[WJG] (04/11/07) Here's the gnocl::text equivalent. Those who already use [gnocl] may be aware that the current release has no text bindings for either the widget or tags. I use a development version which has the appropriate bindings. For those who are interested, before the next official release occurs, send me an email and I can forward details. ---- ====== #--------------- # gncolBalanceQuotes.tcl #--------------- # William J Giddings # 04/11/07 #--------------- # Enable context sensitive quotations. # If the input quote mark is preceded by a printable character, # then closequote otherwise openquote! # #--------------- # Notes: # This is not "smart" and so does attempt to ballance quote marks. # The swap is made on the KeyRelease event so the swap will only # effect the final quote if a key repeat event occurs. #--------------- #!/bin/sh \ exec tclsh "$0" "$@" package require Gnocl ;# Tcl-Gtk+ bindings #--------------- # w text widget into which the substition is to be made # c character currently inserted # # Codes: # single openquote ` \u2018 # closequote ' \u2019 # double openquote " \u201C # closequote " \u201D # # ' quoteright # # quotedbl #--------------- proc balanceQuotes {w c} { #get the preceding character set idx [ $w getCursor ] set str [ $w get cursor-1 ] if {$str == "" || [string is space $str] || $str == "\u2018" || $str == "\u201C" } { set str " " } # if the last code entered was ' if {$c == "quoteright" } { $w erase cursor if {$str == " "} { # openquote $w insert cursor "\u2018" } else { # closequote $w insert cursor "\u2019" } } # or, if was " if {$c == "quotedbl" } { $w erase cursor if {$str == " "} { # openquote $w insert cursor "\u201C" } else { # closequote $w insert cursor "\u201D" } } } #--------------- # Demo #--------------- set txt [gnocl::text -baseFont {Sans 25} \ -onKeyRelease {balanceQuotes %w %K}] gnocl::window -title BalanceQuotes \ -child $txt \ -onDestroy exit \ -width 250 ====== ---- [FF] 2008-07-19 - I tried running that demo, bt I encountered some errors: bad option "-baseFont": must be -scrollbar, -pixelsInsideWrap, -pixelsBelowLines, -pixelsAboveLines, -editable, -wrapMode, -justify, -leftMargin, -rightMargin, -indent, -cursorVisible, -hasFocus, -tooltip, -onShowHelp, -name, -visible, or -sensitive and: bad option "-onKeyRelease": must be -scrollbar, -pixelsInsideWrap, -pixelsBelowLines, -pixelsAboveLines, -editable, -wrapMode, -justify, -leftMargin, -rightMargin, -indent, -cursorVisible, -hasFocus, -tooltip, -onShowHelp, -name, -visible, or -sensitive my Gnocl version is 0.9.91, is not latest version? ---- !!!!!! %|[Category GUI]|% !!!!!!