aka Aaron Faupell aka RockShox on the tclers chat some wiki pages I have contributed to * [Windows binary resources] * [Reading version information from Win32 executables] * [windows icons] * [Reading Portable Executable headers] * [another tabbed notebook megawidget] * [a widget serializer] * [An option dialog] * [Another little value dialog] * [A small font chooser] * [Easy User Configurable Menus] * [Reading JPEG comments] * [Writing JPEG comments] * [Reading PNG Timestamps] * [Reading PNG Comments] * [Writing PNG Comments] * [Reading PNG image dimensions] * [wav] * [A little bar graph] * [Windows shell links] * [a delicious api] * [a rest framework] other * [tklib] module [getstring] * [tklib] module [swaplist] * [tklib] module history * [tklib] module [ipentry] * [tklib] module [ico] * [tcllib] module [inifile] * [tcllib] module [png] * [tcllib] module [jpeg] * [tcllib] module [tiff] * [tcllib] module [tar] * [tcllib] module [nmea] * [tcllib] additions to to [irc] * [tcllib] additions to to [fileutil] * [tcllib] additions to tclapps [ircbridge] * [tklib] additions to [autoscroll] Also RoxIRC http://roxirc.lighter.net/ a very powerful pure TCL IRC client Code at: http://www.fearme.com/software Homepage at: http://www.fearme.com/ ---- [[ [Category Person] | [Category Home Page] ]]