[Mac Cody]'s nearly [pure-Tcl] [PDF]-savvy [extension], whose home is on [SourceForge] at http://trampoline.sourceforge.net ---- [RS]: [Trampoline] is also a coding concept to allow unbounded [recursion]. ---- Trampoline is an extension to enable Adobe [PDF] output from the [canvas]. From SourceForge:- ''Trampoline! is a nearly pure-Tcl library extension that generates an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) document based upon the content of a Tk canvas. The intent of this extension is to provide a "modern" replacement for the Tk canvas widget command [postscript], which generates a Postscript document based upon the content of a Tk canvas. Trampoline! is striving to be compliant with Adobe PDF Reference version 1.4.'' [DPE] ''10 May 2005'' Thanks for a useful package. I found a bug with text that contains nothing but whitespace that causes '''generate''' to fail. This can be fixed by adding the following lines near the top of TextConvert: # Do not process blank text if {[string trim [$w itemcget $item -text]] == ""} { return "" } ---- [MP] ''13 August 2005'' Great package. I also found a bug, only the visible part of the canvas is placed in the pdf. This can be overcome when replacing AppendPageObject [winfo width $w] [winfo height $w] by set Size [$w cget -scrollregion] AppendPageObject [lindex $Size 2] [lindex $Size 3] In the '''generate''' proc. I have not tested it when ''scrollregion'' is not set in the canvas definition SH ''27 November 2006'' This isn't a bug, but an intended feature as one can see in the comment line above this command: # The page size mirrors the actual displayed geometry of the canvas. If you want to "capture" all items you can change the proc generate as follows: # get the current bbox-coords and store them into variables foreach {topLeftX topLeftY bottomRightX bottomRightY} [$w bbox all] {break} # move all items so that the top left corner has the coords 0,0 $w move all [expr {-$topLeftX}] [expr {-$topLeftY}] # use the bbox-coords for width and heigth, instead of the winfo-stuff #AppendPageObject [winfo width $w] [winfo height $w] set size [$w bbox all] AppendPageObject [expr {$bottomRightX - $topLeftX}] [expr {$bottomRightY - $topLeftY}] AppendContentObject $w # move the items back to their original positions $w move all [expr {$topLeftX}] [expr {$topLeftY}] ---- [Alastair Davies] uses this on the [MacOS X] platform, for which it needs one modification. The output file must be [fconfigure]d with '''-translation binary''' instead of '''-translation lf''' (16 Aug 2006) ---- [Category Package] - [Category Printing]