Version 44 of Coming to Tcl/Tk from an IDE environment

Updated 2010-04-28 19:07:40 by AMG

Ari: I was so frustrated that there is no basic IDE for TCL that I wrote two very basic BATCH files that will get the trick done.

You can accomplish the same thing by running a fraction of this code every time in the run command but I figured this might get the job done especially if you are a beginner and just playing around with "Hello World" TCL application. Though this program isn't much it can be really helpful to those newbies like myself.

Hard-coded file

Rem This program will run any TCL file in the "Programs" folder through a DOS IDE of the ActiveTCL machine
Rem Note: Filename must be hard coded into this BATCH file

Rem Create command line that will read this file:
Rem "C:\...\Programs\<file name>"
Rem Run it in here:
Rem "C:\Tcl\bin\tclsh85.exe"
Rem And then wait under you press enter to exit

@echo off


ECHO Program begins here...
ECHO "<------------------>"

Rem Set the file name of target TCL file to run
Set filename=hello.tcl

Rem Target TCL Engine
Rem Example: Using ActiveTCL
Set engine=c:\Tcl\bin\tclsh85.exe

Rem Start folder where TCL file is located
Set folderpath=C:\...\Programs\

Rem Run the TCL program via the engine
%engine% %folderpath%%filename%

ECHO "<------------------>"
ECHO Program ends here...

Rem Waiting for user to press a key to quit

Passing parameter in RUN or command prompt

Rem This program will run any TCL file in the "Programs" folder through a DOS IDE of the ActiveTCL machine
Rem Note: Must include filename in the the argument therefore it must be run in a command prompt (or Run)
Rem Example: Run the code by going into command prompt and typing "TCLRun.bat hello.TCL"

Rem Create command line that will read this file
Rem "C:\...\Programs\<file name>"
Rem Run it in here:
Rem "C:\Tcl\bin\tclsh85.exe"
Rem And then wait under you press enter to exit

@echo off


ECHO Running: %1
ECHO Program begins here...
ECHO "<------------------>"

Rem Target TCL Engine
Rem Example: Using ActiveTCL
set engine=c:\Tcl\bin\tclsh85.exe

Rem Start folder where TCL file is located
Set folderpath=C:\...\Programs\

Rem Run the TCL program via the engine
%engine% %folderpath%%1

ECHO "<------------------>"
ECHO Program ends here...

Rem Waiting for user to press a key to quit
