Early in 2003, [Bill Wallace] contributed a patch which makes it practical [[with which version?]] to write critcl::config language c++ ''Re version: see changelog at [http://www.equi4.com/pub/sk/critcl.kit/ChangeLog] -[jcw]'' ---- But what's the point? Since [Critcl] is at its best coding tiny bits of what inventor [JCW] calls "grease", what's the advantage of C++ over C? A concrete example will probably be instructive ... ---- [KBK] Perhaps the point is that many applications, especially on Windows, export APIs that are accessible only from C++? if you're using Critcl to build a Tcl interface to one of them, you'll need something like Bill's patch. ''Another use is to glue to existing libraries which have a C++ API -[jcw]'' ---- How does this work? Are there any examples? When i insert the above code my library will not build complains about ns_XX_Init not being found(where XX is the name of the namespace) tgruben@flightlock.com 24apr03 [jcw] - Ah, thanks for pointing this out. Turns out that you also need to add "critcl::clibraries -lstdc++". Here's an example (output is "123"): package require critcl critcl::config language c++ critcl::clibraries -lstdc++ critcl::ccode { class A { int value; public: A() : value (123) {} operator int() const { return value; } }; } critcl::cproc tryplus {} int { A var; return var; } puts [tryplus]