''The "rchan" command is now part of [CritLib] [http://www.equi4.com/critlib]'' where it is called "[rechan]". ---- This package defines an "rchan" [command], which lets you create [Tcl]-style [channel]s that are completely handled by Tcl scripts, instead of [C] code. The rchan [extension] itself is written in C, and requires [Critcl] to turn it into an extension (on the fly) Rchan must be called with two arguments to create a new channel: rchan cmd mode Where: cmd = the name of the "callback" that will process requests mode = the open mode: 2 is read only (not thoroughly tested yet) 4 is write only (not thoroughly tested yet) 6 is R/W, the normal case The callback cmd can be one or more words (i.e. a list). Depending on the operation, a request name and some args will be tacked on before invoking it. The following requests are implemented: +++ $cmd seek $chan ?? called when a "seek $chan ??" is done $cmd read $chan called when a "read $chan " request is made $cmd write $chan called when a "write $chan " request is made +++ Other operations are not supported ([close], for example, so the caller must keep track of this channel and clean up as appropriate - which is messy). Rchan is not all that capable, it does not work well with [fileevent]s, and in general it definitely could use some re-work and modernization. But it has been invaluable in [TclKit] to implement its database-backed [VFS] design. Without some sort of "reflection", the Virtual File System (whether the original one by [Matt Newman] or the C-based on in the [core] by [Vince Darley]) could not have been implemented. It is hoped that one day, some sort of channel reflection becomes part of standard Tcl, and included in the core. Nov 2003 status - close is now also tracked, and file-event friendliness is ok now. (This is not new, but as this page appears to have been edited recently, I thought I'd update the facts about it as well) -[jcw] ---- [PWQ] ''19 Feb 05'', surely you jest, ''mode = 2,4,6''?. You really mean '''mode = r,w,r+||w+''' do you not? [Zarutian] 7. mars 2005: it gives an error indicating that it expected an integer but not a char in every instance of r,w,r+||w+. I suspect the integer is treated like a set of binary flags of (to us) an unknown length. ''PWQ'', my comment wasn't a bug report, it was to say '''WTF?, this is TCL not C, we use strings not numbers for parameters.''' That is to say , IMO the code should use string arguments to open and not numbers. [Zarutian] 4. june 2005: I am as perplexed as you but this is what the command accepts as parameters. 11jun05 [jcw] - Heh, so it took 3 years to expose my craziness, eh? ;) - I'm amazed by this response, actually, since it takes just one line of Tcl to wrap this logic into whatever API you prefer. Let me reveal a secret: I don't code in C to create a nice Tcl API: I use Tcl for that. ''This isn't flame bait, but you are welcome to point to the above as proof (at last!) that everything I do is madness '' ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Channel]|% !!!!!!