Version 9 of tk_optionCascade

Updated 2020-04-28 05:25:45 by aplsimple

Richard Suchenwirth 2006-12-22 - The tk_optionMenu offers a handy alternative to a combobox. But for a larger number of structured choices, it is sometimes better to have cascading menus instead of one. Here's a quick hack for that. It follows the same simple API as tk_optionMenu, but if an item is a list of more than one elements, it is turned into a submenu. (Add an extra layer of braces around labels that contain spaces - see example below.) Oh, and the special item "--" makes a separator.

 proc tk_optionCascade {w varName args} {
     set dn [image create bitmap -data "#define i_width 7\n\#define i_height 5
        static char i_bits[] = {\n0,127,62,28,8\n}"]
     set it [lindex $args 0]
     while {[llength $it]>1} {set it [lindex $it 0]}
     set ::$varName $it
     menubutton $w -menu $w.m -text $it -relief raised \
         -image $dn -compound right
     menu $w.m -tearoff 0
     tk_optionCascade_add $w.m $varName $args
     trace var ::$varName w "$w config -text \${$varName} ;\#"
     return $w.m
 proc tk_optionCascade_add {w varName argl} {
     set n 0
     set colbreak 0
     foreach arg $argl {
         if {$arg eq "--"} {
             $w add separator
         } elseif {$arg eq "|"} {
             set colbreak 1; continue
         } elseif {[llength $arg] == 1} {
             $w add radiobutton -label [join $arg] -variable $varName
         } else {
             set child [menu $w.[incr n] -tearoff 0]
             $w add cascade -label [lindex $arg 0] -menu $child
             tk_optionCascade_add $child $varName [lrange $arg 1 end]
         if $colbreak {
             $w entryconfigure end -columnbreak 1
             set colbreak 0
# Demo and testing:
 package require Tk
 tk_optionCascade .o myvar \
           {color red green blue -- {other yellow magenta cyan}} \
           {hue   dark medium light} \
           -- {"multi word example"} ok
 pack .o

RS 2007-02-05: added "|" to be treated as column-break, for data-driven multicolumn menus, such that e.g.

 tk_optionCascade .x myvar northwest southwest | northeast southeast

shows a menu of two columns, with directions in the plausible place :)

Teo 2008-04-13: A fairly common case when tk_optionMenu fails to work properly is a big list of unstructured items (e.g. a list of font families). The following tk_optionCascade2 adds cascading menus for items which don't fit the screen height.

 proc tk_optionCascade2 {path varName value args} {
     upvar #0 $varName v
     if {![info exists v]} {
         set v $value
     set m [tk_optionMenu $path $varName $v]
     tk_optionCascade2_menu $m $varName [linsert $args 0 $value]
     return $m
 proc tk_optionCascade2_menu {m varName argl} {
     $m delete 0 end
     set next [menu $m.n -tearoff 0]
     $m add cascade -label "More" -menu $next
     set index 0
     set len [llength $argl]
     set height [winfo screenheight $m]
     foreach arg $argl {
         $m insert $index radiobutton -label $arg -variable $varName
         incr index
         update idletasks
         if {[winfo reqheight $m] > $height && $index < $len} {
             incr index -1
             $m delete $index
             tk_optionCascade2_menu $next $varName [lrange $argl $index end]
     $m delete end

 # demo
 eval tk_optionCascade2 .q1 myvar2 [lsort [font families]]
 pack .q1

aplsimple - 2020-04-27 17:44:46

Below is a bit modified tk_optionCascade widget providing three options for customizing:

  • ttk::menubutton options (e.g. -width: if positive, sets a fixed size of widget)
  • a command to get options of entries dynamically
  • additional "static" options of entries

Also, this version of tk_optionCascade amends few things:

  • Using a full qualified name of variable, thus fixing troubles with nested namespaces, e.g. in the following case:
    namespace eval t { variable myvar "red"
    namespace eval t { variable myvar "blue" }
    puts "t::myvar = $t::myvar"
    tk_optionCascade .o t::myvar $items \
  • Removing -image option, due to ttk::style theme.
  • Hiding options with a second click on the menu button, due to ttk::menubutton.


proc tk_optionCascade {w vname items {mbopts ""} {precom ""} args} {

  # A bit modified tk_optionCascade widget made by Richard Suchenwirth.
  #   w      - widget name
  #   vname  - variable name for current selection
  #   items  - list of items
  #   mbopts - ttk::menubutton options (e.g. "-width -4")
  #   precom - command to get entry's options (%a presents its label)
  #   args   - additional options of entries
  # See also:

  set it [lindex $items 0]
  while {[llength $it]>1} {set it [lindex $it 0]}
  set $vname $it
  ttk::menubutton $w -menu $w.m -text $it {*}$mbopts
  menu $w.m -tearoff 0
  tk_optionCascade_add $w.m $vname $items $precom {*}$args
  trace var $vname w "$w config -text \${$vname} ;\#"
  return $w.m

proc tk_optionCascade_add {w vname argl precom args} {
  set n [set colbreak 0]
  foreach arg $argl {
    if {$arg eq "--"} {
      $w add separator
    } elseif {$arg eq "|"} {
      if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} { set colbreak 1 }
    } elseif {[llength $arg] == 1} {
      set label [join $arg]
      if {$precom eq ""} {
        set adds ""
      } else {
        set adds [eval [string map [list %a $label] $precom]]
      $w add radiobutton -label $label -variable $vname {*}$args {*}$adds
    } else {
      set child [menu $w.[incr n] -tearoff 0]
      $w add cascade -label [lindex $arg 0] -menu $child
      tk_optionCascade_add $child $vname [lrange $arg 1 end] $precom {*}$args
    if $colbreak {
      $w entryconfigure end -columnbreak 1
      set colbreak 0

# Demo and testing:
package require Tk
ttk::style theme use clam
set items [list {color red green blue -- {colored yellow magenta cyan
  | #52CB2F #FFA500 #CB2F6A | #FFC0CB #90EE90 #8B6914}} \
  {hue dark medium light} -- {{multi word example}} ok]
set comm { if {"%a" in {yellow magenta cyan} || ![string first "#" "%a"]} \
  {set _ "-background %a -activeforeground %a"} else {set _ ""} }
tk_optionCascade .o ::myvar $items "-width -4" $comm \
  -command {puts "::myvar = $::myvar"}
pack .o

A screenshot of this test:

tk_optionCascade modified