tag colItem
  # then configure
        $T configure -treecolumn colItem
        # Create elements
        $T element create elemImgFolder image -image {help-book-open {open} help-book-closed {}}
        $T element create elemImgFile image -image small-txt
        $T element create elemTxtName text -fill [list $SystemHighlightText {selected focus}]
        $T element create elemTxtCount text -fill blue
        $T element create elemTxtAny text
        $T element create elemRectSel rect -showfocus yes -fill [list $SystemHighlight {selected focus} gray {selected !focus}]
        # Create styles using the elements
        set S [$T style create styFolder]
        $T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgFolder elemTxtName elemTxtCount}
        $T style layout $S elemImgFolder -padx {0 4} -expand ns
        $T style layout $S elemTxtName -padx {0 4} -expand ns
        $T style layout $S elemTxtCount -padx {0 6} -expand ns
        $T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxtName] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2
        set S [$T style create styFile]
        $T style elements $S {elemRectSel elemImgFile elemTxtName}
        $T style layout $S elemImgFile -padx {0 4} -expand ns
        $T style layout $S elemTxtName -padx {0 4} -expand ns
        $T style layout $S elemRectSel -union [list elemTxtName] -iexpand ns -ipadx 2
        set S [$T style create styAny]
        $T style elements $S {elemTxtAny}
        $T style layout $S elemTxtAny -padx 6 -expand ns
        TreeCtrl::SetSensitive $T {
                {colItem styFolder elemRectSel elemImgFolder elemTxtName}
                {colItem styFile elemRectSel elemImgFile elemTxtName}
        TreeCtrl::SetDragImage $T {
                {colItem styFolder elemImgFolder elemTxtName}
                {colItem styFile elemImgFile elemTxtName}
  # Add bindings
        bind tree:init <Double-ButtonPress-1> {
                TreeCtrl::DoubleButton1 %W %x %y
        bind tree:init <Control-ButtonPress-1> {
                set TreeCtrl::Priv(selectMode) toggle
                tree:button1 %W %x %y
        bind tree:init <Shift-ButtonPress-1> {
                set TreeCtrl::Priv(selectMode) add
                tree:button1 %W %x %y
        bind tree:init <ButtonPress-1> {
                set TreeCtrl::Priv(selectMode) set
                tree:button1 %W %x %y
        bind tree:init <Button1-Motion> {
                tree:motion1 %W %x %y
        bind tree:init <ButtonRelease-1> {
                tree:release1 %W %x %y
        bindtags $T [list $T tree:init TreeCtrl [winfo toplevel $T] all]

 # toggle tree lines
 proc tree:showlines {T} {
  if { [$T cget -showlines] } {
           $T configure -showlines no
         } else {
           $T configure -showlines yes

 # choose view style, tree or collapser
 proc tree:style {T {style tree}} {
  switch [string tolower $style] {
    collapser {
      set lines no
      set images "\{mac-collapse open mac-expand {}\}"
    tree {
      set lines yes
      set images "\{\}"
    default {
  # apply the changes
        eval $T configure \
                -showlines $lines \
    -showbuttons yes \
                -buttonimage $images

 # tree:button1
 proc tree:button1 {T x y} {
        variable TreeCtrl::Priv
        focus $T
        set id [$T identify $x $y]
        set Priv(buttonMode) ""
        # Click outside any item
        if {$id eq ""} {
                $T selection clear
        # Click in header
        } elseif {[lindex $id 0] eq "header"} {
                TreeCtrl::ButtonPress1 $T $x $y
        # Click in item
        } else {
                foreach {where item arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4} $id {}
                switch $arg1 {
                        button {
                                $T item toggle $item
                        line {
                                $T item toggle $arg2
                        column {
                                set ok 0
                                # Clicked an element
                                if {[llength $id] == 6} {
                                        set column [lindex $id 3]
                                        set E [lindex $id 5]
                                        foreach list $Priv(sensitive,$T) {
                                                set C [lindex $list 0]
                                                set S [lindex $list 1]
                                                set eList [lrange $list 2 end]
                                                if {[$T column compare $column != $C]} continue
                                                if {[$T item style set $item $C] ne $S} continue
                                                if {[lsearch -exact $eList $E] == -1} continue
                                                set ok 1
                                if {!$ok} {
                                        $T selection clear

                                set Priv(drag,motion) 0
                                set Priv(drag,click,x) $x
                                set Priv(drag,click,y) $y
                                set Priv(drag,x) [$T canvasx $x]
                                set Priv(drag,y) [$T canvasy $y]
                                set Priv(drop) ""
                                if {$Priv(selectMode) eq "add"} {
                                        TreeCtrl::BeginExtend $T $item
                                } elseif {$Priv(selectMode) eq "toggle"} {
                                        TreeCtrl::BeginToggle $T $item
                                } elseif {![$T selection includes $item]} {
                                        TreeCtrl::BeginSelect $T $item
                                $T activate $item

                                if {[$T selection includes $item]} {
                                        set Priv(buttonMode) drag

 # tree:motion1
 proc tree:motion1 {T x y} {
        variable TreeCtrl::Priv
        switch $Priv(buttonMode) {
                "drag" {
                        set Priv(autoscan,command,$T) {tree:motion %T %x %y}
                        TreeCtrl::AutoScanCheck $T $x $y
                        tree:motion $T $x $y
                default {
                        TreeCtrl::Motion1 $T $x $y

 # motion
 proc tree:motion {T x y} {
        variable TreeCtrl::Priv
        switch $Priv(buttonMode) {
                "drag" {
                        if {!$Priv(drag,motion)} {
                                # Detect initial mouse movement
                                if {(abs($x - $Priv(drag,click,x)) <= 4) &&
                                        (abs($y - $Priv(drag,click,y)) <= 4)} return
                                set Priv(selection) [$T selection get]
                                set Priv(drop) ""
                                $T dragimage clear
                                # For each selected item, add 2nd and 3rd elements of
                                # column "item" to the dragimage
                                foreach I $Priv(selection) {
                                        foreach list $Priv(dragimage,$T) {
                                                set C [lindex $list 0]
                                                set S [lindex $list 1]
                                                if {[$T item style set $I $C] eq $S} {
                                                        eval $T dragimage add $I $C [lrange $list 2 end]
                                set Priv(drag,motion) 1
                        # Find the item under the cursor
                        set cursor X_cursor
                        set drop ""
                        set id [$T identify $x $y]
                        set ok 0
                        if {($id ne "") && ([lindex $id 0] eq "item") && ([llength $id] == 6)} {
                                set item [lindex $id 1]
                                set column [lindex $id 3]
                                set E [lindex $id 5]
                                foreach list $Priv(sensitive,$T) {
                                        set C [lindex $list 0]
                                        set S [lindex $list 1]
                                        set eList [lrange $list 2 end]
                                        if {[$T column compare $column != $C]} continue
                                        if {[$T item style set $item $C] ne $S} continue
                                        if {[lsearch -exact $eList $E] == -1} continue
                                        set ok 1
                        if {$ok} {
                                # If the item is not in the pre-drag selection
                                # (i.e. not being dragged) see if we can drop on it
                                if {[lsearch -exact $Priv(selection) $item] == -1} {
                                        set drop $item
                                        # We can drop if dragged item isn't an ancestor
                                        foreach item2 $Priv(selection) {
                                                if {[$T item isancestor $item2 $item]} {
                                                        set drop ""
                                        if {$drop ne ""} {
                                                scan [$T item bbox $drop] "%d %d %d %d" x1 y1 x2 y2
                                                if {$y < $y1 + 3} {
                                                        set cursor top_side
                                                        set Priv(drop,pos) prevsibling
                                                } elseif {$y >= $y2 - 3} {
                                                        set cursor bottom_side
                                                        set Priv(drop,pos) nextsibling
                                                } else {
                                                        set cursor ""
                                                        set Priv(drop,pos) lastchild

                        if {[$T cget -cursor] ne $cursor} {
                                $T configure -cursor $cursor
                        # Select the item under the cursor (if any) and deselect
                        # the previous drop-item (if any)
                        $T selection modify $drop $Priv(drop)
                        set Priv(drop) $drop

                        # Show the dragimage in its new position
                        set x [expr {[$T canvasx $x] - $Priv(drag,x)}]
                        set y [expr {[$T canvasy $y] - $Priv(drag,y)}]
                        $T dragimage offset $x $y
                        $T dragimage configure -visible yes
                default {
                        TreeCtrl::Motion1 $T $x $y

 # release the dragged item
 proc tree:release1 {T x y} {
        variable TreeCtrl::Priv
  if {![info exists Priv(buttonMode)]} return
        switch $Priv(buttonMode) {
                "drag" {
                        TreeCtrl::AutoScanCancel $T
                        $T dragimage configure -visible no
                        $T selection modify {} $Priv(drop)
                        $T configure -cursor ""
                        if {$Priv(drop) ne ""} {
                                tree:drop $T $Priv(drop) $Priv(selection) $Priv(drop,pos)
                        unset Priv(buttonMode)
                default {
                        TreeCtrl::Release1 $T $x $y

 # drop the dragged item
 proc tree:drop {T target source pos} {
        set parentList {}
        switch -- $pos {
                lastchild { set parent $target }
                prevsibling { set parent [$T item parent $target] }
                nextsibling { set parent [$T item parent $target] }
        foreach item $source {
                # Ignore any item whose ancestor is also selected
                set ignore 0
                foreach ancestor [$T item ancestors $item] {
                        if {[lsearch -exact $source $ancestor] != -1} {
                                set ignore 1
                if {$ignore} continue
                # Update the old parent of this moved item later
                if {[lsearch -exact $parentList $item] == -1} {
                        lappend parentList [$T item parent $item]
                # Add to target
                $T item $pos $target $item
                # Recursively update text: depth
                set itemList [$T item firstchild $item]
                while {[llength $itemList]} {
                        # Pop
                        set item [lindex $itemList end]
                        set itemList [lrange $itemList 0 end-1]
                        set item2 [$T item nextsibling $item]
                        if {$item2 ne ""} {
                                # Push
                                lappend itemList $item2
                        set item2 [$T item firstchild $item]
                        if {$item2 ne ""} {
                                # Push
                                lappend itemList $item2
        # Update items that lost some children
        foreach item $parentList {
                set numChildren [$T item numchildren $item]
                if {$numChildren == 0} {
                        $T item configure $item -button no
                        $T item style map $item colItem styFile {elemTxtName elemTxtName}
                } else {
                        $T item element configure $item colItem elemTxtCount -text "($numChildren)"
        # Update the target that gained some children
        if {[$T item style set $parent colItem] ne "styFolder"} {
                $T item configure $parent -button yes
                $T item style map $parent colItem styFolder {elemTxtName elemTxtName}
        set numChildren [$T item numchildren $parent]
        $T item element configure $parent colItem elemTxtCount -text "($numChildren)"

 # create the root
 proc tree:addRoot {w txt} {
  global ${w}_data
  $w item configure root -button yes
  $w item style set root colItem styFolder
  $w item element configure root colItem elemTxtName -text $txt
  set ${w}_data(0) "ROOT DATA"

 # create the root
 proc tree:showroot {w} {
    if {[$w cget -showroot]} {
           $w configure -showroot no -showrootbutton no
    } else {
           $w configure -showroot yes -showrootbutton yes

 # create new entry
 proc tree:addItem {w txt {parent 0} {data NEW}} {
  global ${w}_data
  set first yes
  if {[$w item children $parent] !=""} { set first no}
  set item [$w item create]
  $w item style set $item colItem styFile
  $w item element configure $item colItem elemTxtName -text $txt
  $w item lastchild $parent $item
  if {$first} {
    set str [ $w item element cget $parent colItem elemTxtName -text ]
    # update root if necessary
    $w item configure $parent -button yes
    $w item style set $parent colItem styFolder
    $w item element configure $parent colItem elemTxtName -text $str
  set ${w}_data($item) $data
  return $item

 # delete tree item and associated data
 proc tree:deleteItem {w i} {
  global ${w}_data
  # delete item,
  $w item delete $i
  # determine the differences between the tree and data lists
  foreach i [array names ${w}_data] {
    if {[lsearch -exact [$w item range first last] $i]==-1} {
      lappend diff $i
  # reconcile two lists by deleting unwanted data entries
  array unset ${w}_data $diff

 # dump all values
 proc tree:dump {w} {
  global ${w}_data
  foreach i [$w item range first last] {
    if {$i==""} {set item root}
    set parent [$w item parent $i]
    set children [$w item children $i]
    set txt [ $w item element cget $i colItem elemTxtName -text ]
    set data [set ${w}_data($i)]
    append j "\{Item#$i \{$parent\} \{$children\} \{$txt\} \{$data\}\}\n"
  return $j

 # save treectrl contents
 proc tree:save {w fname} {
  global ${w}_info
  set fp [open $fname "w"]
  # first entry is a file info block
  puts $fp "\{[array get ${w}_info]\}"
  # the tree and data
  puts $fp [tree:dump $w]
  close $fp

 # load treectrl contents
 proc tree:load {w fname} {
  global ${w}_data ${w}_info
  # delete existing data
  $w item delete all
  array unset ${w}_info
  # open file
  set fp [open $fname "r"]
  set str [read $fp]
  # extract the info block, this is always list item 0
  array set ${w}_info [lindex $str 0]
  for {set i 1} {$i <= [llength $str]} {incr i} {
    # now follows the actual data
    foreach {item parent children text data} [lindex $str $i] {
        if {$parent == ""} {
         # must be root
         tree:addRoot $w $text
         set ${w}_data(0) $data
        } else {
         # any other item
         catch  { tree:addItem  $w $text $parent $data }
  close $fp

 # add a new item
 proc tree:new {w t} {
  global ${w}_data
  #$w item delete first last
  $w item delete all
  $t delete 1.0 end
  array unset ${w}_data [array names ${w}_data]
  tree:addRoot $w Root
  tree:addItem $w page 0

 # change the displayed item
 # a active item
 # p previus item
 proc tree:show {t w a p} {
  global ${w}_data
  # save old data
  set ${w}_data($p) [$t get 1.0 end-1c]
  # show new data
  $t delete 1.0 end
  $t insert end [set ${w}_data($a)]

 # the ubiquitous demo
 proc treepad { {base {}} } {
  global i path

  if {$base=="."} {set base ""}

  # create paned window to hold tree and text
  panedwindow ${base}.pane
  pack ${base}.pane -side top -expand yes -fill both

  # give path default value
  set ::tree::path ${base}.pane.tree

  treectrl $::tree::path \
    -width 200 -height 300 \
    -showrootbutton no \
    -showbuttons yes \
    -showlines yes \
    -selectmode extended

  set tree::text ${base}.pane.txt
  text $tree::text -font {Times 12} -background #f8f8f8 -undo true

  # add to panes
  ${base}.pane add $tree::path $tree::text

  # binding to set active item
  $::tree::path notify bind $::tree::path <ActiveItem> {
   set tree::path %W
   set tree::active %c
   set x [winfo pointerx %W]
   set y [winfo pointery %W]
   tree:show $::tree::text %W %c %p
  # a simple counter
  set i 0
  # modify menus to suit application
  set ::popup::menu(main) {
    {cascade -label "Insert" -hidemargin 0 -command { tree:addItem  $tree::path Item_A[incr i] $tree::active }}
    {command -label "Delete" -command {tree:deleteItem $tree::path $tree::active}}
    {command -label "Rename" -command { tree:rename $tree::path $tree::active $x $y}}
    {command -label "'Collapser'" -command {tree:style $tree::path collapser}}
    {command -label "'Tree'" -command {tree:style $tree::path tree}}
    {command -label "Toggle Lines" -command {tree:showlines $tree::path}}
    {command -label "Show Root" -command {tree:showroot $tree::path}}
    {command -label "New" -command {
      tree:new $tree::path $tree::text
    {command -label "Load Tree.." -command {
             set tree::fname [tk_getOpenFile \
                      -defaultextension {.dat}  \
                      -initialdir . \
                      -filetypes {{{Tree Text} *.dat Text} {all *.* Text} } \
                      -initialfile $tree::fname \
                      -title "Load File..."]
                   tree:load $tree::path $tree::fname
    {command -label "Save Tree.." -command {
             set tree::fname [tk_getSaveFile \
                      -defaultextension {.dat}  \
                      -initialdir . \
                      -filetypes {{{Tree Text} *.dat Text} {all *.* Text} } \
                      -initialfile $tree::fname \
                      -title "Save File..."]
                   tree:save $tree::path $tree::fname

  # add a couple of items to the 'standard' edit popup
  append ::popup::menu(edit) {
    {command -label "Insert File.." -command {
      set tmp [tk_getOpenFile \
                    -defaultextension {.txt}  \
                    -initialdir . \
                    -filetypes {{{Tree Text} *.txt Text} {all *.* Text} } \
                    -initialfile {} \
                    -title "Insert File..."]
                    set fp [open $tmp r]
                    $tree::text insert insert [read $fp]
                    close $fp

  # initlialise the popup menus..
  popup::create main
  popup::create edit
  # assign bindings..
  bind $tree::path <Button-3> {popup::show %W main}
  bind $tree::text <Button-3> {popup::show %W edit}

  tree:init $tree::path
  tree:new $tree::path $tree::text

#--------------- # run application #--------------- treepad

Error in the execution of a script

SEH 20061028 -- When trying to execute this script I get the following error:

WJG 30/11/06 Try the above version. It should be OK.

Exe please!

Robert Abitbol I like your ideas, William. Well, you are writing your own editors for writing your thesis on Eastern Religion. As they say: necessity is the mother of invention'. This is also the way I work.

Is TreePad available as an exe that could run with Windows 98 or with Windows XP? If so, I'd love to try it! I have been looking for an outliner since the days of the Majestic GrandView on Dos but I can't seem to find one as good and moreover as intuitive (very important characteristic!).

If you want easy instructions to produce an exe, see here:

Thanks in advance!

WJG 30/11/06 I have the above wrapped as a starkit, I'll email you a copy.

Category Application - Category Editor utility