Don't ask what FW stands for. It's not really embarrassing, it's just silly. Plus I'm going to change my Wiki handle soon anyway. I tend to use the name Metaxy nowadays in most places. Aka Alex Liebowitz. You might see me in the Tcl'ers chat every so often, or on [Everything2] as "quoi?". I hate [expr]. If you like Tcl for its high-level programming style, simplicity and cross-platform compatibility, you may also want to check out REBOL: Its main disadvantage is that it's closed-source (though there appears to be an initiative to develop an open-source clone []). Another disadvantage Tcl'ers (such as myself) may find is that it has many, many data types (it even has a types for things like e-mail addresses) and has no built-in implementation of threads or tasks or an event loop. A threading engine has been implemented, but instead of internal bytecode-based threading, it threads by running one line of actual textual code at a time from each thread. It's stupid, I know, but technically it works. This has been an unpaid advertisement. Oh, and I have a website (well, once I finish redoing it under a new domain): [] Some code/writing of mine: * [A little chat server] * [Pure numbers] * [Internal scrollbars] * [HTMLize an image] ---- AIM Metaxyy, Yahoo! fimeriotuzit, ICQ 78769162, e-mail ---- [[ [Category Person] | [Category Home Page] ]]