Structured Query Language (or SQL, pronounced "Sequel") accesses [RDBMS] instances. In principle, one uses the same SQL to interrogate and update [Oracle], [PostgreSQL], [SQLite], etc. ... databases. In practice however ... :( ---- I think SQL queries should ''look'' structured but tools like Microsoft Query make it very hard to read. So I wanted a program that I could cut and paste from the tool and as it pasted it would structure it, e.g. convert SELECT ORDERS.ORDERNUMBER, ORDERS.CUSTNUM, ORDERITEM.AMOUNT, PART.TYPE, PART.MODEL, PART.PRICE FROM VTHOMAS.ORDERITEM ORDERITEM, VTHOMAS.ORDERS ORDERS, VTHOMAS.PART PART WHERE ORDERS.ORDERNUMBER = ORDERITEM.ORDERNUM AND PART.PARTNUM = ORDERITEM.PARTNUM into SELECT ORDERS.ORDERNUMBER , ORDERS.CUSTNUM , ORDERITEM.AMOUNT , PART.TYPE , PART.MODEL , PART.PRICE FROM VTHOMAS.ORDERITEM ORDERITEM , VTHOMAS.ORDERS ORDERS , VTHOMAS.PART PART WHERE ORDERS.ORDERNUMBER = ORDERITEM.ORDERNUM and PART.PARTNUM = ORDERITEM.PARTNUM so here it is in Tcl package require Tk proc my_textPaste w { $w delete 1.0 end set txt [::tk::GetSelection $w CLIPBOARD] regsub -all {,} $txt "\n ," txt regsub -nocase -all {\sand\s} $txt "\n and " txt $w insert 1.0 $txt } text .t -width 80 -height 40 pack .t bind . <> {my_textPaste %W; break} A testament to the power of the text widget. Let me see, that many lines in Java? I'd still be putting a stream together. - Vincent Thomas ---- Anyone have a good function built to escape user defined variables for inclusion in SQL statements? If so, why not put it here. [MG] mainly accesses MySQL from PHP, and often uses the addslashes() function for escaping data for MySQL queries. So, here it is, extremely simply, in Tcl: proc addslashes {str} { return [string map [list \" "\\\"" \' "\\\'" "\\" "\\\\" "\00" "\\\00"] $str]; };# addslashes % addslashes {This "is" MG's test string} This \"is\" MG\'s test string [CMM] Thanks [MG]. [Pgintcl] does it this way for [postgresql] strings. proc pg_escape_string {s} { return [string map {' '' \\ \\\\} $s] } ---- [Category Acronym] | [Category Database] | [Category Language]