[Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-09-01 - Everything is a string - so why not music? Last summer I demonstrated how a simple, ASCII-based (string) input language can be interpreted and rendered as [notes on a canvas]. But music is most of all auditory - one wants to hear it too. As every note allows calculation of its pitch (frequency) and length in time units, it is comparably easy to convert a note-string to instructions for sound output, e.g. with [Snack]. One can also directly link mouseclicks to sound output, as in [A toy piano] - if playing with one stiff finger is enough for you... What was missing still, was the ability to "quantize" the piano keyclicks, to determine their length in terms of eigth/quarter/half/full bar note, which is crudely done in the below code. Then one has the possibility of clicking a melody together, recording the quantized notes, editing the resulting string, and replay it, save it as "sheet music", whatever - round-trip conversion from sounds to strings and back. [http://mini.net/files/tclmusic.jpg] Piecewise refinements on [a toy piano] (see [Playing with sound effects]) led to many new features, but also to untidy code. Thus it was time for a redesign under the name of ''TclMusic'', which started with the following sketchy spec of the ''music'' package: music::drawKeyboard music::drawNoteLines music::drawNote music::getFrequency music::play ;# (a list of notes and other markup) music::playNote If ''ms'' is -1, the note starts playing (e.g. after pressing a key). The sound is turned off again by calling with ''ms'' = 0. "Note" above refers to a string consisting of maximally four parts: * base note: [[A-Ga-g]], cover two octaves; x for pause * optional sign: [[#bB]]: b only after b, B only after B * optional octave marker: 1,2 go down, one to three 's go up * optional length marker: + double, - half, .: 1.5 times "Scores" or "tunes" are lists of such notes, plus * "x" for pauses * ">", "<" for piano/forte (low or high amplitude) changes * "/" signs have no effect, except of aiding the reader Test the UI demo, which comes up if this file is toplevel script, with the sample tune in the entry widget, and try to guess which popular song I meant ;-) Portions of the tune can also be played by selecting them, and right-clicking. Activating "Record" will copy the names of played notes into the entry for editing (lengths must be fixed manually) and replay. As additional educational goodie, the currently replayed note is highlighted in green on the keyboard. Right-clicking on a piano key displays its frequency in the bottom info label, in addition to the note name that is always shown. The canvas note display still leaves wishes open. #/b signs are just drawn as text, the little "factor 1.5" dots as commas (periods were too small). Very high or low notes just wander out of the picture.. This was just yet another weekend project, but I hope that some of you can enjoy it, and improve on it. Care was taken to isolate Tcl-based music processing from Tk widgetry, so the demo at end runs also in a tclsh - it plays the tune and displays the current note on stderr. A final "note": I don't know if it's Snack or the many [after]s that I'm planting, but this plaything did not so rarely hang or crash on my W95 box, when keyboard or mouse events occur while sounds are playing. Looks like this is sort of a stress test. Be warned, and ready to kill the thing in order to stop runaway sounds. } package require sound ;# snack without Tk namespace eval music { variable version 0.1 ;# well yes, with some iterations ;-) variable A 440 ;# standard pitch variable amplitude 20000 variable basicNames {c c# d d# e f f# g g# a bb b} variable bpm 72 variable dampInterval 100 ;# ms for damping steps variable dampConstant 0.3 variable freqMap ;# array (notename) -> frequency variable showNotes 0 ;# default for Tcl variable snackRate 22050 ;# sampling of sound objects variable snackShape 0.5 variable snackType sine ;# could also be rectangle or triangle } ;#--------------------------------------------------- Sound rendering proc music::play {score {Tk 0}} { variable amplitude set t 0 foreach item $score { switch -- $item { / {# bar ignored} < {after $t set music::amplitude [expr {$music::amplitude*2}]} > {after $t set music::amplitude [expr {$music::amplitude/2.}]} default { set dt [getDuration $item] after $t music::playNote $item $dt $Tk incr t $dt } } } } proc music::playNote {note {duration ""} {Tk 0}} { variable current $note variable showNotes set f [getFrequency $note] if {$f==""} {error "unknown note $note"} if {$duration==""} {set duration [getDuration $note]} if {$duration} {set ::last [playBegin $f]} if {$duration>=0} { set cmd "music::playEnd $::last" if {$Tk} { keyboardHilite $note 1 append cmd "; music::keyboardHilite $note 0" } after [expr {$duration/2}] $cmd } if {$showNotes && $duration >= 0} {drawNote $note} } proc music::playBegin {freq} { variable amplitude; variable snackShape; variable snackType variable snackRate set shape [expr {$freq<700? 0.95: $snackShape}] set soundname [snack::sound -rate $snackRate] variable $soundname; upvar 0 $soundname sound set filter [snack::filter generator $freq $amplitude\ $shape $snackType] if {$freq} {$soundname play -filter $filter} set sound [list $filter $freq $amplitude] set soundname } proc music::playEnd {{varName ""}} { variable dampConstant variable dampInterval if {$varName==""} {set varName $::last} variable $varName; upvar 0 $varName sound foreach {filter freq ampl} $sound break set a $ampl set dt $dampInterval set t 0 ;# abstract integer units if {$dampConstant <= 0} {set dampConstant 0.1} ;# avoid lock/crash while {$a > 50} { set a [expr {$ampl * exp(-$dampConstant * $t)}] after [expr {$t*$dt}] [list $filter configure $freq $a] incr t 1 } after [expr {$t*$dt}] " $varName stop $filter destroy $varName destroy unset music::$varName" } proc music::getDuration {note} { variable bpm set res [expr {60000/$bpm}] while {[regexp {(.+)[+]$} $note -> note]} { set res [expr {$res*2}] } while {[regexp {(.+)[-]$} $note -> note]} { set res [expr {$res/2}] } if {[regexp {(.+)[.]$} $note -> note]} { set res [expr {round($res*1.5)}] } set res } proc music::getFrequency {note} { variable freqMap set pureName [string trimright $note {+-.}] if {[info exists freqMap($pureName)]} { set freqMap($pureName) } ;# otherwise implicitly returns an empty string } proc music::_makeFreqMap {} { variable A variable basicNames variable freqMap set lda [expr {log($A)/log(2)}] set i 3 ;# C is 3 half-tones above A set freqMap(x) 0 ;# pause foreach name $basicNames { set f [expr {pow(2, $lda + $i/12.)}] set freqMap($name) $f set freqMap($name') [expr {$f*2}] set freqMap($name'') [expr {$f*4}] set uname [string toupper $name] set freqMap($uname) [expr {$f/2.}] set freqMap(${uname}1) [expr {$f/4.}] set freqMap(${uname}2) [expr {$f/8.}] incr i } } music::_makeFreqMap ;# proc'ed only to hide local variables #-----------------------------------------------Tk stuff: piano keyboard proc music::drawKeyboard {c x0 y0 dx dy nkeys} { variable current variable kbdCanvas $c set y1 [expr {$y0+$dy}] set y05 [expr $y1*.67] ;# length of black keys set dx2 [expr {$dx/2}] ;# offset of black keys set nkey 0 foreach note [noteSequence] { if {[incr nkey]>$nkeys} break set keycolor [keyColor $note] if {$keycolor=="black"} { set x [expr {$x0 - $dx*.35}] set id [$c create rect $x $y0 [expr {$x+$dx*0.6}] $y05 \ -fill $keycolor -tag [list $note black]] } else { set id [$c create rect $x0 $y0 [expr $x0+$dx] $y1 \ -fill $keycolor -tag $note] incr x0 $dx; incr x0 1 } $c bind $id <1> "music::TkOn $c $id $note" ;# sound on $c bind $id "music::TkOff $c $id $note";# sound off $c bind $id <3> \ "set music::current {$note: [format %.1f [getFrequency $note]] Hz}" $c bind $id "set music::current $note" $c bind $id "set music::current {}" } $c raise black set maxx [lindex [$c bbox all] 2] if {[$c cget -width]<$maxx} {$c config -width [expr {$maxx}]} set maxy [lindex [$c bbox all] 3] if {[$c cget -height]<$maxy} {$c config -height [expr {$maxy}]} } proc music::TkOn {canvas id note} { variable startTime [clock clicks -millisec] $canvas move $id -1 -1 ;# animate the key to look depressed playNote $note -1 } proc music::TkOff {canvas id note} { variable record; variable recorded variable startTime $canvas move $id 1 1 set dt [expr {[clock clicks -millisec] - $startTime}] if {$dt<130} { append note - } elseif {$dt>600} { append note ++ } elseif {$dt>300} { append note + } playNote $note 0 if {$record} {lappend recorded $note} } proc music::keyboardHilite {note mode} { variable kbdCanvas set note [string trimright $note {+-.}] set id [$kbdCanvas find withtag $note] set fill [expr {$mode? "green": [keyColor $note]}] $kbdCanvas itemconfig $id -fill $fill } proc music::keyColor {note} { expr {[regexp -nocase {#|bb} $note]? "black" : "white"} } proc music::noteSequence {} { variable basicNames set ubasic [string toupper $basicNames] foreach i $ubasic {lappend noteSequence ${i}2} foreach i $ubasic {lappend noteSequence ${i}1} foreach i $ubasic {lappend noteSequence ${i}} foreach i $basicNames {lappend noteSequence $i} foreach i $basicNames {lappend noteSequence $i'} foreach i $basicNames {lappend noteSequence $i''} set noteSequence ;# for conveniently creating the keyboard } #------------------------------------------- Tk stuff: Note rendering proc music::drawLines {canvas x0 y0 x1 dy} { variable noteMap variable scoreCanvas $canvas variable showNotes 1 set noteMap(topY) $y0 foreach i {1 2 3 4 5} { $canvas create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y0 incr y0 $dy } set noteMap(btmY) [expr {$y0-$dy}] set noteMap(newX) 600 ;# position where new notes are inserted array set noteMap [makeNoteTable [expr $y0-$dy/2] [expr {$dy/2}]] } proc music::drawNote {name} { variable noteMap variable scoreCanvas set c $scoreCanvas regexp {([A-Ga-gx])([Bb#])?[12']*([-+.]*)} $name -> note sign length if {$note=="x"} return ;# pause signs will come later foreach i {1 2} { ;# This is slightly wasteful, but makes the $c move note -9 0 ;# movement of notes better visible. update idletasks ;# Move once by 16 if this causes problems. } set y $noteMap($note) if {[string first 1 $name]>0} {incr y 21} ;# low note if {[string first 2 $name]>0} {incr y 42} ;# very low note while {[regexp (.+)' $name -> name]} {incr y -21} ;# high note set newX $noteMap(newX) set sx [expr {$newX+2}] switch -- $sign { # {$c create text $sx $y -text # -tag note;$c move note -8 0} B - b {$c create text $sx $y -text b -tag note;$c move note -8 0} } set y2 [expr {(($y+3)/6)*6+1}] set ax0 [expr {$newX-2}] ;#--------- auxiliary lines, above or below set ax1 [expr {$newX+11}] while {$y2 < $noteMap(topY)-1} { if {$y<$y2} {$c create line $ax0 $y2 $ax1 $y2 -tag note} incr y2 6 } while {$y2 > $noteMap(btmY)} { $c create line $ax0 $y2 $ax1 $y2 -tag note incr y2 -6 } set newX1 [expr {$newX+8}] set fill black if {[string first + $length]>=0} {set fill {}} $c create oval $newX $y $newX1 [expr {$y+5}] -tag note \ -fill $fill if {[string first . $length]>=0} { $c create text $newX1 $y -anchor w -text " ," -tag note } if {[string first ++ $length]<0} { set y0 [expr {$y>30? $y-20: $y+25}] set x0 [expr {$y>30? $newX1: $newX}] $c create line $x0 $y0 $x0 [incr y 3] -tag note if {[string first - $length]>=0} { set y1 [expr {($y0+$y)/2}] $c create line $x0 $y0 [expr {$x0+5}] $y1 \ -width 1 -tag note } } } proc music::makeNoteTable {y0 dy} { set basics {C D E F G A B} foreach i "$basics [string tolower $basics]" { lappend noteTable $i $y0 incr y0 -$dy } set noteTable } #-------------------------------------------- End of package contents package provide music $music::version #----------------------------------------------- Tk and pure-Tcl demos if {[file tail [info script]]==[file tail $argv0]} { set tune { e. d c c. A- A. G+ c e d+ / e. d c c. A- A. G c B d c+ x > g. a g g. e- g. g+ a g d+ < / e. d c c. A- A. G c B d c++ } if {[package provide Tk]!=""} { option add *Button.padY 0 wm title . "Tclmusic $music::version demo" canvas .s -bg white -height 80 music::drawLines .s 0 20 1000 6 frame .f button .f.play -text Play -command {music::play $tune 1} button .f.x -text X -command {set tune ""} checkbutton .f.record -text Record -variable music::record checkbutton .f.notes -text Notes -variable music::showNotes eval pack [winfo children .f] -side left -pady 0 -fill y entry .e -textvar tune bind .e {.f.play invoke} bind .e <3> {catch {music::play [selection get] 1}} trace variable music::recorded w {set ::tune $::music::recorded ;#} canvas .c -height 10 ;# dummy small to make it shrinkwrapped music::drawKeyboard .c 5 5 16 100 61 label .info -textvar info -width 80 -anchor w -relief sunken \ -borderwidth 1 set info "Welcome to TclMusic - enjoy the power of Tcl/Tk/Snack!" trace variable music::current w {set ::info $::music::current ;#} eval pack [winfo children .] -fill x wm resizable . 0 0 bind . {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} bind . ? {console show} } else { puts "Pure-Tcl music package demo - will last 50 seconds" after 50000 set awhile 1 trace variable music::current w { puts -nonewline stderr "$::music::current " ;#} music::play $tune vwait awhile } } ---- [Category Package] | [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]