C.tcl is a simplified modularised reduced variant of [critcl] written with an aim to make critcl more accessible and more able to be worked on. This code provides a namespace ensemble called C, which provides the cproc, ccommand, cdata, cinit and other commands which work much as critcl's do. It depends upon [CC.tcl] to turn the generated C into a loadable extension. It uses 8.5 facilities (dict.) ''— [Lars H]: More noticably this appears to use 8.6 facilities ([TclOO])! Or was the statement that'' [CC.tcl] ''uses 8.5 facilities? BTW, an outline of the interface between these two components would be illuminating.'' ----- [jbr] - Is there any reason why this code is trivially incompatible with critcl? Why isn't it a drop in replacement? ====== # C - generate C code from intertextual representation in Tcl # # slavishly derived and simplified from the excellent critcl # Colin McCormack, Steve Landers, Jean-Claude Wippler other parties package provide C 1.0 if {![llength [info commands ::oo::Helpers::classvar]]} { proc ::oo::Helpers::classvar {name args} { # Get reference to class’s namespace set ns [info object namespace [uplevel 1 {self class}]] # Double up the list of varnames set vs [list $name $name] foreach v $args {lappend vs $v $v} # Link the caller’s locals to the # class’s variables tailcall namespace upvar $ns {*}$vs } } namespace eval ::C {} # HC class for common functionality oo::class create ::C::HC { variable ns nsObj name a # set of all namespace objects method namespaces {} { classvar namespaces return $namespaces } # namespace objects pertaining to self method objects {} { return [$nsObj objects] } method namespace {} { return $nsObj } # command to generate Tcl command method gencmd {} { return "" } method fqname {} { return \"${ns}::$name\" } method cname {} { return [string map {:: _} $ns]$name } destructor { # destroy all the components of the namespace foreach {n member} $members { foreach v $member { $v destroy } } } constructor {_ns {_name ""} args} { set ns $_ns set name $_name set a $args if {$ns == "::"} { set ns "" } else { append ns :: } # register self to this namespace classvar namespaces if {![info exists namespaces]} { set namespaces {} } if {![dict exists $namespaces $ns]} { set nsObj [::C::Cns new $ns] dict set namespaces $ns $nsObj } else { set nsObj [dict get $namespaces $ns] } $nsObj add $name [self] set cns [string map {:: _} $ns] set file [file normalize [info script]] if {0} { set ::auto_index($ns$name) [list [namespace current]::cbuild $file] variable code; variable curr; variable options lappend code($file,list) $cns$name $curr if {$options(lines)} { append code($curr) "#line 1" \"[file tail $file]/$name\" \n } } } } # Cproc - express C functions in Tcl proc wrapper oo::class create ::C::Cproc { superclass ::C::HC variable code name adefs rtype body # command to generate Tcl command method gencmd {} { variable clientdata variable delproc return "Tcl_CreateObjCommand(ip, [my fqname], tcl_[my cname], NULL, 0);\n" } method generate {} { return $code } constructor {_name _adefs _rtype {_body "#"}} { foreach n {name adefs rtype body} { set $n [set _$n] } set ns [uplevel 1 namespace current] variable name $_name next $ns $name $adefs $rtype $body array set types {} set names {} set cargs {} set cnames {} # is first arg is "Tcl_Interp*", pass it without counting it as a cmd arg if {[lindex $adefs 0] == "Tcl_Interp*"} { lappend cnames ip lappend cargs [lrange $adefs 0 1] set adefs [lrange $adefs 2 end] } # generate the function arg signature foreach {t n} $adefs { lappend names $n lappend cnames _$n if {$t eq "bytearray" || $t eq "rawchar*"} { lappend cargs "char *$n" } else { lappend cargs "$t $n" } } # determine the function return type switch -- $rtype { ok { set rtype2 "int" } string - dstring - vstring { set rtype2 "char*" } default { set rtype2 $rtype } } # generate the c function to be wrapped if {$body != "#"} { set code [subst { static $rtype2 c_[my cname] ([join $cargs {, }]) { $body } }] } else { set code [subst { #define c_[my cname] [my name] }] } # generate the wrapper header append code [subst { static int tcl_[my cname] (ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp *ip, int oc, Tcl_Obj *CONST ov\[\]) \{ }] # generate the wrapper arg declarations foreach {t n} $adefs { switch -- $t { int - long - float - double - char* - int* - float* - double* - Tcl_Obj* { append code "$t _$n;" \n } bytearray - rawchar* { append code "char* _$n;" \n } default { append code "void *_$n;" \n } } } # generate the functional return type if {$rtype != "void"} { append code "$rtype2 rv;" \n } # check the args passed in from Tcl append code [subst { if (oc != [expr {[llength $names] + 1}]) { Tcl_WrongNumArgs(ip, 1, ov, "[join $names { }]"); return TCL_ERROR; } }] # generate the Tcl arg conversion set i 0 foreach {t n} $adefs { set ov "ov\[[incr i]\]" switch -- $t { int { append code [subst { if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(ip, $ov, &_$n) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; }] } long { append code [subst { if (Tcl_GetLongFromObj(ip, $ov, &_$n) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; }] } float { append code [subst {{ double t; if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(ip, $ov, &t) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; _$n = (float) t; }}] } double { append code [subst { if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(ip, $ov, &_$n) != TCL_OK) return TCL_ERROR; }] } char* { append code [subst { _$n = Tcl_GetString($ov); }] } int* - float* - double* { append code [subst { _$n = ($t) Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj($ov, NULL); Tcl_InvalidateStringRep($ov); }] } bytearray - rawchar* { append code [subst { _$n = (char*) Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj($ov, NULL); Tcl_InvalidateStringRep($ov); }] } default { append code [subst { _$n = $ov; }] } } } # generate wrapper code to invoke wrapped function if {$rtype ne "void"} { set rv [subst {c_[my cname]([join $cnames {, }])}] } # generate wrapper return value code switch -- $rtype { void { append code $rv; } ok { append code [subst { return $rv; }] } int { append code [subst { Tcl_SetObjResult(ip, Tcl_NewIntObj($rv)); }] } long { append code [subst { Tcl_SetObjResult(ip, Tcl_NewLongObj($rv)); }] } float - double { append code [subst { Tcl_SetObjResult(ip, Tcl_NewDoubleObj($rv)); }] } char* { append code [subst { Tcl_SetResult(ip, $rv, TCL_STATIC); }] } string - dstring { append code [subst { Tcl_SetResult(ip, $rv, TCL_DYNAMIC); }] } vstring { append code [subst{ Tcl_SetResult(ip, $rv, TCL_VOLATILE); }] } default { append code [subst { rv = $rv; Tcl_SetObjResult(ip, rv); Tcl_DecrRefCount(rv); }] } } # generate the wrapper return itself if {$rtype != "ok"} { append code { return TCL_OK; } } append code \} \n } } # Ccommand - express C functions in Tcl command wrapper oo::class create ::C::Ccommand { superclass ::C::HC variable code name anames body # command to generate Tcl command method gencmd {} { variable clientdata variable delproc return "Tcl_CreateObjCommand(ip, [my fqname], tcl_[my cname], $clientdata, $delproc);\n" } method generate {} { return $code } constructor {_name _anames args} { set name $_name set anames $_anames if {[llength $args]%2} { set body [lindex $args end] set args [lrange $args 0 end-1] } else { set body "" } variable clientdata NULL variable delproc 0 set namespace [uplevel 1 namespace current] dict for {n v} $args { set [string trim $n -] $v } my clientdata $clientdata my delproc $delproc next $namespace $name $anames $body set code "#define ns_[my cname] \"$ns$name\" \n" if {$body != ""} { # set wrapper arg defaults set cd clientdata set ip interp set oc objc set ov objv lassign $anames cd ip oc ov ;# get wrapper args from cproc args # generate wrapper set code [subst { static int tcl_[my cname] (ClientData $cd, Tcl_Interp *$ip, int $oc, Tcl_Obj *CONST $ov\[\]) { $body } }] } else { # if no body is specified, then $anames is alias for the real cmd proc set code [subst { #define tcl_[my cname] $anames int $anames\(\); }] } } } # Ccommand - express C data in Tcl wrapper oo::class create ::C::Cdata { superclass ::C::Ccommand constructor {name data} { binary scan $data c* bytes ;# split as bytes, not (unicode) chars set inittext "" set line "" foreach x $bytes { if {[string length $line] > 70} { append inittext " " $line \n set line "" } append line $x , } append inittext " " $line set count [llength $bytes] next $name {dummy ip objc objv} -namespace [uplevel 1 namespace current] [subst { static char script\[$count\] = { $inittext }; Tcl_SetByteArrayObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(ip), (unsigned char*) script, $count); return TCL_OK; }] } } # Ccommand - express C code in Tcl wrapper oo::class create ::C::Ccode { superclass ::C::HC variable code method generate {} { return $code } constructor {text} { classvar unique set code $text next [uplevel 1 namespace current] [incr unique] } } # Cinit - express C code in Tcl wrapper oo::class create ::C::Cinit { superclass ::C::HC variable code method generate {} { return $code } constructor {text} { classvar unique set code $text next [uplevel 1 namespace current] @init } } # Cext - express C code in Tcl wrapper oo::class create ::C::Cprolog { superclass ::C::HC variable code method generate {} { return $code } constructor {text {name @prolog}} { set code $text next [uplevel 1 namespace current] $name } } # Namespace collector oo::class create ::C::Cns { variable members ns constructor {_ns {_pkg ""}} { set ns $_ns if {$_pkg ne ""} { variable pkg } elseif {$ns ni {"" "::"}} { variable pkg $ns } set members {@init "" @prolog ""} ;# the first member must be the init variable tk 0 } method add {obj args} { dict lappend members $obj $args } method name {} { return $ns } method objects {} { return $members } method package {{p ""}} { variable pkg if {$p ne ""} { set pkg $p } if {![info exists pkg] || $pkg eq ""} { set pkg [string totitle $ns] } return $pkg } method generate {args} { variable pkg if {![info exists pkg] || $pkg eq ""} { error "C code must be in a namespace or have a package ([dict keys $members])" } variable {*}$args foreach var {prolog init} { set $var "" foreach member [dict get $members @$var] { append $var [$member generate] } } set code [subst { /* Generated by critcl on [clock format [clock seconds]] */ #include <[::tcl::pkgconfig get includedir,runtime]/tcl.h> }] variable tk if {$tk} { append code [subst { #include <[::tcl::pkgconfig get includedir,runtime]/tk.h> }] } append code $prolog \n append xcode { #if USE_TCL_STUBS extern const TclStubs *tclStubsPtr; TclPlatStubs *tclPlatStubsPtr; struct TclIntStubs *tclIntStubsPtr; struct TclIntPlatStubs *tclIntPlatStubsPtr; static int MyInitTclStubs (Tcl_Interp *ip) { typedef struct { char *result; Tcl_FreeProc *freeProc; int errorLine; TclStubs *stubTable; } HeadOfInterp; HeadOfInterp *hoi = (HeadOfInterp*) ip; if (hoi->stubTable == NULL || hoi->stubTable->magic != TCL_STUB_MAGIC) { ip->result = "This extension requires stubs-support."; ip->freeProc = TCL_STATIC; return 0; } tclStubsPtr = hoi->stubTable; if (Tcl_PkgRequire(ip, "Tcl", "8.1", 0) == NULL) { tclStubsPtr = NULL; return 0; } if (tclStubsPtr->hooks != NULL) { tclPlatStubsPtr = tclStubsPtr->hooks->tclPlatStubs; tclIntStubsPtr = tclStubsPtr->hooks->tclIntStubs; tclIntPlatStubsPtr = tclStubsPtr->hooks->tclIntPlatStubs; } return 1; } #endif } if {$tk} { append xcode { #if USE_TK_STUBS TkStubs *tkStubsPtr; struct TkPlatStubs *tkPlatStubsPtr; struct TkIntStubs *tkIntStubsPtr; struct TkIntPlatStubs *tkIntPlatStubsPtr; struct TkIntXlibStubs *tkIntXlibStubsPtr; static int MyInitTkStubs (Tcl_Interp *ip) { if (Tcl_PkgRequireEx(ip, "Tk", "8.1", 0, (ClientData*) &tkStubsPtr) == NULL) return 0; if (tkStubsPtr == NULL || tkStubsPtr->hooks == NULL) { Tcl_SetResult(ip, "This extension requires Tk stubs-support.", TCL_STATIC); return 0; } tkPlatStubsPtr = tkStubsPtr->hooks->tkPlatStubs; tkIntStubsPtr = tkStubsPtr->hooks->tkIntStubs; tkIntPlatStubsPtr = tkStubsPtr->hooks->tkIntPlatStubs; tkIntXlibStubsPtr = tkStubsPtr->hooks->tkIntXlibStubs; return 1; } #endif } } dict for {n member} $members { if {[string match @* $n]} continue foreach v $member { append code [$v generate] append init [$v gencmd] } } append code [subst { #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif DLLEXPORT int [string totitle $pkg]_Init(Tcl_Interp *ip) { #if USE_TCL_STUBS if (!Tcl_InitStubs(ip, TCL_VERSION, 0)) return TCL_ERROR; //if (!MyInitTclStubs(ip)) return TCL_ERROR; #endif #if USE_TK_STUBS if (!Tk_InitStubs(ip, TK_VERSION, 0)) return TCL_ERROR; //if (!MyInitTkStubs(ip)) return TCL_ERROR; #endif $init return TCL_OK; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif }] return $code } } # C - wrap C code in Tcl, and generate Tcl shim namespace eval ::C { ::proc proc {args} { uplevel 1 ::C::Cproc new $args } ::proc command {args} { uplevel 1 ::C::Ccommand new $args } ::proc data {args} { uplevel 1 ::C::Cdata new $args } ::proc init {args} { uplevel 1 ::C::Cinit new $args } ::proc code {args} { uplevel 1 ::C::Ccode new $args } ::proc prolog {args} { uplevel 1 ::C::Cprolog new $args } ::proc include {args} { foreach h $args { uplevel 1 ::C::Cprolog new "#include \"$h\"" } } ::proc namespaces {} { return [[lindex [list {*}[info class instances ::C::Cproc] {*}[info class instances ::C::Ccommand]] 0] namespaces] } ::proc namespace {args} { if {![llength $args]} { set ns [uplevel 1 namespace current] } else { lassign $args ns } if {$ns == "::"} { set ns "" } else { append ns :: } tailcall dict get [namespaces] $ns } ::proc package {name} { set ns [uplevel 1 C namespace] tailcall $ns package $name } ::namespace export -clear * ::namespace ensemble create -subcommands {} } if {[info exists argv0] && ($argv0 eq [info script])} { # example C proc add {int x int y} int { return x + y; } C proc cube {int x} int { return x * x * x; } C package Junk puts [[C namespace] generate] } ====== <>Enter Category Here