[WJG] (17/03/11) I don't like bloatware. I like things simple, like me. The media players that ship with our Distros are just too complicated and well, annoying. I wanted to listen to my favourite audio tracks whilst working this morning and was so fed up of fiddling with apps that I thought: "Gnocl has built-in sound playback, let's build a custom jukebox!" So, here it is. ====== #--------------- # playOGG.tcl #--------------- #!/bin/sh #\ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl set box [gnocl::box -orientation vertical] set i 0 foreach track [lsort [glob *.ogg]] { set b($i) [gnocl::button \ -icon %#Cdrom \ -text $track \ -onClicked "gnocl::sound \"$track\""] $box add $b($i) incr i } gnocl::window -child $box gnocl::mainLoop ====== [WJG] (18/03/11) The problem with little nibbles like the one above is that they make you greed, you want more. After a little while one might become bloated! However, all that extra power comes from the Gnocl bindings to the Gtk+ libraries so even the a growing Tcl based app remains slim. Yesterday I listen to my favourite Italian madrigals all day long and wanted a bit of a change. So, modified the code somewhat to allow directory changes and used a gnocl::list widget rather than buttons. Much nicer. I think that I'll listen to my favourite Vivaldi guitar concertos today. Here's my screenshot: [https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_yaFgKvuZ36o/TYNIXdJTtcI/AAAAAAAAA2M/24hDRM2KGxk/s800/Screenshot-JukeBox%20%281.0%29.png] And the script: ====== #--------------- # jukeBox.tcl #--------------- #!/bin/sh #\ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl #--------------- # create playlist #--------------- proc playList { dir {type ogg} } { global lst cd $dir # clear the existing playlist $lst erase 0 end set tracks "" catch { set tracks [glob *.ogg] } if {$tracks == ""} { makeUI [gnocl::fileChooserDialog \ -title "JukeBox: No tracks found. Select Collection Folder.." \ -action openFolder \ -currentFolder $dir ] } foreach track [lsort $tracks] { $lst add [list [list $track]] } } #--------------- # make ui #--------------- proc makeUI {dir} { global lst cd $dir set cb [gnocl::folderChooserButton \ -title "JukeBox: Select Collection Folder" \ -onFileSet {playList %f}] set lst [gnocl::list \ -titles {"Track"} \ -types {string } \ -onSelectionChanged { gnocl::sound [%w get %p 0 ] }] playList $dir set box [gnocl::box -orientation vertical] $box add $cb $box add $lst -expand 1 -fill {1 1} gnocl::window \ -title "JukeBox (1.0)" \ -child $box \ -widthRequest 250 \ -heightRequest 600 \ -onDelete exit } #--------------- # use specified directory or pick a new one #--------------- if { $::argc > 0 } { makeUI $::argv } else { # select a directory makeUI [gnocl::fileChooserDialog \ -title "JukeBox: Select Collection Folder" \ -action openFolder \ -currentFolder $::env(HOME)/Music ] } ======