[gold] Replay old scratch page on TCL Wiki. checking end of line issues here. This page is under development. Comments are welcome, but please load any comments in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Please include your wiki MONIKER and date in your comment with the same courtesy that I will give you. Aside from your courtesy, your wiki MONIKER and date as a signature and minimal good faith of any internet post are the rules of this TCL-WIKI. Its very hard to reply reasonably without some background of the correspondent on his WIKI bio page. Thanks, [gold] 26Mar2024 ---- <> ***Preface*** ---- [gold] Update 3/26/2024. Here are some calculations for the Letter Scramble Game with Pseudocode outline reference to TCL Procedures. Intended to supplement the TCL Wiki page [Playing with Recursion] by [RS]. This supplemental code following [RS] is intended for study of McCarthy theorems on computer arithmetic into one-line programs. Interesting letter game was [Word Chain] from [Keith Vetter]. Useful error test on foreach {input expected} from [Playing Cobol] from [RS] etc. Error testing procedures were useful in [Simple Test] from [EKB] & [RLE] & [RS]. ***find a text in a line and replace the next line*** '''Note''': For those who don't follow [comp.lang.tcl], this same individual has been asking the same question there over the course of the last couple weeks. He/She has been extremely resistant to actually learning anything and instead simply keeps asking for the answer to be handed to them on a silver platter. There was one member who continued trying to help but finally gave up in frustration because of the person's unwillingness to learn even the slightest bit of knowledge about "how to program a computer". One conclusion has been that this individual is a beginning student attempting to cheat on his/her homework by getting Usenet (and now the wiki) to do their homework problems for them. [tclamateur]: I want to find a text in a line and replace the contents of the next line with a new string. I tried regsub, but it is only matching the first line. I don't know how to go to the next line. eg: line 5> this is line 5. line 6> apple with line 5> this is line 5. line 6> banana Thanks [AMG]: [[[regsub]]] has the `-all` option to replace every occurrence, not just the first. ====== proc replace {match replacement text} { # Backslash-quote special characters in match and replacement so they will # be interpreted as literal strings. regsub -all {[][*+?{}()<>|.^$]} $match {\\&} match regsub -all {[\\&]} $replacement {\\&} replacement # Perform the replacement. regsub -all ($match\\n)\[^\\n\]* $text \\1$replacement } replace "this is line 5." banana { this is line 5. apple this is line 5. another apple this is not line 5. yet more apples } ====== This gives the following result: ======none this is line 5. banana this is line 5. banana this is not line 5. yet more apples ====== [MG] offers: ====== proc replace2 {args} { if { [llength $args] < 3} { return -code error "wrong # arguments: replace2 ?-all? ?-regexp|-glob|-exact? \$find \$replace \$text" } set find [lindex $args end-2] set replace [lindex $args end-1] set text [lindex $args end] set args [lrange $args 0 end-3 ] set matchtype -exact set all "" foreach x $args { if {$x eq "" } { continue; } elseif { $x eq "-all" } { set all [list "-all"] } elseif { $x in [list -regexp -glob -exact] } { set matchtype $x } else { return -code error "unknown option '$x'" } } set text [split $text \n] set matches [lsearch {*}$all $matchtype $text $find] if { [llength $matches] && [lindex $matches 0] != -1 } { foreach x $matches { incr x set text [lreplace $text $x $x $replace] } } return [join $text "\n"] } # Example: replace2 -all -exact "this is line 5." banana { this is line 5. apple this is line 5. another apple this is not line 5. yet more apples } ====== [tclamateur]: Thanks for the input. In my case I'll have only two inputs. The input "match" and the input "replacement". What to give as input for "text"? [AMG]: Whatever text you want the substitution to be performed on. For instance, if you're working on a file, you'd supply the contents of that file. Then write the return value back out to the file, and you're done. ---- ---- **Hidden Comments Section** <> Please include your wiki MONIKER and date in your comment with the same courtesy that I will give you. Thanks, [gold] 3/26/2024 ---- ---- <> Numerical Analysis | Toys | Calculator | Mathematics| Example| Toys and Games | Games | Application | GUI ---- <> Development | Concept| Algorithm | Biology