Version 5 of pwd

Updated 2002-05-21 09:40:06

'pwd' is always a fully normalized path (at least in Tcl 8.4a4 or newer). This differs from Tcl 8.3 or older, where (on some platforms at least) 'pwd' was whatever non-unique file representation was last passed to 'cd'. In Tcl8.4 'pwd' is guaranteed to be the unique normalized string representation of the path.

'pwd' may actually lie inside a virtual filesystem (and therefore be different to the OS'es perception of the pwd), if any are mounted.

'pwd' can actually change under some circumstances without the use of 'cd', for example if 'pwd' is inside a directory which is deleted with 'file delete -force', Tcl moves the pwd out of the directory before deleting.

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