'''Tcl Implementations''' is a brief description of each implementation of Tcl listed in [Category Tcl Implementations], preceded by the language of its source code. %| Impl. Lang. | Implementation | Description |% &| C | [Tcl] | the definitive implementation and is written in C. The same code base can be used with different build options or targets, different sets of add-on packages, or different packaging (e.g. as a single binary file). These variations are distributions of [Tcl] and are covered in [Category Distribution]. |& &| C| [TinyTcl] | a slimmed-down fork of Tcl 6.7 |& &| C| [ettcl] | a slimmed-down fork of Tcl 7.x |& &| C| [PalmTcl] | a fork of Tcl 7.6 for PalmOS v3.x. See also [Small Tcl]. |& &| C| MicroTcl | a small subset of Tcl 8.4 for the Nebula 2 game/visualisation engine. See [Small Tcl]. |& &| C| [Jim]| intended as a small-footprint implementation of Tcl 8.x (not a fork of 7.x or earlier) |& &| C| [Picol]| a small interpreter in 500 lines of code - described as "an educational toy model only, it is weaker and slower than real Tcl" |& &| C| [Capicol]| [[please add description]] |& &| C++| [TinyTcl]| (same name, different project) is a small interpreter written from scratch |& &| C#| [tclcsharp]| a port of [Jacl] to [.NET] |& &| C#| [Jacl.NET]| another port of [Jacl] to [.NET] |& &| C#| [Eagle]| an implementation of Tcl 8.4 for the [CLR] with selected features borrowed from Tcl 8.5 and 8.6 as well. |& &| C| [Garuda]| Tcl package for full CLR access via [Eagle]. |& &| Parrot| [ParTcl]| the Tcl implementation for [parrot], the Perl 6 virtual machine |& &| Java| [Jacl]| intended as a full implementation of Tcl in Java |& &| Java| [JTcl]| implementation of Tcl 8.4 in Java |& &| Java| [Hecl]| designed to be small, intended for J2ME cellphones |& &| Java| [APWTCL (Java)]| very similar to [Jim], same commands as [APWTCL], additionally [itcl] functionality |& &| JavaScript| [Tcl in JavaScript]| converted from [Picol] |& &| JavaScript| [APWTCL]| converted and enhanced from [Tcl in Javascript] and [Jim], additionally [itcl] functionality |& &| FORTRAN| [FEMTOL] | |& &| [Tcl]| ''concept'', [HereTcl], [MicroTcl for Tcl9], [The Very Minimal Tcl Core Command Set], [Titoo: a thought experiment] or T2| [Implement tcl in tcl] |& &| Haskell| Hiccup | [http://code.google.com/p/hiccup/], a proof of concept inspired by [Picol], aims to mostly match Tcl 8.5 features |& &| Objective C| [APWTCL (Objective C)]| very similar to [Jim], same commands as [APWTCL], additionally [itcl] functionality |& Several of these implementations are intended to reduce the footprint of Tcl. For a discussion of these small implementations, see [Small Tcl]. Many take advantage of the smaller size of earlier versions of (definitive) Tcl: see [Advantages and disadvantages of different Tcl versions] for a comparison. ** Languages Inspired by Tcl ** These languages have recognizable similarities to Tcl: %| Name | Impl. Lang. | Description |% &| [Brush] | | A proposed language by [AMG]. |& &| [Byticle] | N/A | A fictive language in which there is *quite* no keyword, with a generalized infix notation. Related to [Tcl] by minimalism, and by space-delimited tokens. Inspired by [Scheme]. |& &| [Cloverfield] | [C] | By [FB]. Very nearly Tcl, with slightly different semantics in spots. Well-written and a source of ideas for future Tcl development. |& &| Cricket | | See [Small Tcl]. |& &| [http://ficl.sourceforge.net/%|%Ficl] | ANSI [C] | Really an implementation of Forth. |& &| [gotcl] | [Go] | Interpreter for a Tcl-like language as a Go library. |& &| [lil] | [C], [Free Pascal] (port) | A small, highly dynamic scripting language designed to be easily embedded in existing applications. |& &| [L] | | A compiled-to-byte-code language compiling to Tcl byte codes and thus leveraging the entire Tcl runtime. |& &| [Windows PowerShell%|%PowerShell] | [C#] | [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PowerShell%|%PowerShell at Wikipedia], [http://microsoft.com/powershell%|%PowerShell at Microsoft], [https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell%|%PowerShell at GitHub] |& &| [Rush] | [Scheme] and [C] (source code missing) | "Rush arose from a desire for a faster Tcl that would run applications at speeds near those achieved by their [C] equivalents." |& &| [szl] | [C] | A tiny, embeddable scripting engine inspired by Tcl and shell. |& &| Tinker | [C] | See [Small Tcl]. |& ** Misc ** Other systems listed on [Category Tcl Implementations] are not distinct implementations: [Parenthetcl]: is a Tcl/C hybrid for writing compiled Tcl extensions [Tclkit]: is really a [Tcl] distribution. It is a single binary file that provides Tcl/Tk and a number of popular extensions. ** See also ** * [Small Tcl] * [tclquadcode] <> Tcl Implementations