Version 12 of ttk::combobox

Updated 2009-11-28 11:33:14 by TLT

Ttk's combobox widget.

TR - I saw that the combobox of the Tile package didn't support autocompletion, so I added it using the code from BWidget:

 proc ComboBoxAutoComplete {path key} {
        # autocomplete a string in the ttk::combobox from the list of values
        # Any key string with more than one character and is not entirely
        # lower-case is considered a function key and is thus ignored.
        # path -> path to the combobox
        if {[string length $key] > 1 && [string tolower $key] != $key} {return}

        set text [string map [list {[} {\[} {]} {\]}] [$path get]]
        if {[string equal $text ""]} {return}

        set values [$path cget -values]
        set x [lsearch $values $text*]
        if {$x < 0} {return}

        set index [$path index insert]
        $path set [lindex $values $x]
        $path icursor $index
        $path selection range insert end

All you need to do now, is binding <KeyRelease> to this procedure:

 package require Tk 8.5
 package require tile
 ttk::combobox .c -values [list one two three four five six seven]
 pack .c -padx 5 -pady 5
 bind .c <KeyRelease> [list ComboBoxAutoComplete .c %K]

CLN 2006-04-20 - Shouldn't this be in a namespace or at least be named ttkComboBoxAutoComplete? For that matter, why not submit a patch to get this into the Tile distribution. (Not that I wouldn't be grateful to have it available here in the mean time if I was using Tile.)

TR 2006-04-21 - I just read the tile paper [L1 ] by Rolf Ade. It mentions autocompletion code in the demos directory of the tile distribution. I haven't used that code yet, but it seems to do the same job as the code above, just in the correct namespace and as a command like


So, the above code is not needed, really ...

RLH It would be nice if a widget is involved to see a graphic showing the widget. Not necessary...but nice.

D. McC 2008 Dec 8: OK, after rummaging through the ttk::style man page and trying things out in vain, I give up. Can somebody tell me how to specify the background color for the entry portion of the ttk::combobox? And can somebody tell me why there is not even an option to specify colors of Ttk widgets in the same ultra-simple way as for Tk widgets, e.g., "-bg AntiqueWhite"?

Bryan Oakley 2008 Dec 8: To solve your immediate problem, try this:

 ttk::combobox .cb -style mycombobox.TCombobox
 ttk::style configure mycombobox.TCombobox -fieldbackground bisque

(using "ttk::style map" may be a better choice, but I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader)

As to why there is no option, that's the design philosophy of the themed widgets -- you lose some amount of control over individual widgets but gain the ability to create unified themes.

D. McC 2008 Dec 9: Thanks--it works! Now I'll see about incorporating that into my color-scheme files.

What I still don't understand is why the programmer isn't given a choice about how much control over individual widgets (and ease of configuring them) to trade off for how much ability to create unified themes.

TLT 2009-11-28 - I was annoyed that the ttk::combobox does not change the cursor to an ibeam when it is inside the text entry widget. The following binding fixes that:

  bind TCombobox <Motion> {
      if {[%W cget -state] eq "normal" && [%W identify %x %y] eq "textarea"} {
          %W configure -cursor ibeam
      } else {
          %W configure -cursor arrow
  pack [ttk::combobox .cb]