Purpose: An interactive community project to teach [Tcl/Tk] [scripting]. This page is a group project. Please add topics, fill in information on topics already present, etc. If you were going to teach someone to program in Tk, where would you start? * [What is Tk]? * [The Hello World program as implemented in Tcl/Tk] * Someone else has written [Show me an example], that takes the Hello World program farther. * [Some common mistakes when programming in Tcl/Tk] * [Tcl/Tk Template Applications] has a template for a basic Tk application. * [Event programming and why it is relevant to Tcl/Tk programming] * [Widgets in the initial Tk package] * [Bindings and why they are important] * [Writing Tk programs so that the user can extend or interact with them without modifying the application] * [How does one change the font in the wish widgets]? * [How do I insert text programmatically at the current insertion point] (in a text widget)? * How to find the name and type of a TK Widget. [Which Widget] * [When all you want is to run a Tk application] * [Shapes and Lights - a simple canvas script] * [Coming to Tcl/Tk from an IDE environment] * "[ActiveTcl] User Guide [http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/docs/ActiveTcl/tcl/tk_contents.htm] If you don't know Tcl all that well yet, you should visit [Beginning Tcl] to help you get the hang of the language that Tk is most commonly hosted in. ----