[Megabyte] tk_messageBox is very ugly within Linux. Ever since I saw it, I've been unhappy. Until I saw some good work that inspired me. [Schelte Bron] created a replacement that works great under Unix for the file selection dialogs, present at: [http://wiki.tcl.tk/15897]. I was inspired by his work and created a brand new ttk::messageBox widget. What does it do? Its syntax is exactly like a tk_messageBox command, but within Linux it'll draw something much prettier. It uses a subset of icons from the Tango project, which can be changed if you're not happy with them. '''See ttk::messageBox in action''' [http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/2SPjzJxFNXN7L-uTtV9yXA?feat=directlink] [http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/GKwn7Kprg-7FhiFE1ZvZZg?feat=directlink] ''' Install it ''' Place these files in a directory listed by $auto_path, or use the command "lappend" to append the directory containing the files to auto_path '''Download it ''' The files are available at: [http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=1182035156910a3391b20cc0d07ba4d23a787629c5cf6327] Feedback is appreciated. Enjoy! ---- **Comments** [Bryan Oakley] - the default behavior is not the same as a standard tk_messageBox. Compare the result of "tk_messageBox -message Foo" with "ttk::messageBox -message Foo". In your case you're using no icon when an info icon should be the default. You also neglect to add a default "OK" button as well, making it impossible to properly dismiss the dialog (since you fail to add a WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol handler to cancel the vwait). I'd also like to suggest a way to reduce the amount of code and (arguably, at least) make the code more readable and easier to maintain. You have a lot of code that looks like the following, where you have a switch that sets a variable to the pattern that matched: ====== switch $parameter { ok { set default_button "ok" } cancel { set default_button "cancel" } .... default { error [format $unrecognized_parameter "-default"] } } ====== I suggest you replace that with something like the following, using the new "in" operator: ====== if {$parameter in {ok cancel ...}} { set default_button $parameter else { error ... } ====== In the case of the -default switch, that replaces 29 lines of code with 5, a hefty savings. A similar change can be made each time you are using a switch merely to assign the pattern to a variable. Another comment: in the unix_messageBox_check_default_parameter function you are using "puts" to signal errors. You should be calling error (or better, return -code error) instead. Your use of TkDefaultFont is incorrect. You do this: ====== font create ttk_message_dialog_Italic_font -family TkDefaultFont -slant italic ====== However, TkDefaultFont isn't the name of a font family. It is a named font. Using the expand operator and the knowledge that the font command uses the last option in the case of duplicates, you can do this instead (though I personally don't think it's a good idea to create a named font as a side effect of using this dialog) ====== font create ttk_message_dialog_Italic_font {*}[font actual TkDefaultFont] -slant italic ====== And a final comment: make sure you add a protocol handler for WM_DELETE_WINDOW ---- [peterc] The GNU GPL2 license is a killer and quite different to most Tcl widget and extension licensing. I'd suggest the BSD license unless you want to significantly restrict its use. ---- [Megabyte] - 12/29/2008 Thanks for the suggestions, Brian. I've changed the code accordingly to match tk_messageBox's behavior and cleaned the code a bit. ---- [Megabyte] - 12/30/2008 I noticed this piece of cleanup code on bind: ====== #A cleanup, just in case. bind $window_name { foreach name [image names] { if {![image inuse $name]} { image delete $name } } } ====== Was causing the file opening dialog to behave unpredictably when it was running, so I deleted it from the code. Would anyone explain me why does this happen? [Megabyte] - 12/31/2008 Answer for the last question: unfortunately, not every dialog cleans itself after quitting, so I have to remove the images I create on my own. [Megabyte] - 1/09/2008 * Minor bugfixes (I forgot the brackets in ::ttk::unix_messageBox_quit). ---- **Changelog** 12/28/2008 * Fixed a few bugs with the "-parent" option * Fixed a few cleanup issues. * Finished implementing the option "-default", which I forgot to do. "-default" focus on a requested button. 12/29/2008 * Changed widget's behavior to match tk_messageBox. * Cleaned up the code using the new "in" operator. About 80 lines of code were removed! * Added a protocol handler for WM_DELETE_WINDOW * Fixed the way the italic font is created. 12/30/2008 * Removed suspicious procedure because of problems with the opening file dialog. 12/31/2008 * Cleaned up images on deletion, and made sure the window will be destroyed properly. * Fixed silly bug where the messageBox wouldn't recognize "-type okcancel" ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Widget]|% !!!!!!