[Paul Obermeier] 2006/01/15 Tcl3D enables the 3D functionality of [OpenGL] and other 3D libraries at the Tcl scripting level. Its main design requirement is to wrap existing 3D libraries without modification of header files and with minimal manual wrapping. This is accomplished by wrapping these libraries with the help of [SWIG]. Tcl3D was previously called [tclogl]. Sources, binaries and demos can be found at http://www.tcl3d.org See also the [Tcl3D Demo of the Month] page for additional demos. Two articles about Tcl3D appeared in the German Linux Magazin in 2006: [http://www.linux-magazin.de/heft_abo/ausgaben/2006/07/virtueller_buehnenbildner] and [http://www.linux-magazin.de/heft_abo/ausgaben/2006/10/im_rampenlicht] Please use the following page for discussion about Tcl3D: [Tcl3D Discussion] ---- See [http://www.tcl3d.org/html/history.html] for detailed release information. [PO] 2008/12/30 - Version 0.4.0 adds OpenGL wrapping based on GLEW 1.5.1: * Support for OpenGL versions up to 3.0. * No C++ dependency any more in the Tcl3D core module. * Removed wrapping of Windows specific OpenGL functions. * 4 new demos added since release 0.3.3. [PO] 2008/09/14 - Version 0.3.3 adds first official 64-bit Linux support and several bug fixes and enhancements: * Improved Mac OS X appearance. * Added reference manual. * Several new OpenGL utility procedures. * Speed improvement for copying Tcl lists into vectors. * 19 new demos added since release 0.3.2. [PO] 2007/02/25 - Version 0.3.2 adds first official Mac OS X support and several cleanups: * Unification of demo applications and presentation framework. * Added support for Visual Studio 2003 (7.1) and 2005 (8.0). * Added several new demos from NeHe and GameProgrammer.org. * Updated the following wrapped libraries: ODE, [GL2PS], [Cg]. [PO] 2006/06/19 - Version 0.3.1 adds the following features: * New library: [GL2PS] (Thanks to [IDG] for idea and first implementation) * Alpha release of ODE wrapper * More NeHe tutorials added: Lessons 19-21 * [Starpack] version of Tcl3D [PO] 2006/02/12 - Version 0.3 adds MacOS X and enhanced font support: * Support for MacOS X added. (Thanks to [DAS] for supplying patches and binaries) * New library: [FTGL], the OpenGL font rendering library. * Corrected and enhanced font handling under Windows in the tcl3dTogl widget. * Added some of NeHe's OpenGL tutorials. * Several bug fixes and enhancements. [PO] 2006/01/07 - Version 0.2 is a major rewrite of TclOgl and adds support for several new 3D libraries: * [OpenGL] Version 2.0 * Lots of OpenGL extensions * NVidia's [Cg] shader library * [SDL] (Simple DirectMedia Library) * 4 gauge widgets * Enhanced utility library ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Graphics] | [Category 3D Graphics] | [Category Tcl3D]|% !!!!!!