Version 32 of Andy Goth

Updated 2005-03-16 03:55:52 by amg

(Note: Some people think it's funny to screw with this page to make me look silly. Don't do it. It's not funny, and you're making things very painful for everybody here. No one appreciates it, so rather than mark up my page, go find a bathroom wall or something.)

At a Glance

 Preferred name:  Andy
 Alias:           Unununium
 Full name:       Andrew Michael Goth
 Short name:      AMG

 Email address:   mailto:[email protected]
 Web address:
 Street address:  Midlothian, Texas, USA (south of Dallas)

 Interests:       Programming  - Tcl/Tk, C, others when I must
                  Music        - Aphex Twin, Rachmaninoff, whatever else
                  Guitar       - Fun to play
                  GNU/Linux    - Very amenable to tinkering!
                  OpenVerse    - Wish I had time to program it
                  'Net comics  - Sluggy Freelance, Wigu, Scary Go Round, ...
                  Books        - Fantasy epics, science fiction, ...
                  Games        - NES, SNES, N64, PSX, GC, GBA
                  GIMP         - It is good
  • - This list is by no means exhaustive
 Birthdate:       20 November 1983

 Occupation:      CSE undergraduate, University of Texas at Arlington (UTA)

 Past employment: Coder/gofer, RLE Technologies,


Real life: Online:

Projects Using Tcl

Snit-based iTunes database reader. Useful with iPods.
iPod music browser. Lists and copies music files from any iPod. (Might never materialize...)
OpenVerse Visual Chat
Internet chat program. My favorite project.
Tcl operating system. What fun!
Networked chess-type game. School assignment.

If you're interested in a project listed above for which there is no page, ask me about it in email.

Other Junk I Wrote

Joins parallel lists into a format suitable for [array set].
Utility for obfuscating otherwise-comprehensible list operations.
Sorted Lists
A sordid story of sorting sorcery.
Reads stdin, shuffles the line order, and spews the result to stdout.

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