Version 4 of tk_exec

Updated 2002-02-23 23:36:55

Frank Pilhofer: I am currently writing a Tk program that frequently needs to exec external programs. I became annoyed that the GUI becomes unresponsive during exec, especially that there are no updates. For example, if any parts of the window become obscured and un-obscured again (e.g. if you drag another window across it), the GUI is not redrawn. This is ugly, and people get the impression that the application has crashed.

Therefore, I wrote the following tk_exec drop-in replacement for exec. It is supposed to work the same, but it keeps the event loop rolling as it waits for the external program to complete. After completion, it returns the program's stdandard output.

I have not yet tested it extensively. Feel free to edit, update and fix.

  proc tk_exec_fileevent {id} {

    global tk_exec_data

    global tk_exec_cond

    global tk_exec_pipe

    if {[eof $tk_exec_pipe($id)]} {

        fileevent $tk_exec_pipe($id) readable ""

        set tk_exec_cond($id) 1



    append tk_exec_data($id) [read $tk_exec_pipe($id) 1024]


  proc tk_exec {args} {

    global tk_exec_id

    global tk_exec_data

    global tk_exec_cond

    global tk_exec_pipe

    if {![info exists tk_exec_id]} {

        set tk_exec_id 0

    } else {

        incr tk_exec_id


    set keepnewline 0

    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} {

        set arg [lindex $args $i]

        switch -glob -- $arg {

            -keepnewline {

                set keepnewline 1


            -- {

                incr i



            -* {

                error "unknown option: $arg"

            ?* {
                # the glob should be on *, but the wiki reformats
                # that as a bullet




    if {$i > 0} {

        set args [lrange $args $i end]


    set pipe [open "|$args" r]

    set tk_exec_pipe($tk_exec_id) $pipe

    set tk_exec_data($tk_exec_id) ""

    set tk_exec_cond($tk_exec_id) 0

    fconfigure $pipe -blocking 0

    fileevent $pipe readable "tk_exec_fileevent $tk_exec_id"

    vwait tk_exec_cond($tk_exec_id)

    if {$keepnewline} {

        set data $tk_exec_data($tk_exec_id)

    } else {

        set data [string trimright $tk_exec_data($tk_exec_id) \n]


    unset tk_exec_pipe($tk_exec_id)

    unset tk_exec_data($tk_exec_id)

    unset tk_exec_cond($tk_exec_id)

    if {[catch {close $pipe} err]} {

        error "pipe error: $err"


    return $data


Some issues:

  • A "background" exec (with &) is not handled yet. (What to do here?)
  • The case that stdout is redirected is not handled yet. (What to do here?)

[Nice work, Frank.]