The latest release of Notepad++, a Windows OS based open source text editor, supports Tcl syntax highlighting. It can be downloaded at the following web address: [JMN] 2005-11-29 This seems like a fairly nice usable editor.. but the Tcl syntax highlighting is not quite there yet. Some issues I've noticed: problem 1) If a tcl comment line contains 'if' as the first element - notepad++ incorrectly starts a new nesting level - putting other sections out of sync. e.g the following line is mishandled. # if blah blah blah problem 2) Escaped brackets aren't matched properly. e.g the following sorts of lines are mishandled (incorrect bracket-match highlighting) set x {abc\{d} set y [list a b\[c d] set z [list a {b[c} d] [JMN] 2009-05-14 version 5.3.1 (Mar 29 2009) still has the above problems. Also - it's really unfortunate that c-style comments are recognized by the highlighter even when editing Tcl files. the sequence /* is very common in scripts dealing with the filesystem or with for example, the tdom xml parser. Entire sections of code end up highlighted green. As opposed to my 'nice usable editor' comment above.. I'd now say: 'barely tolerable for Tcl work' and the phrase 'supports Tcl syntax highlighting' is extremely optimistic at best.