`'''[http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TclCmd/return.htm%|%return]'''`, a [Tcl Commands%|%built-in] [Tcl] [command], terminates a script, specifying its result. ** Related Commands ** `[source]`: `[eval]`: `[proc]`: `[uplevel]`: includes a TclChat discussion on the future of `return` `[break]`: `[continue]`: `[error]`: `[throw]`: `[yield]`: `[yieldm]`: `[yieldTo]`: `[tailcall]` is also related to `return` in that it terminates execution of the current `[proc]`. However, unlike `return`, `[tailcall]`'s [continuation] is not the caller. `[yieldTo]` is also related to `[tailcall]` in that it has a custom continuation. ** See Also ** [Errors management]: [Script termination: results and control]: [namespace eval]: [Funky Tcl extensibility]: tricks to play with `return -code return`; `[error]` on `return -code error` [try ... finally ...]: [KBK] 2001-01-02: how to use `return -code` to implement a new control structure. [Lars H]: Other pages which do that kind of thing are `[breakeval]` (using `-code 10`) and `[returneval]` (using `-code -1`). [syntax]: ** Synopsis ** : `'''return''' ?''result''` : `'''return''' ?'''-code''' ''code''? ?''result''` : `'''return''' ?''option value''? ?''result''` ** Options ** `'''-errorcode''' ''list''`: `'''-errorinfo''' ''info''`: `'''-errorstack''' ''list''`: added in Tcl8.6 `'''-leval''' ''level''`: `'''-options''' ''options''`: ** Description ** Return immediately from the current procedure or script, with the specified result. The default result is the empty string. When there is no `return` in a script, its value is the value of the last command evaluated in the script. '''[[TODO: Document Tcl 8.5's extended handling]]''' ** Exceptional Returns ** In the usual case where `'''-code'''` isn't specified, the procedure will return normally (its completion code will be `TCL_OK`). However, `-code` may be used to generate an exceptional return from the procedure. Code may have any of the following values: '''ok''': Normal return: same as if the option is omitted. '''error''': Error return: same as if [`error`] were used to terminate the procedure, except for handling of `[errorInfo%|%$errorInfo]` and `[errorCode%|%$errorCode]` (see below). '''return''': The current procedure will return with a completion code of `TCL_RETURN`, so that the procedure that invoked it will return also. '''break''': The current procedure will return with a completion code of `TCL_BREAK`, which will terminate the innermost nested loop in the code that invoked the current procedure. '''continue''': The current procedure will return with a completion code of `TCL_CONTINUE`, which will terminate the current iteration of the innermost nested loop in the code that invoked the current procedure. ''value'': ''Value'' must be an integer; it will be returned as the completion code for the current procedure. `-code` is rarely used. It is provided so that procedures that implement new control structures can reflect exceptional conditions back to their callers. Two additional options, '''`-errorinfo`''' and '''`-errorcode`''', may be used to provide additional information during error returns. These options are ignored unless code is error. `'''-errorinfo'''` specifies an initial stack trace for `[errorInfo%|%$errorInfo]`; if it is not specified then the stack trace left in `[errorInfo%|%$errorInfo]` will include the call to the procedure and higher levels on the stack but it will not include any information about the context of the error within the procedure. Typically the info value is supplied from the value left in `[errorInfo%|%$errorInfo]` when `[catch]` traps an error within the procedure. If `'''-errorcode'''` is specified, `''list''` provides a value for `[errorCode%|%$errorCode]`. Otherwise, `[errorCode%|%$errorCode]` will default to `NONE`. (from: [Tcl Help]) ** Misc ** After `return`, your script can contain whatever, for instance comments: ====== proc foo {} { puts Foo return This is not Tcl - code after the return is never evaluated so may be used for commenting... } ;# RS ====== [DGP]: In Tcl 7 and in recent enough Tcl 8.5 that is correct. In the releases in between, due to some limitations in the bytecode compiler/execution machinery it could not be "whatever": * braces still needed to be balanced * some commands like [set] get byte-compiled early, so a syntax error is found if a line in that post-return comment starts with set and has more than two other words. [Joe English] also disagrees that "whatever" can appear after `return`. `[proc]` interprets its third argument as a script. It's therefore unwise, and one could argue even illegal, to pass in something that's not at least syntactically valid as a script, even if you know that parts of it will never be executed. By way of analogy: `[lindex]` interprets its first argument as a list, so you'd better only pass it valid lists. In Tcl 7.6 and earlier you could actually get away with things like ====== lindex "a b c {bad{list" 1 ====== as long as the ''examined'' part of the list was syntactically valid. However, this was more of an accidental artifact of implementation details than anything guaranteed by the language, and in fact this raises an error in more recent Tcl versions. Similarly, if a command expects a script, you'd better pass it a script. [PYK] 2013-12-10: However, if `[lindex]` is missing its second value, the first value can still be any value, even one that isn't a valid [list]. ---- [jenglish]'s statement is correct, though it's more philosophical than practical. If [[return]] is redefined, code following the [[return]] could certainly come into play. Or perhaps the code isn't being executed but rather is being analyzed by [Nagelfar], which will surely take issue with the invalidity of the code. One real possibility which would upset Tcl in any event is if the text following [[return]] contains mismatched braces. The fact that `return` also terminates `[source]` can be used for loading `[array]` contents without specifying an array name. Let the file t.tcl contain: ====== ====== return { one 1 two 2 three 3 } ====== Then you can write it like this: ====== array set myArrayName [source t.tcl] ;# RS ====== [wdb]: This works, but being a purist, I prefer this text in the file to `[source]`: ====== list one 1 two 2 three 3 ====== [RS] 2006-06-23: sure. Just if you have hundreds and thousands of array elements, with `[list]` you'd have to backslash-escape the newlines, while with bracing they need not. ---- ** Use in [pkgIndex.tcl] ** See [package index script interface guidelines] for another use of `return` in `[source]`'d scripts: The main use for return outside procedures is in [pkgIndex.tcl]: ====== if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return} ====== which avoids presenting the package to [interp]s that cannot use it. ---- [RS] 2005-08-08: Using `return -code error` in place of plain `[error]`, you get a leaner error traceback which is possibly better to read: ======none % proc 1 x {if {$x<=0} {error "too small"}} % proc 2 x {if {$x<=0} {return -code error "too small"}} % 1 0 too small % set errorInfo too small while executing "error "too small"" (procedure "1" line 1) invoked from within "1 0" % 2 0 too small % set errorInfo too small while executing "2 0" ====== ---- ** `return` to the Current Level ** [AMG]: `return -level 0 $x` simply sets the interpreter result to `$x`; it doesn't cause the caller to return. `[expr] {$x}` and `[subst] {$x}` do the same, except that $x must be brace-quoted for safety. `[K] $x ""` is also valid, as is `[K%|%K*] $x`. Let's say you have to pass a script to be `[eval]`'ed, and `[eval]`'s return value is used somehow. What script do you pass if you want eval to simply return a constant, the result of a substitution, or a concatenated combination thereof? All of the above methods work, and [[`return -level 0`]] avoids the need for extra quoting or [`proc`] wrappers. [AMG] [PYK]: `return -level 0 $x` simply sets the interpreter result to `$x`. This is the canonical [identity function]; see the linked page for more information. Basically I have given a list of ways to perform Tcl substitution in a functional context. More ways exist, but these are the simplest I know of. Update: I have just discovered single-argument `[lindex]`, which simply returns its argument. This is even easier than `return -level 0`. Update 2: I found an example use on the `[if]` page: ** Cancel an Error ** ====== set y [if {$x} {lindex a} else {lindex b}] ====== [HaO]: When a return code should be forwarded to the caller, one could remove Update 3: Here's another approach, on the `[switch]` page, thanks to [RS] (2005-05-30): ====== proc is x {set x} set type [switch -- $num { 1 - 9 {is odd} 2 - 3 - 5 - 7 {is prime} 0 - 4 - 6 - 8 {is even} }] ====== It's possible to delete the "`[proc]`" line and replace "is" with `[lindex]`. See "[I Know Nothing]" for more discussion of `-level`. ---- [HaO]: When a return code should be forwarded to the caller, one could remove the `level 0` to not directly trigger an eventual exception here: ====== ====== if {[catch {cmd} err options]} { dict unset options -level return -options $options } ====== This was useful to me in the context of [Tk] `[bind]` scripts, which return `break` if This was useful to me in the context of [Tk] `[bind]` scripts, which return `break` if no further bind scripts should process. <> Command | Control Structure | Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming