Version 8 of TearoffTabBar -Notebook Style Access to Floating Palettes

Updated 2005-01-21 14:57:25

WJG (17 January 2005)

Notebook widgets provide a quick and easily way to switch between forms. But, what if we want that sort visual style of access to windows, rather than pages?

As I don't have to get my daughter from school yet and I don't start work till tonight and the missus has gone out for lunch with her mates and.. Well, the truth is that I don't wnat to prune our trees on such a cold and damp day. So, I've spent the morning putting the bits together for such a widget. I'm sure that, indeed I hope that, other Tickler's out there will play-n-hack with this code. Next step, modify the palette window creation proc to produce a floating roll-up palette (See [L1 ]).

 # tearofftabbar.tcl
 # ------------------------
 # Copyright (C) 2005 William J Giddings
 # email: [email protected]
 # Description:
 # -----------
 # Provide a horizontal notebook tab-bar megawidget that allows
 # floating palettes to appear rather than book pages. Conceptually 
 # this is similar to a standard menu button but the author
 # is now able to embed other resources into the palette.
 # Creation:
 # --------
 # TearoffTabBar pathName ?option value...?  
 # Standard Options:
 # ----------------   
 # -relief            (default = flat)
 # -borderwidth       (default = 0)
 # Widget Specific Options:
 # -----------------------
 # -lbevel             Tab left bevel (default = 2)
 # -rbevel             Tab right bevel (default = 2)
 # -font               Tab font (default = Ariel 10)
 # -height             Set base tab height (default = 20) 
 # -width              Set base tab width (default = 75)
 # -shift              Set rise/drop of tags (default = +/-3)
 # Returns:            
 # --------                       
 # Pathname of the tabbar container.
 # Widget Commands:
 # --------
 # pathName add        Add new tab to the bar. Returns pathname of the palette created.            
 # pathName raisetab   Raise tab to topmost position.
 # pathName lowertab   Lowet tab.
 # Bindings:
 # -----------------------------------# 
 # Tab                 Button-1    Raise tab and show palette. Lower previously selected tab.
 # Palette             Focus-In    Raise associated tab.
 # Example:
 # -------
 # This module includes a demo proceedure. Delete and/or comment out as required.
 # Note:
 # ----
 # Work still in progress.
 # Future enhancements:
 # -------------------
 # 1) Improve/complete this notes section.
 # 2) Combine with floating-palettes.
 # 4) Means of tracking available palettes per tabbar widget.
 package require Tk

 namespace eval TearoffTabBar {}

 proc TearoffTabBar { pathName args} {
    # create private namespace and set defaults
    namespace eval ${pathName} {
        set height 20
        set width 75
        set relief flat
        set borderwidth 0
        set font {Ariel 10}
        set tabbg SystemButtonFace
        set tabhighlight #ddddcc
        set lbevel 2          ;# tab drawing parameter
        set rbevel 15
        set shift 3
        set image ""
        set lastx 0           ;# mouse inpt
        set lasty 0
        set lasttab ""        ;# hide/lower previous items
        set tabmin_x ""        ;# used in testing during dragging the tab in the tabbar
        set tabmax_x ""
    # parse args
    foreach {arg val} $args {
        puts "$arg : $val"
        switch -- $arg {
            -height -
            -relief -
            -borderwidth -
            -lbevel -
            -rbevel -
            -font { set ${pathName}::[string trimleft $arg -] $val }
    # create container
    canvas $pathName \
        -height [set ${pathName}::height] \
        -relief [set ${pathName}::relief] \
        -borderwidth [set ${pathName}::borderwidth]
    # Here comes the overloaded widget proc:
    rename $pathName _$pathName      ;# keep the original widget command
    proc $pathName {cmd args} {
        set self [lindex [info level 0] 0] ;# get name I was called with
        switch -- $cmd {
            add          {eval TearoffTabBar::add $self $args}
            raisetab     {eval TearoffTabBar::raisetab $self $args}
            lowertab     {eval TearoffTabBar::lowertab $self $args}
            default      {uplevel 1 _$self $cmd $args}
    return $pathName
 # add new items to the bar
 # currently creating tab at disired location, this perhaps causing problems
 # create tab, then move to xpos

 proc TearoffTabBar::add {pathName args} {
    # set some defaults
    set xpos 1
    set height [set ${pathName}::height]
    set width 75
    set title "NEW"
    set font {Ariel 10}
    set tabbg SystemButtonFace
    set image ""
    set palettewidth 100
    set paletteheight 150
    # parse args
    foreach {arg val} $args {
        switch -- $arg {
            -tag -
            -xpos -
            -height -
            -width -
            -title -
            -image -
            -font  { set [string trimleft $arg -] $val}
            -tabbg -
            -palettewidth -
            -paletteheight -
            -tabbackground { set tabbg $val}
    # add local vars, make this easier to read
    set lbevel [set ${pathName}::lbevel]
    set rbevel [set ${pathName}::rbevel]
    # draw the tab
    set tmp $xpos
    set xpos 0
    # 1) background polygon
    $pathName create polygon \
        0 $height 0 $lbevel \
        0 $lbevel $lbevel 0 \
        $lbevel 0 [expr $width - $rbevel] 0 \
        [expr $width - $rbevel] 0 $width $rbevel \
        $width $height  \
        -fill  $tabbg \
        -outline $tabbg \
        -tag "$tag $"
    #2) tab outline
    #2a) left line
    $pathName create line \
        $xpos $height \
        $xpos $lbevel \
        -fill white \
        -tag $tag
    #2b) left bevel 
    $pathName create line \
        $xpos $lbevel \
        [expr $xpos + $lbevel] 0 \
        -fill white \
        -tag $tag
    #2c) top line
    $pathName create line \
        [expr $xpos + $lbevel] 0  \
        [expr $xpos + $width - $rbevel] 0 \
        -fill white \
        -tag $tag
    #2d) right bevel
    #|              \
    #|               \
    $pathName create line \
        [expr $xpos + $width - $rbevel] 0 \
        [expr $xpos + $width] $rbevel \
        -fill #888888 \
        -tag $tag
    #2e) right line
    #|              \ 
    #|               \
    #|                |
    $pathName create line \
            [expr $xpos + $width] $rbevel \
            [expr $xpos + $width] $height  \
            -fill #888888 \
            -tag $tag
    #3) add icon
    if {$image != "" } { \
        $pathName create image \
            [expr $xpos + 4] 11 \
            -image $image \
            -anchor w \
            -tag "$tag $tag.image"
    # 4) add text
   $pathName create text \
        [expr $xpos + 22] 11 \
        -text $title \
        -anchor w \
        -font $font \
        -tag "$tag $tag.text"
    # shuffle the tabs down
    # --------
    $pathName move $tag $tmp 2
    # add bindings
    # select & raise tab
    $pathName bind $tag <ButtonPress-1> {
       set tags [lindex [%W gettags current] 0]
       #hide previous palette
       if { [set %W::lasttab] != "" } {
            wm withdraw [string tolower .[set %W::lasttab]]
       %W raise $tags
       %W raisetab $tags
       set %W::lasttab $tags
       set %W::lastx %x
       set %W::lasty %y
       update idletasks
       set %W::x %x
       #minmax %W
       #puts "$tags %x min [set %W::tabminx] max [set %W::tabmaxx]"
    # show palette
    $pathName bind $tag <Double-ButtonPress-1> {
       #hide previous palette
       if { [set %W::lasttab] != "" } {
            wm withdraw [string tolower .[set %W::lasttab]]
       %W raise [set %W::lasttab]
       %W raisetab [set %W::lasttab]
       TearoffTabBar::_placepalette %W

    # drag tab to different location
     $pathName bind $tag <Button1-Motion> {
         set tags [lindex [%W gettags current] 0]
         drag.canvas.item %W $tags %x -1
         #test to see if torn-ff
    # show palette
    $pathName bind %tag <ButtonRelease-1> {
       wm deiconify [string tolower .[set %W::lasttab]]
       #TearoffTabBar::_placepalette %W
       set %W::lastx %x
       set %W::lasty %y
    # create palette
    set title [string tolower $title]
    toplevel .$title
    wm transient .$title .
    wm title .$title "Palette: $title"
    wm protocol .$title WM_DELETE_WINDOW "wm withdraw .$title"
    wm withdraw .$title
    wm geometry .$title ${palettewidth}x${paletteheight}
    wm overrideredirect .$title 1
    bind .$title <FocusIn> ".ttb raisetab $title"
    return .$title

 proc drag.canvas.item {w item x y} {
     #test for locked axis, -1 = locked
     if {$x} {
         set dx [expr {$x - [set ${w}::lastx]}]
     } else  {
         set dx 0
     if {$y} {
         set dy [expr {$y - [set ${w}::lasty]}]
     } else  {
         set dy 0
     #test before moving
     if {[inside $w $item $dx $dy]} {
         puts inside
         $w move $item $dx $dy
     set ${w}::lastx $x
     set ${w}::lasty $y

 proc inside {w item dx dy} {
        #canvas extents
        set can(minx) 2
        set can(miny) 2
        set can(maxx) [expr [winfo width $w ] - 3 ] 
        set can(maxy) [expr [winfo height $w ] - 0 ]
        #item coords
        set item [$w coords $item]
        #check min values
        foreach {x y} $item {
            set x [expr $x + $dx]
            set y [expr $y + $dy]
            if {$x < $can(minx)} {
                return 0
            if {$y < $can(miny)} {
                return 0
            if {$x > $can(maxx)} {
                return 0
            if {$y > $can(maxy)} {
                return 0
        #puts $item
        return 1

 # move tag up 5 pixels
 proc TearoffTabBar::raisetab {pathName tag} {
    catch {  $pathName lowertab [set ${pathName}::lasttab] }
    $pathName raise $tag
    $pathName move $tag 0 -[set ${pathName}::shift]
    set ${pathName}::lasttab $tag
    $pathName itemconfigure $ -fill [set ${pathName}::tabhighlight]
 # move tag down 5 pixels
 proc TearoffTabBar::lowertab {pathName tag} {
    $pathName move $tag 0 [set ${pathName}::shift]
    $pathName lower $tag [set ${pathName}::lasttab]
    $pathName itemconfigure $ -fill [set ${pathName}::tabbg]
 # position palette window, called by tab bindings 
 proc TearoffTabBar::_placepalette {w} {
    set cc ""
    set aa [lindex [$w gettags current] 0 ]
    foreach item [$w coords $aa ] {
        set item [string trimright $item ".0"]
        lappend cc $item
    set maxx 0
    foreach {x y} $cc { 
        if {$x > $maxx} {
            set maxx $x
    set aa [string tolower $aa]                
    wm geometry .$aa +[expr [winfo rootx $w] + $maxx -90]+[expr [winfo rooty $w]+25]
    wm deiconify .$aa
 # test block
 proc demo {} {
    pack [TearoffTabBar .ttb -rbevel 15] -fill x
    pack [text .txt -font {Ariel 12} ] -fill both -expand 1
    set x 5
    # create some initial graphics
    image create photo im_red -data R0lGODlhDAAMAJEAAP////8AAAAAAAAAACwAAAAADAAMAAACCoyPqcvtD6OclBUAOw==
    image create photo im_green -data R0lGODlhDAAMAJEAAP///wD/AAAAAAAAACwAAAAADAAMAAACCoyPqcvtD6OclBUAOw==
    image create photo im_blue -data R0lGODlhDAAMAJEAAP///wAA/wAAAAAAACwAAAAADAAMAAACCoyPqcvtD6OclBUAOw==

     # Scotland Wales Ireland Eire
     foreach item {England Scotland Wales Ireland Eire} {
        .ttb add -title $item -font {Ariel 8} -xpos $x -width 90 -tag $item -image im_red
        .ttb lowertab $item
        incr x 75
        #add some palette widgets
        pack [frame .[string tolower $item].fra -height 150 -width 100 -relief raised -borderwidth 2] -fill both -expand 1
        pack [label .[string tolower $item].fra.lab1 -text $item -width 15 -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge]
        pack [label .[string tolower $item].fra.lab2 -text $item -width 15 -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge]
        pack [label .[string tolower $item].fra.lab3 -text $item -width 15 -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge]
     .txt insert end \
     "Tearoff Tabbar.
     Click on a tab...
         Drag left/right to move.
         Double-Click for popup-palette."

Category Widget