I'm David Gale and this is my page WiKi thingey :) I'm the author of the (now defunct) [OpenVerse Visual Chat] which was a tcl application for chatting to people from all over the world. http://openverse.com/ is where you can find that software. Since leaving the OpenVerse project, I now spend most of my time fishing. You can check out lots of photographs and fishing reports at my web site http://openverse.com/Fishing Also, There is a BBS which I created to talk about fishing on and you can access that by going to http://www.liphooked.com/ . Hope to see you there! NOTE - THERE IS A NEW MOVIE OUT CALLED THE LIFE OF DAVID GALE. It's not about me. The damn movie isn't even out yet and people are saying stupid stuff to me like "You don't look anything like Kevin Spacey" Well of course I don't! ---- [Category Home Page]