[Jorge Moreno] <
> [JorgePIC%|% width=200 height=200] <
> <> ** contact ** jorge raul moreno -at- hot mail -dot- com ''I heard that every android has a wish: to be ticklish...''<
> This Android never suffered Pteronophobia (the fear of being tickled by feathers!) [androwishIcon3%|% width=100 height=100] ** Great Tutorials ** * Learn X in Y minutes (Where X=Tcl) https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/tcl/ * A Brief Introduction to Tcl/Tk ftp://ftp.oreilly.com/pub/convention/os/tutorial/tcltk.pdf ** My Books:** %|Title|Author|% &|Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk |Brent Welch|& &|Effective Tcl/Tk Programming |Mark Harrison/Michael McLennan|& &|Tcl/Tk for Real Programmers |Clif Flynt|& &|The Tcl Programming Language |Ashok P Nadkarni|& Effective Tcl/Tk Programming ---- ** Pages I started...** * [LogParser] * [LogParser goes COM] * [playing BLT] * [timeliner (minutes instead of years)] * [multiple timers] * [a form for Access Database] * [Clif Flynt Articles] * [LemonTree branch] * [Tclodbc + BLT] * [a perpetual calendar] * [JeeMon] * [Mavrig] * [LemonTree Org Chart] Oct-9-2012 * [Playing PIC Simulation] Nov-11-2012 * [Web Scraping with htmlparse] Dec-4-2012 * [CGI script for directory listing, simple posts and templates] Dec-29-2012 * [Androwish: Icon] * [colorized crc] * [plink] * [Interfacing PS2 Keyboard with Arduino and Androwish] * [BLT data series in rows or columns] * [Androwish Serial Port] * [Script Catalog - KPV] * [Uli Ender bitbang I2C with Arduino] 11/23/2019 ---- ** pages where I have made minor edits...** * [toggle button] on Feb-2011 * [web2desktop] on 7/27/2011 * [Turtle Shell for Androwish] 3/21/2014 * [Ticker] 4/2/2014 * [True Random Numbers] 4/3/2014 ---- ** when programming with Tcl, I use:** for XML parsing * drive [LogParser] through COM and Tcl web scrapping * tool that helps: firefox add-on that shows tdom structure (DOM Inspector) * tool that shows http protocol (HttpFox) * [LemonTree branch] diagrams * http://www.graphviz.org/ * [Tcldot] * [XML Graph to canvas] * [Generating Syntax Diagrams Using Tk] WebServer * [Wibble] * [tclHttpd] Static content * [MajaMaja] driving other windows application * [cwind] Most used: * [tclODBC] * [BLT] * [tablelist] ---- ** Bookmarks:** * [Windows wish console] * [a little spreadsheet] * [Using Tcl to write WWW client side applications within the WWW browser] * Home Automation Portal Appliance with Tcl: http://hometoys.com/emagazine.php?url=/htinews/apr06/articles/appliance/part2.htm * http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/other/http-headers-for-dummies/ ---- * [Teach programming to children] * [High-level wrapper for pdf4tcl] * http://tcl.projectforum.com/young/22 * http://incrtcl.sourceforge.net/itcl/mmc/snaps.html * [Quick photo rotation] which includes how to rotate a label... ---- 2013-12-07 [A few of your favorite things] about editing scripts with [Tkcon]<
> 2014-06-25 [Hack-O-Matic]<
> 2014-08-09 [filewait]<
> 2014-08-22 [Quick Formatting ANSI Colour Escape Strings]<
> 2014-08-22 [cgrep - Color your output with regular expressions!]<
> 2014-10-03 [WikIndent] input line by line<
> 2015-03-13 [Freecell] for a cross platform alternative to SystemButtonFace color<
> 2015-03-13 [Invoking browsers] to launch firefox under linux<
> 2015-10-15 [vgrep: a visual grep]<
> 2016-11-17 [serial ports on Windows]<
> [Matthias Hoffmann] * [Simple Program Menu] [Detlef Groth] * [TemplateRecall] * [dgDBBrowser] [wdb] * [MTE] 2017-03-17 [minimalist wget]<
> 2017-07-05 [getopt] to parse out switches from the command line (argv) by name<
> 2017-07-11 [LiSA]<
> SWIG exemples http://wfr.tcl.tk/1693 <
> * Markup and text processing: Scan and modify text files http://wiki.tcl.tk/15518 <
> Easy Text Print (includes awk) http://wiki.tcl.tk/42409 <
> [Wiki format to HTML] on 7/8/2011 <
> 'xpg' - a text file browser (includes awk) http://wiki.tcl.tk/38443 awk and shell script <
> 2020-11-25 Domain Specific Language - https://medium.com/@jeffreybian/tcl-domain-specific-language-made-easy-820634556<
> *** Web *** %|Date|Page|tags|% &|2017-12-20|[Editing the Tcl'ers Wiki using an editor of your choice]|TBD|& &|2017-12-28|[w3m]|automate web browser with Expect|& *** SQLite *** %|Date|Page|tags|% &|2017-12-20|[Get CPU Temperature Statistics]|sqlite|& &|2017-12-28|[Paging with TkTreeCtrl + SQlite]|CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS|& &|2015-01-13|[Heronian triangles]|TBD|& 6/7/2018 Web HTML http * [MkBugs] * [My first wapp-lication] * [Tcl does OCR online] 3/27/2019 *** Arduino *** [Firmata]<
> [Interfacing PS2 Keyboard with Arduino and Androwish]<
> [JeeMon]<
> [A scale with Arduino and AndroWish]<
> <
> *** BLT *** [Filtering measurement values with a 1D Kalman filter]<
> ---- BLT-newbie - barchart: How to display value under mouse cursor<
> http://computer-programming-forum.com/57-tcl/b286e0c308f1604e.htm<
> ---- BLT graph: Problem setting colors using RGB notation<
> http://computer-programming-forum.com/57-tcl/790b8f5784d4984a.htm<
> ---- BLT vector creation: creation time grows as number of vectors created grows<
> http://computer-programming-forum.com/57-tcl/326d86938e3c7375.htm<
> *** Code Review:*** * [OpenSky API] * [LogParser accessing the Windows event log] * Androwish - Tcl interface to libmodbus, using Ffidl and TclOO *** Assemblers:*** * Uli Ender's - See [17th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting 2019] * https://spivey.oriel.ox.ac.uk/corner/Nanocomp_clock (assembler in Tcl, C code for attiny85) * [Qibec] <
> ** My formatting guide** *** Italics:*** ''My quick reference'' ''My quick reference'' *** Bold:*** '''My formatting guide''' '''My formatting guide''' *** Numbered List*** xxxd.xItem1 1. Item1 ======tcl puts "Tcl is great!" ====== puts "did I mention that Tcl is great?" ====== puts "Tcl/Tk" ====== Links:<
> For [Formatting Rules] click [Formatting Rules%|%here%|%] or http://wiki.tcl.tk%|%here%|% <
> [graffiti] ---- ** tclODBC + tclhttpd ** ''[JM] 22 Jul 2011'' - I was just playing a little bit with [tclhttpd] by putting the following code on the file: \htdocs\cgi-bin\test.cgi package require tclodbc set driver "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" set dbfile "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\office11\\samples\\Northwind.mdb" puts [html::h3 "getting info from Access through tclODBC..."] puts "" database connect db "DRIVER=$driver;DBQ=$dbfile" foreach rec [db "select EmployeeID,LastName,FirstName FROM Employees;"] { puts "" foreach field $rec { puts "" } puts "" } puts "
" db disconnect just after the following existing lines: puts [html::h1 "Hello, World!"] puts [html::h2 [clock format [clock seconds]]] and I got a dynamic page that queries the database that comes as a sample with the [Microsoft Access] installation. you can get there by means of the '''CGI''' link on the home page, then through the '''Sample form posted to test.cgi''' and finally hitting the "Submit Query" button. ---- ** pscp ** ''[JM] 7 Sep 2013'' - pscp from the http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/%|%putty%|% family of tools, see also plink * The following script runs on a windows machine * Getting a file from an ubuntu machine * The file will be copied to c:\putty in this case console show proc action {} { cd c:/putty set f [open "|\"pscp.exe\" -l jorge -pw yourpwd [.from get]:[.path get] ."] puts done } entry .from entry .path -width 50 button .button -text get -command action .from insert 0 jorge@ .path insert 0 /home/jorge/sample.txt pack .from .path .button ** gnuplot and the tkcanvas terminal type ** ''[JM] 26 Oct 2013'' - I dont know why, but I had to put some puts commands after the [source] command to make http://wfr.tcl.tk/273%|%it%|% work, if not, I was getting an error saying that the gnuplot commmand did not exist console show #set gpexe C:/gnuplot-4.0/bin/pgnuplot.exe set gpexe "C:/Program Files (x86)/gnuplot/bin/pgnuplot.exe" #set outfile C:/data/resultat.tk set outfile "C:/Users/jmoreno/Documents/code/gnuplot/resultat.tk" set gp [open "|\"$gpexe\"" r+] puts $gp "set term tk" puts $gp "set output '$outfile'" puts $gp "set noborder\nset zeroaxis" puts $gp "set xtics 1\nset ytics .5" puts $gp "plot \[-2:2\] atan(x)" close $gp pack [canvas .c] source $outfile puts $outfile puts [info commands gnu*] update gnuplot .c ''[JM] 7 Nov 2014'' - Looks like the real fix is this (just waiting a little, to let pgnuplot.exe to completely close): console show #set gpexe C:/gnuplot-4.0/bin/pgnuplot.exe set gpexe "C:/Program Files (x86)/gnuplot/bin/pgnuplot.exe" #set outfile C:/data/resultat.tk set outfile "C:/Users/jmoreno/Documents/code/gnuplot/resultat.tk" set gp [open "|\"$gpexe\"" r+] puts $gp "set term tk" puts $gp "set output '$outfile'" puts $gp "set noborder\nset zeroaxis" puts $gp "set xtics 1\nset ytics .5" puts $gp "plot \[-2:2\] atan(x)" close $gp after 1000 pack [canvas .c] source $outfile #puts "we are at: [pwd]" #puts $outfile #puts [info commands gnu*] #update gnuplot .c ** Expect ** ''[JM] 18 Feb 2014'' - The following example was good for me to try the basics<
> [Remote input-output with Expect] ** XML Post HTTP ** ''[JM] 26 Feb 2017'' - from:<
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.tcl/B6afDJQg8LA package require http console show set organism_name "nipah" set xml " B0905 org.pdb.query.simple.OrganismQuery Organism Search : Organism Name=$organism_name $organism_name " set url "http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/rest/search" set tok [::http::geturl $url -query $xml -type application/x-www-form-urlencoded] set rep [::http::data $tok] puts "[::http::status $tok]" puts $rep ::http::cleanup $tok ** Where is tablelist? ** % package require tablelist 5.13 % package ifneeded tablelist 5.13 package provide tablelist 5.13;source -encoding utf-8 C:/Tcl/lib/teapot/package/tcl/teapot/tcl8/8.0/tablelist-5.13.tm % C:\Tcl\lib\teapot\package\tcl\lib\tablelist_common5.13 ** TreeQL Examples ** +& | 1 | [wiki-reaper] | tbd +& | 2 | [Web Scraping with htmlparse] | withatt type +& | 3 | https://github.com/jtcl-project/jtcl/blob/master/src/main/resources/tcl/pkg/tcllib/library/page/util_norm_peg.tcl | over n ** Other scripts that need some polishing ** *** extract images from pdf *** ''[JM] 20 Nov 2020'' - This is mostly code from [miniMu] ====== package require mupdf console show set pdfFileName [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes {{Pdf .pdf}}] set pdf [mupdf::open $pdfFileName] set pageQty [$pdf npages] for {set i 0} {$i < $pageQty} {incr i} { set page [$pdf getpage $i] ;# 0 is the 1st page set ctr 0 foreach imagen [$page images list] { puts $imagen set id [$page images extract -id [lindex $imagen 0] -as "img$i-[lindex $imagen 1]"] incr ctr } } ====== *** yet another grepGUI *** ''[JM] 20 Nov 2020'' - grepGUI based on [RS]'s code from [grep] ====== console show set W 30 set H 100 set X 0 set Y 0 console eval { set W 80 set H 70 set X 0 set Y 0 wm geometry . ${W}x$H+$X+$Y } label .mask_label -text "Files:" -justify right label .patt_label -text "Regular expression:" entry .files -textvariable filemask button .btn -text grep! -command { console eval { .console delete 1.0 end } main refile.txt [.files get] } text .txt1 -height 10 grid .mask_label -row 0 -column 0 -sticky e grid .files -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w grid .btn -row 0 -column 2 grid .patt_label -sticky w grid .txt1 - - #defaults set filemask "*.log" .txt1 insert end "^C\[XL\]\n" .txt1 insert end "ERROR:\n" .txt1 insert end "Test Case:\n" .txt1 insert end "Other\n" proc main {refile fileGlob} { puts [.txt1 get 1.0 end] set REset [split [string trim [.txt1 get 1.0 {end-1 char}]] \n] set files [eval glob -types f $fileGlob] foreach file $files { puts "============ $file" set fp [open $file] grep-f $REset $fp close $fp } } proc grep-f {REset fp} { while {[gets $fp line] >= 0} { foreach RE $REset { if {[regexp $RE $line]} { puts $line break } } } } ====== *** loteria - card creator *** ''[JM] 26 Nov 2020'' - based on [Maritime Signal Flags]<
> for this to work, you will need the 54 images named lote'''nn'''.jpg ====== ##################################################################### # Creador de Cartas de Loteria # # # Mostly based on: # Marine Signal Flags & Flag System # # 2002-11-05 Keith Vetter # 2005-06-10 HJG: Numeric Flags + some extra Chars (Answer...) ##################################################################### package require Tk package require Img console show for {set i 1} {$i < 55} {incr i} { set ctr [format "%02d" $i] lappend parms [list flower$i xColor lote$ctr.jpg] } # ------------- # create images from files # ------------- set i 0 foreach item $parms \ { foreach {name color file} $item break lappend list [incr i] set names($i) $name set colors($i) $color set files($i) $file } foreach i $list { # tk_messageBox -message "$i $names($i) $files($i)" image create photo $names($i) -file $files($i) set image $names($i) set ww [image width $image] set hh [image height $image] # create the mini image from the full image foreach {type factor} {mini 3} \ { set ww2 [expr {$ww / $factor}] set hh2 [expr {$hh / $factor}] image create photo ${type}$i -width $ww2 -height $hh2 ${type}$i copy $image -subsample $factor } } proc Flags {letter row col} { if {$letter == ""} { puts "$letter $row $col" } set xy [Shift $row $col 40 80] puts $xy .c create text $xy -text $letter -anchor c -tag lbl -font {Times 12 bold} .c create image $xy -image mini$letter } # Shift - Shift coords over to a given row,col cell proc Shift {row col args} { set drow 100 set dcol 80 set x0 [expr {$col * $dcol}] set y0 [expr {$row * $drow}] set result {} foreach {dx dy} $args { lappend result [expr {$x0 + $dx}] [expr {$y0 + $dy}] } return $result } # Scales a unit figure into a given row,col cell proc ScaleShift {row col xy} { set drow 100 set dcol 80 set sx 50 ;# Scale factor in x set sy 40 set x0 [expr {($col + .5) * $dcol}] set y0 [expr {($row + .5) * $drow}] set result {} foreach {dx dy} $xy { lappend result [expr {$x0 + $sx*($dx-.5)}] [expr {$y0 + $sy*($dy-.5)}] } return $result } # DoString -- shows a whole string as semaphore proc DoString {str} { global type .c delete all set alpha 1 ;# In alpha by default set row [set col 0] ;# Initial position set max_col [expr {[winfo width .c] / 80}] ;# Wrap column set max_col 4 foreach letter [split $str ,] { puts "calling Flags: $letter" Flags $letter $row $col foreach {row col} [NextCell $row $col $max_col] break } .c config -scrollregion [.c bbox all] .c yview moveto 1 } proc NextCell {row col max_col} { if {[incr col] >= $max_col} { return [list [incr row] 0] } return [list $row $col] } proc Tracer {args} { DoString $::mytext } ################################################################ # Put up our gui: set type flags canvas .c -highlightthickness 0 -bd 2 -relief raised -width 300 -height 400 \ -yscrollcommand {.sb set} scrollbar .sb -orient vertical -command {.c yview} entry .title -font {Times 18 bold} -relief raised frame .f label .lbl -text "Type text to see" entry .e -textvariable mytext pack .title -side top -fill x pack .e .f -side bottom -fill x # pack .sema .flag -in .f -side right # pack .lbl -in .f -side left pack .sb -side right -fill y pack .c -side top -fill both -expand 1 bind .c <2> [bind Text <2>] ;# Enable dragging w/ button 2 bind .c [bind Text ] bind .c Tracer bind all {.c yview scroll [expr {-%D/120}] units} update trace variable mytext w Tracer set mytext "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16" .title insert end "Your name here..." focus .e .e icursor end .e select range 0 end ====== <> Person