Version 24 of C++/Tcl

Updated 2004-11-25 06:39:42

Richard Suchenwirth 2004-11-23 - The very generic name stands for "A C++ library for interoperability between C++ and Tcl" by Maciej Sobczak, based on the Boost project. On SourceForge it goes under the name cpptcl at .

LV So is this cpptcl different from what is documented on this wiki page - cpptcl? RS: Yes - that's the risk with too-generic names... The software I discuss here was only announced on 2004-11-22, but looks pretty powerful.

It "was inspired by the Boost.Python library and was designed to provide a similar interface"... "The C++/Tcl library depends on the Tcl core library and on the Boost library (see ). Any recent version of these two should work fine."

The documentation (one could also call it a tutorial) makes a good impression - it looks as if combining C++ and Tcl, both for making shared libraries and embedded interpreters, go very easy, for instance compared to SWIG.

Here's (untested, but drawing from the documentation) how to make a shared library with two commands (that both are served by the same C++ function):

 #include "cpptcl.h"

 int sum(int a, int b) {return a + b;}

 CPPTCL_MODULE(Example, i) {

 $ tclsh
 % load ./
 % + 3 4

Has anybody made practical experiences with this? Especially on Windows? According to the Boost site, it should be possible.

MAK (11 Oct 2004) - Looks very interesting. The code (both for cpptcl its self and how you use it) seem very nicely compact. cpptk also looks very interesting. I'm curious how much overhead the Boost library would add, though; I'll have to look into that. Two things I don't see from the documentation, though:

1. What's the license? 2. How would you create a function that can take a variable number of arguments (a la widget configuration parameters)?

snichols The documentation looks very strait forward. So, I thought I would try compiling the hello example Tcl extension for Windows. However, there are some header files and library dependencies, and I do not know where to get these. Its looking for something called boost/shared_ptr.hpp and a couple other dependencies. - RS: Scott, that dependency on Boost from is documented even on this page :^)

snichols Thanks for the info on Boost. I'll try including the headers and give the hello example another try. I think I would have use for this. It appears to simplify some of the Tcl to C++/C library programming and would be handy for small C++ Tcl extensions, like ones I have written in the past.


Ok, this is what I have found out from compiling the sample hello world C++/Tcl extension under Windows. The code will not compile with Microsoft Visual Studio 6 because of this error, "template class has already been defined as a non-template class." Microsoft has confirmed that their older VC++ 6.0 compiler does not support this (the template thing), but luckily their newer 2003 C++ compiler does. So, I downloaded and installed the free Microsoft C++ 2003 Toolkit to compile this from Microsoft's web site. It does compile ok, but I get the following link error when compiling and linking with cl (MS 2003 C++ Compiler):

 cl main.cpp cpptcl.cpp /I C:/Tcl/Include /I C:/Programming/boost_1_32_0 /I C:/Downloads/TCL/cpptcl-1.0.0 /link /dll c:/Tcl/lib/Tcl84.lib

 Generates Code OK
 Following Link Error Returned:

 "main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl boost::throw_exception(class exception const &)" (?throw_exception@boost@@YAXABVexception@@@Z) referenced in function "public: __this
        call boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count<class Tcl::details::callback0<void> *,struct boost::checked_deleter<class Tcl::details::callback0<void> > >(class Tcl::details::callback0<void> *,struct
        boost::checked_deleter<class Tcl::details::callback0<void> >)" (??$?0PAV?$callback0@X@details@Tcl@@U?$checked_deleter@V?$callback0@X@details@Tcl@@@boost@@@shared_count@detail@boost@@QAE@PAV?$callback0

Thanks for the help with my link error (above) in advance. Once I get through the link error, I feel good that I can port some of my previous Tcl C++ extension to use this, and write some new ones. Is my cl command line missing a lib file or something? I have only included the one Tcl84.lib.


Well, I was able to compile and link the hello world example. I added /EHs to the compiler options. Which basically tells the compiler to ignore unhandled exceptions. Now, I get the following load error when loading in the library in Tcl:

load C:/Programming/C++/CplusplusTcl/main.dll couldn't find procedure Main_Init

Do I need to include the Tcl Init function even though its not used under Windows?

Maciej Sobczak - The C++/Tcl library depends on some of header-only Boost libraries. This means that it is enough to download Boost, unpack it somewhere and add that path to the compiler's include search path. No compilation of Boost is required. The license is stated in each source file, but will be soon stated more explicitly. It is extremely permissive, anyway.

 // Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
 // is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
 // This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
 // warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

Robert J. Peters' GroovX [L1 ] package makes for an interesting comparison [L2 ].

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