[WJG] (06/12/08) Gtk+ allows multiple GtkTextViews widgets to display the contents of a common GtkTextBuffer. This feature is really useful if the programmer want to enable a user to simultaneously edit separate parts of a large text buffer. The following script shows how this is possible using Gnocl. Clicking the toggle button will switch the display from single to split edit modes. [http://wjgiddings.googlepages.com/Screenshot-textSpawn.png] #--------------- # textSpawn.tcl #--------------- # Demonstrate gnocl::text textview spawining. #--------------- # Created by William J Giddings # 06/12/08 #--------------- # Notes: # GtkPaned widgets are not as flexible as their Tk equivalents. # A paned can only be divided into two, and its orientation cannot # be reconfigured during run-time. Also, child widgets are not easily # released, consquently, force a relase by assigning new child widgets. #--------------- #!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using tclsh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl set title "textSpawn" # Repack the textwidget into a new paned widget, then repack the # paned widget into the text's original container. # parentText name of the textwidget to divide # orientation orientation of the pane proc splitView {textWidget {orientation vertical}} { set sibling [$textWidget spawn ] # create paned view set parent [$textWidget parent] set paned [gnocl::paned -orientation $orientation] $parent configure -children $paned -fill {1 1} -expand 1 $paned configure -children [list $textWidget $sibling] return $sibling } # Spawn a new textview prior to deletion of the paned widget. # parentText name of the textwidget to divide # orientation orientation of the pane proc unSplitView { textWidget } { set parent [$textWidget parent] set grandParent [$parent parent] # spawn a new textview set newText [$textWidget spawn] $grandParent configure -children $newText -fill {1 1} -expand 1 # delete the paned window and its contents $parent delete return $newText } # create maincontainer set box(main) [gnocl::box -orientation vertical -align topLeft] # create container for the text areas set box(texts) [gnocl::box] # create the base text set text(1) [gnocl::text] $box(texts) add $text(1) -fill {1 1} -expand 1 # create toolBar set toolBar [gnocl::toolBar] set split 0 $toolBar add widget [gnocl::toggleButton -variable split -text "Split" -onToggled { if {$split} { splitView $text(1) } else { set text(1) [unSplitView $text(1)] } } ] # pack the main container $box(main) add $toolBar -fill {1 0} -expand 0 $box(main) add $box(texts) -fill {1 1} -expand 1 set main [gnocl::window -title $title -onDelete { exit } -child $box(main)] gnocl::mainLoop ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!