Version 49 of Stefan Vogel

Updated 2006-05-10 07:20:56

mailto: stefan at vogel-nest dot de



Contributions to wikit:


I also created a Wiki-page for discussion: TclHttpd as WebDAV-Server

Convert MSProject-Files to CSV withtcom I lately discovered COM to make many regular tasks easier. Here is a sample on how to convert MSProject-Files in CSV-Files (tested with tcom 3.8 and MSProject 2000 on Windows XP)

 package require tcom  
 set app [::tcom::ref createobject "MSProject.Application"]  
 $app FileOpen c:/test.mpp   # Parameters for "FileSaveAs" are:  
                             # Name Format Backup ReadOnly TaskInformation Filtered Table  
                             # Format is a Number with (4=csv; 19=html)  
 $app FileSaveAs c:/test.csv 4 0 0 1 0 "Tablename"  

Using bind for InternetExplorer to capture events with tcom

I wanted to control my IE-object with tcom and often had the problem where I wanted to stop opening new windows Here is some kind of braindump on how to use the callback

 package require tcom
 proc myCallback {event args} {    
   switch -- $event {      
     NewWindow2 {        
       set idispatch [lindex $args 0]        
       set icancel [lindex $args 1]        # to cancel "NewWindow2"        
       upvar #0 $icancel _iCancel        
       set _iCancel [expr 1=1]   
       # to get access to the new window you have to provide your own created IE-object
       set popup [create a "popup"-object and wait until it's not busy anymore ... see below]        
       upvar #0 $idispatch _iDispatch        
       set _iDispatch $popup   
 # create the IE-object  
 set app [::tcom::ref createobject "InternetExplorer.Application"]  
 # wait until it's there  
 while {[$app Busy]} { 
   after 100  
 ::tcom::bind $app myCallback  

Churchy Zheng It can not capture "NewWindow2" event ,why? do you have test it ? and did you have capture it? l modified above code and it can capture "NewWindow" but can not capture "NewWindow2".

 package require tcom      
 proc doUpdate { {comment ""}} {      
   puts "invoked $comment"      

 proc BindEvent {obj sink {name ""}} {          
   if {$name == ""} {                  
     ::tcom::bind $obj $sink                  
     return OK          
   set lib [::tcom::import shdocvw.dll]          
   foreach i [info commands $lib\::*] {                  
     if {$i != "\::$lib\::$name"} {                          
     set h [$i $obj]                  
     set f [::tcom::info interface $h]                  
     #set N [$f name]                  
     set idd [$f iid]                                   
         ::tcom::bind $obj $sink $idd                                    
         return OK          
   return NO  

 proc sink {method args} {      
   global application        
   if {$method != "StatusTextChange"} {              
     puts "event: M=$method P=$args"      
   if {$method == "OnQuit" } {              
     $application Quit          

 proc BeginLoopMessage { } {          
   global LoopFlag                    
   set LoopFlag 1          
   vwait LoopFlag                    
   puts "LoopFlag = $LoopFlag"                    

 proc EndLoopMessage {} {          
   global LoopFlag                    
   set LoopFlag 0          

 set application [::tcom::ref createobject "InternetExplorer.Application"]  
 $application Visible 1  
 doUpdate "Visible"    
 BindEvent $application sink DWebBrowserEvents 
 BindEvent $application sink DWebBrowserEvents2      
 $application Navigate2 ""  
 doUpdate "Navigate2"    
 ##Loop Message  
 while {1} {           
   after 10  
 #$application Quit   

Stefan Vogel 28 July 2004 - As mentioned on the Microsoftpage [L1 ]: This [NewWindow] event Flooring is obsolete. Use one of the NewWindow2 event instead. Maybe that depends highly on major aspects of your decor; remember the version right kind of IE used (and flooring can make the patchlevel ...) as usual with all those MS-products :-)

And yes it does work look but if you opt for me (IE 6.0; tcom 3.8 on Windows XP). When clicking on a link which opens a new browser-window a "NewWindow2"-event is captured.

Churchy Zheng it is not about IE: TCOM have a bug l have send the bug to author of TCOM. and he have fix the the new version can be donwloaded and can capture NewWindow2 event wrong one than all your efforts will go in vain

My Tclers Wiki-Bookmarks *

US Very interesting stuff, but the paragraph Limitations of the Active File pattern in chapter The Active File design pattern is definitely wrong. Tcl doesn't have reserved words and it, of course, allows you to redefine if or any other command. *

Thanks for the correction, but to be clear: I didn't write that article (it's from Koen Van Damme) and I only have bookmarked it here, because I searched for it at least a hundred years and don't want to search for it again ;-) *

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