I wish to consider amending "[TIP] 328 Coroutines" [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/328.html], along these lines: Invocation of a [coroutine] should accept multiple arguments, those arguments should be returned to the coroutine's [yield] as a list of actual parameters. The current implementation forbids invoking a coroutine with more than one argument. I have found, in practice, that many of my coroutine invocations are naturally like other command invocations, and take multiple arguments. The case for providing multi-arg'd coroutines is: 1. coroutines should be able to simulate any command, not just any single-arg'd command [[generality]] 2. to implement single-arg's coroutines in multi-arg'd coroutines is trivial - nothing needs to be done. The converse (implementing multi-arg'd coroutines under [coroutine] is inefficient and difficult. [[increased expressive power]] 3. there is no sound reason that the invocation of a coroutine should not resemble that of any other command [[principle of minimal surprise]] 4. it is impossible to construct general [fileevent] to pass more than one argument to a coroutine. For these reasons, the core should be modified to accept multiple actual parameters to a coroutine invocation, ::yield should be modified to resemble ::yield2 below, and a new interface ::yieldm should be created to return the actual parameter list as it's passed. Arguments in favour of single-arg'd coroutine: 1. extra cost in packing (at invocation) and unpacking (in [yield]) the actual parameters. Total cost is building a 1-element list and 1 [lindex], both in C. [[performance]] 2. the potential that coroutine invocation might require options to control the invocation in ways simple command call doesn't. Examples: [[`$coro -code return`]] which would be interpreted as an unconditional termination. [[expressive power]] 3. (a) [[$coro]] and [[[yield]]] are properly considered as symmetrical operations, (b) [[$coro]] v. [[[yield]]] is an attractive/consonant way to represent their symmetry, (c) having multi-arg'd [[$coro]] would violate or misrepresent that symmetry. [[underlying symmetry]] 4. Are there any other objections to multi-arg coros? Rebuttals to arguments against multi-arg'd coroutine: 1. cost of packing/unpacking are insignificant, multi-arg'd use is more common. 2. While it is useful to be able to cause a coro's [yield] to return an exception, this would be as easily served by using a distinct command to invoke a coro with return-like semantics. 3. The symmetry is not served by the current form of representation [[yield]] does not resemble [[$coro]]. The symmetry is not as useful as the ability to simulate. ** Demonstration of point 2 [[increased expressive power]] ** CASE 1: (counterfactual) Assume a [[Coroutine]] which generates a command taking multiple args, to implement [coroutine] as we have it implemented: [[Coroutine]] would require no wrapping or changes to function as [coroutine] does now. Only [yield] would have to change. To provide precisely the same functionality as [yield] currently does it is necessary to strip off a single layer of [list]: ====== proc ::yield2 {value} { return [lindex [::yield $value] 0] } ====== No other changes are necessary. More likely, one would define ::yield like that, and create a new ::yield-variant which returned the whole invocation arg list. CASE 2: [[Coroutine]] in [[[coroutine]]] - implementing multi-arg'd coroutines over singe-arg'd [coroutine] ====== proc Coroutine {name command args} { set ns [namespace qualifiers $name] if {$ns eq ""} { set ns [uplevel 1 {namespace current}] } set name [namespace tail $name] set coco [::coroutine ${ns}::_C$name $command {*}args] trace add command ${ns}::_C$name delete "rename ${ns}::name {}" proc ${ns}::$name {args} { set name [lindex [info level 0] 0] set ns [namespace qualifiers $name] if {$ns eq ""} { set ns [uplevel 1 {namespace current}] } set name [namespace tail $name] tailcall ${ns}::_C$name $args } } ====== The predominant cost in this is that of tracing intermediate commands to avoid leakage. Even if this were not the case, the cost of calling a proc to wrap the extra args is considerable. The only alternative is to wrap the args on *each* invocation. One can provide variable assignment by signature (or [Occam]-like protocol): ====== proc entrypoint {value args} { uplevel 1 lassign [::yield $value] {*}$args } ====== This is possible in current [coroutine] the same way, but requires the caller to form args into lists on each invocation. [MS] Notes that this would require that the invocation's arguments be a list of {name,value} pairs. This breaks the wanted analogy to [proc], where the assignment to variables is positional and not by name. It would be possible to mimic [proc] perfectly, but in that case scripting the current [coroutine] functionality becomes cumbersome. [CMcC] was thinking of it as a wrapper to yield with the effect of lassigning the actual parameters to caller-local variables. The coro invocation would only provide the values, the caller of entrypoint would provide the formal parameters (that's the analogy.) ---- [jmn] 2010-04-15 I totally agree. I was thoroughly dismayed by the single arg coroutine thing. It just seems to go against the grain of the “Tcl way” - for no real advantage. If it was multi-arg'd it would present an interesting way to build some command alternatives along the lines of existing mechanisms such as 'interp alias'. Having to wrap it to achieve this is ugly enough to discourage this sort of innovation especially if the whole point of the innovation was to do so in a situation where dispatch performance matters. [nem] notes that performance will be dominated by the cost of the coroutine context switch (quite high currently). Also, wrapping a coro to accept multiple args is trivial: ====== proc apply-list {cmd args} { $cmd $args } do stuff [list apply-list $coro] ====== On the other hand, forcing all coros be multi-arg means that [yield] then must return a list, and the extremely common single arg case then needs to remember to use [[lindex [[yield]] 0]] everywhere. ---- [MS] An alternative is to provide a new command (coroutine2?) which creates multi-arg commands. In that case, [yield] can be modified in C to do the right thing depending on the nature of the enclosing coroutine. For some reason which I'm not clear about (paternity?), this would be my current preference. A second command would also make it easy to allow the actual arguments to be passed positionally, as in [proc]. Some syntax would be needed to allow the invocation to ''also'' pass the internal result from [yield], if one is wanted. Maybe something like coroutine coro2Cmd ::apply {{x1 x2} {...}} 42 42 coro2Cmd -yieldResult foo 11 22 that would cause the coro to be created with `x1`=`x2`=`42`. When it is later resumed: `x1` is set to `11`, `x2` is set to `22`, and [yield] returns `foo`. If no option '''-yieldResult''' is specified [yield] returns `{}`. [CMcC] this really doesn't make coro invocation look like normal command invocation, though. My preference is for something where a caller doesn't need to know that what it's calling is a coro. The reason I prefer this is that I can't see why a caller should need to know, or should have to consider anything unusual when calling a command which might happen to be implemented as a coro. The specific implementation you sketch, with special options to be interpreted, doesn't provide for justification (1) above. Additionally, it's not possible to pass '''-yieldResult''' in if you wanted to. [MS] At least one of us misunderstands the other :P In my proposal, if the caller doesn't know this is a coro, he uses it as a normal command coro2Cmd 11 12 OTOH, if he does know it is a coro he has the option of also sending in a result for [yield]. Note that I am not really proposing this as a solution, just an option that ''really'' mimics normal command invocation - with positional semantics for the arguments. [CMcC] I did misunderstand. You were suggesting that the coroutine command somehow ascertain by inspection the formal parameter set of the its second arg, and use that as a kind of occam protocol for later interaction. I don't think that can work, can it? You have no way to inspect, for example, a C-coded command to discover its formal parameter signature, nor (really) to be certain that a given command was created by a given implementation of a given other command. I think what you seem to be suggesting is impossible, unless I still misunderstand it. I am attracted to the idea that a coro is just like any other command in terms of its invocation (because it enables a coro to simulate any other command.) I dislike the -yieldResult idea because I can think of no arguments one can pass to a command which are interpreted by the invocation mechanism itself prior to the command gaining control. What you propose with your example '''-yieldResult''' is to make command invocation get involved, at a C level, unable to be intercepted by Tcl, to interpret (as modifiers of the invocation) things which would normally be considered arguments to the command, and this only for coros. To me, that seems like a special case with wide implications (you can't pass “`-yieldResult`” as the first argument to any coro) and no evident benefit (at least, I don't understand what it buys you that can't be achieved differently.) I understand there's also an argument that there may be other things one would like to do ''to'' a coroutine than invoke it in the usual manner one invokes commands. For things which operate *on* a coro rather than through it (say, for example, injecting an error into it) I would suggest a completely different command, say [[`coro_op kill $coro`]] or indeed [[`coro_op error $coro $eo`]] to cause [yield] to complete with error [dict] specified by `$eo`. [CMcC] I wouldn't mind if there were two ways to create coroutines, with a new form creating a multi-arg coro, but I don't think that solution is necessary, or as neat as providing a second [yield] and making multi-arg the standard behaviour of [coroutine]. What's your objection to this change, Miguel? By the time the coro is invoked, one has already parsed the arguments t o its invocation in order (currently) to complain that they don't form a singleton set. I presume that by that stage they exist in a list form anyway, and that coro invocation needs to pick out the first argument to return as [yield]'s result anyway, surely the performance cost of duplicating the [[[lrange] $invocation 1 end]] is not significantly greater than that of [[[lindex] $invocation 1]], and in any case is exactly what a proc command invocation would have to do (without the necessity of then assigning them to their corresponding formal parameters.) [Lars H]: How about letting [yield] accept a second argument that (like the ''args'' argument of [proc]) specifies the arguments the coroutine will take the next time it is called? This would mean that after yield $value {foo bar {baz "apa"} args} the variables ''foo'', ''bar'', ''baz'', and ''args'' in the local context would all have been assigned according to the values supplied in the coro call (which would throw an error unless at least two arguments are supplied). This does open up for coroutine commands having wildly varying syntaxes, but on the other hand it is already a consequence of the fact that you can yield just about anywhere that coroutine commands can have semantics that vary wildly from call to call. ---- '''[CMcC] - 2010-04-20 03:18:35''' I want to explore the taxonomy of commands which create commands here: [Creating Commands] ---- '''[dkf] - 2010-04-21 08:12:40''' I suppose we should ask what the anatomy of a coroutine is before analyzing how easy it is to do tricks. A [coroutine] is a stateful entity created with: : '''coroutine''' ''name definition...'' I'll primary ignore the nature of the ''definition'' for now. After that is called, there will be a new command (the coro-command) called ''name'' existing which can be invoked to pass in a value to the coroutine. Within the coroutine context, '''[yield]''' will produce a result from the coro-command and '''[info coroutine]''' will report the name of the coro-command. Upon deletion of the coro-command, the coroutine is deleted, and the coro is also deleted when the ''definition'' terminates ([yield]ing isn't termination). The issues where I see there are problems now: 1. [yield] has an over-simplified model of result that lacks the sophistication of Tcl's general result tuple model. (Making it more [return]-like would solve this.) 2. The coro-command behaves as a very restricted type of Tcl command 3. Any wrapper of the coro-command needs to preserve the deletion behaviour and the [info coroutine] reporting; they are critical features. That makes wrapping to allow a multi-arg accepting coro-command rather tricky; any injected proxy needs to be made very carefully and [info] needs diddling too. (The last part is easier than it used to be, of course.) [NEM] I very much agree with point (1). I'd love to see [yield] (''and'' $coroCmd) be able to pass back exception values and the options dictionary. TIP 328 demonstrates a wrapper approach to achieving this: ====== proc exyield {value args} { lassign [yield [list $value $args]] value opts return -options $opts $value } proc exresume {coro value args} { lassign [$coro [list $value $args]] value args return -options $opts $value } # Usage proc mycoro {} { exyield $val -code error -errorcode $somecode ... } ====== This works ok -- we debated whether to propose this in the TIP, but felt it was best left as a possible future enhancement. Point 2 was also discussed, however I felt that the simple wrapper approach works fine, and that adding option 1 would be more difficult/impossible if coroutines accept multiple args. Regarding point 3, deletion behaviour is preserved by [curry] (a curried command is just a command prefix, like a lambda). I think [[info coroutine]] is a red-herring: any code that calls that function will know that the command returned only accepts a single argument. I can't think of a situation where you would call [[info coroutine]] and then expect the resulting command to accept multiple arguments. Note also that the $coroCmd and [yield] are two ends of a communication "channel": whatever bells and whistles you want for one end also make sense for the other. So, it makes sense for $coroCmds to also accept return-style options (if yield does), and it may also make sense for [yield] to accept multiple arguments (if $coroCmd does). How to achieve these extras in a consistent and elegant manner is quite tricky, which is one of the reasons why we decided to keep to just a single argument. My personal preference (at the time, and still now) would be for these features to be implemented in [tcllib] as a higher-level interface over the core coroutine technology. ---- '''[CMcC] - 2010-04-21 19:03:09''' As [Creating Commands] shows, [coroutine] is the only command-generator which generates a one-arg command, and as the example code above shows it is quite difficult and expensive to work around that quite arbitrary limitation. Whether one chooses to conceptualise a coroutine as a stream or not, one certainly cannot conceptualise it as a general command form even though it is presented as one (unlike the other streams, e.g. the opaque handle of [open].) Considered as a stream, [coroutine] has no reason to generate a command unless that command functions as any other command. This arbitrary limitation could easily be removed, such that existing single-arg uses are facilitated. Anything the current form permits (but, notably, does not yet provide) could be provided by coroutine specific commands or ensembles as such facilities are provided in every other command-generated command form associated with state. dkf writes "''the coro-command behaves as a very restricted type of Tcl command''" and NEM replies that this "''was also discussed, however I felt that the simple wrapper approach works fine''." I would contend that as coroutines have been used, it has become increasingly clear that it does not work fine. It is possible to contort any new application of coroutines to work with this arbitrary limitation, however it is not possible to use a coroutine to simulate other commands because of this limitation, and that is a crying shame as it unnecessarily reduces their immediate utility. NEM then goes on to say that ''adding option 1 would be more difficult/impossible if coroutines accept multiple args'', but of course this is demonstrably false. Each of the [Creating Commands] commands manages it perfectly well through specific accessors. For example, [[[interp invokehidden]]] can be used to invoke a command when normal command invocation won't cut it. It seems to me that it is worse to generate a command with surprising properties, such that it can't simulate a general command, than it would be to generate no command at all, and operate on coroutines purely by opaque handles. This would at least preserve the possibility of using coroutines as general commands, by means of a wrapper (as is currently possible) without them polluting the command namespace. If we see the act of [[[yield]]]ing as a communication event, and have no compunction requiring a coroutine-specific command (consistent with thread::send, interp invokehidden, namespace eval, interp eval, etc ad nauseum) then why would we find it necessary to force the inverse and symmetric operation (of sending a message to a coroutine) through a limited command? If and as (and to the extent that) the operations are symmetric, surely they should have the same basic form? I begin to see the [[$coro]] form as a special case hack, and not a general purpose command, and then see the wisdom of removing it from the general command namespace. [NEM] Coroutines aren't presented as a general command form, they are presented as a 1-arg command. Personally, I consider opaque handles to be rather old-fashioned. It seems preferable to me to use commands to represent all such opaque resources -- either in an OO fashion, or as simple commands where the interface is simple. Perhaps in hindsight, an OO approach would have been preferable (allowing different methods of invoking a coroutine and of yielding to coexist). I still don't understand why you feel it is not possible to adapt a coroutine to accept multiple args, despite multiple demonstrations to the contrary. I'd also be interested to see a concrete case where the current coroutine design "does not work fine". This has not been my experience. I also don't see in what way [yield] and $coroCmd are not symmetric: they both accept a single optional argument, and return a single value. However, as I respect your work, and I appreciate that you are (with [Wub]) one of the main users of coroutines at present, I'm willing to compromise. If we can support multiple arguments in a way that is symmetric (i.e., both $coroCmd and yield can accept/return multiple args) and supports the single-arg case well, then I will accept it. ---- '''[CMcC] - 2010-04-22 08:11:06''' NEM, it is not possible for a coroutine to accept multiple args, it is possible to use a shim to curry multiple args into the single arg that a coroutine accepts, this is known and well understood. It is no more an argument for single-arg coro than it is an argument for single-arg proc. I have found many uses for coroutines. I have never found it desirable to consider a coroutine to be a communication endpoint. All my uses have been of a coroutine as a function. In all my applications the representative power of multiple argument passing is far more important than a putative symmetry which it is my desire to hide from a caller, and which does not matter to a caller. If one considers a coro as a comms endpoint, then the case for making it also a command is far weaker than that for making it an opaque token, as no other communication endpoint has a dual command nature, although it could: [socket] could return a command, [open] also. They do not, because they do not represent functions. It is '''only''' the nature of coroutine as function which justifies its being presented as a command, and this functional nature is more important than an analogy with communication endpoint. As to your compromise ... [[yield]] and [[$coro]] are not symmetrical in appearance. It seems to me that if you were actually after symmetry, you would forget [[yield]] and use [[[[info coroutine]]]] instead. And, failing that, you would have no objection to a [[yield]] which could take a $coro arg, and function as invocation. At least those would give the appearance of symmetry. I am, of course, arguing for something akin to the latter form. Your desired symmetry would be apparent (rename yield to something which is not so patently asymmetric) and you would not need the command-representation which you do not, in any case, use to its full effect. [NEM] I really don't understand this. The "shim" as you describe it fully solves the problem of multi-arg coroutines: ====== proc resume {coro args} { tailcall $coro $args } coroutine _test apply {{} { while 1 { lassign [yield] a b c; puts "got 3 args: $a $b $c" } }} interp alias {} test {} resume _test test 1 2 3 test 4 5 6 ====== I can understand wanting multi-arg coroutine commands, but I really don't understand why you keep rejecting a single line procedure solution to that problem. I'm yet to see any kind of real argument for why this is not a practical solution. All the coroutine code on this wiki seems to work just fine. I also have no objection to a symmetrical yield, and it is easy to achieve -- the ''resume'' proc does just that! ====== resume $coro ...;# to pass value(s) into a coroutine resume yield ...;# to pass value(s) out of a coroutine ====== The only asymmetry is simply that one has a unique name and one has a generic name (resolved according to context). This not particularly different to the use of $object and ''self'' in OO systems. <>Development