See: '''Questions/Remarks''' * Is it possible to "drive" this widget without using a mouse? I didn't see any key bindings... ** [LV] I do not see any [bind] commands in the code for keyboard shortcuts * Did a few tests with '''-textvariable'''. The coupling didn't seem to work (changes in the var are not reflected and vice versa)...? ** I tried the following: ====== $ tclsh8.6 % package require widget::calendar 0.91 % set t [widget::calendar -textvariable ::a .t] unknown subcommand "-textvariable": namespace ::widget::calendar does not export any commands % set t [widget::calendar .t -textvariable ::a] .t % pack .t % set ::a 9/25/2009 9/25/2009 % puts $::a 09/21/2009 % puts $::a 09/26/2009 % set ::a 10/10/2010 10/10/2010 % ====== When I clicked on different days on the widget, $::a changed value. HOWEVER, as you noticed, when I change the text variable, the widget does not change. Sounds like time for a bug report. See also [tklib] and [widget]. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Widget] |% !!!!!!