Hi, I'm Wolf-Dieter Busch, living in Germany, and an amateur programmer. In 1998, I started as a SW project an external editor [http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/js/mte/en.htm] for the CMS Schematext V.2.4; therefor I learned Tcl/Tk. (Nowadays, the editor is obsolete, but still nice nonetheless.) Other Tcl-based SW is * the client-side content management system [One Hand Content] [http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/1hand/Ankuendigung/index.htm], * the Tk interface to Scheme Chicken/Tk [http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/html/Software/Tools/ChickenTk.htm], and what I'm proud of: completely documented, including a beginner's tutorial; * the HTML->Tex converter Bottle Neck [http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/html/Software/Web/Konverter_von_HTML_nach_TeX.htm], * and the game Pachisi [http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/madn.htm] (German: Mensch Ärger dich nicht). * Another hack [Pils] as exclusive contribution to this Wiki. * [Tiny Tcl/Tk IDE] * Just another [obj]ect system * New [Cartoon] software project (work in progress) * [Eight Queens, minimalistic] [http://wolf-dieter-busch.de/html/res/Heimatseite/img/sw/MADN.png] ---- [AK]: Regarding Pachisi see also [A little Pachisi game]. ---- [[[Category Person]|[Category Home Page]]]