Arnulf P. Wiedemann I am living in a little village in the south of Germany near Augsburg (Bavaria) I have more than 30 years of programming behind me using languages like: Algol60, Pascal, BCPL, CPM-80, [C], [C++], Icon, [Java], [Tcl], Go (Golang) and also [awk], [sed], [Javascript], [Objective-C], sh-scripts ... After all the years I like to program in Tcl/Tk Programming with Tcl/Tk since 1995. I have been and am using Tcl/[Tk] and [Itcl] in commercial applications in the company I am working for, mostly for client server applications (client on [windows], server [Linux]/[Unix] protocol [http] using apache server and [rivet], with [oracle] and [mysql] databases). At home I am using Tcl/[Tk] and [Itcl] for doing a lot of stuff on my computers for example a [GUI] for administrating my CD's in a [mysql] database using ID3 tags or making a selection on that database and send that to xmms for playing etc. That was before I found [snackamp]. Projects: * tclurtp the low level part of [tcluno] [] an uno interface for written in pure Tcl. * Since 2018-09-01 I have started getting familiar with golang [] and Revel [] as a Web Framework for go. I am enjoying that language a lot (it is also BSD licensed), and additionally as it has some features which look like borrowed from Tcl i.e. associative arrays, very few tokens, a lot of built in functionality and options with suitable default values a lot of very interesting packages etc. Work in progress: * I am trying to build an interpreter for go based an the base of the Tcl interpreter and using the scanner and parser for go (available as packages) to build an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) and then interpreting the nodes of the AST. * [itcl-ng] a reimplementation of [Itcl] based on [tclOO], trying to make that an extension using only stubs interfaces to the Tcl core. 2008-12-11 beta version released [] * [ntkWidget] a reimplementation of [NexTk] based on [itcl-ng] * [tclGL] a Tcl wrapper for [OpenGL] gl* functions generated mostly from GL/gl.h by a Tcl script * [tclGLMWFW] a Tcl wrapper for [GLFW] but with multiple windows * [ToW Tcl on WebFreeWay] (called [ATWF] later on) collecting ideas for a Tcl based web framework. Maybe it will be called TRAX (Tcl's Rapid webAccess eXtension). There are plans to start the implementation as a "fun" project. 2010-03-05: The start of an implementation of such a tool can be found here: [] * [Reporting Tools with Tcl] some tools written with [itcl-ng] to allow easy building of GUI's for reports to be shown as web pages or in a client * [itclwidgets] a reimplementation of [Iwidgets] using [itcl-ng] (and [Tk]) without using [itk] * [ATWF] A Tcl Web Framework written with [itcl-ng] using a lot of ideas from [php] [Zend Framework] * [incr Tcl in Javascript] A Tcl/Itcl Implementation in Javascript based on [Tcl in Javascript] with a lot of enhancements and a lot of Tcl 8.6 functionality * [Tk Widgets in Javascript] A Tk widget Implementation in Javascript based on [incr Tcl in Javascript] using [DOM] trees * [APWTCL] A Tcl Parser in Javascript (similar to [incr Tcl in Javascript]), which is mostly derived from [Jim] with additionally namespaces and itcl. * [APWTCL (Java)] A Tcl Parser in [Java] (nearly identical to [APWTCL], but implemented in [Java]). * [APWTCL (Objective C)] A Tcl Parser in [Objective C] (nearly identical to [APWTCL], but implemented in [Objective C] for use on Mac OS and iOS). * [gles2] is a Tcl wrapper package for the OpenGL ES 2.0 library and [FreeType] fonts. * [ntkThemed] is a new implementation of Tk widgets based on OpenGL ES 2.0 and itcl-ng. * [TclGles20] is a [Tcl] layer for[APWTCL] makeing some of the [OpenGL ES] 2.0 commands available/callable. GSoC: * [GSoc Idea: Grid Manager and Html Generator] * [GSoC Idea: Auto Documentation Tool for Tcl] * [GSoC Idea: Tktable for wtk] * [GSoc Idea: Testsuite for RAPL] * [GSoC Idea: Tcl Plugin for Netbeans] done as a project in 2011 Presentations on Tcl conferences: * [ntkWidget] at the [7th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting Conference]. * [Reporting Tools with Tcl] at the [9th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting]. * [ATWF] at the [Seventeenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2010)]. * [incr Tcl in Javascript] at the [Eighteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2011)]. * [Tk Widgets in Javascript] at the [Eighteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2011)]. * [APWTCL] at the [|%10th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting 2012]. * [WTK for APWTCL] at the [Nineteenth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2012)]. * [itclWidgets] at the [|%11th European Tcl/Tk User Meeting 2013]. * [ntkThemed] at the [Twentieth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference (2013)] within a [WIP] session. Conferences: * together with Paul Obermeier and Vaclav Snajdr organized the [10th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting 2012] * together with Paul Obermeier organized the [11th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting 2013] * together with Paul Obermeier organized the [12th European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting 2014] One evening every month you can find me at [TUGM]: [|%TUGM Home Page%|%]. arnulf at wiedemann-pri dot de <> Person