[D. Richard Hipp]'s "utility [http://www.hwaci.com/sw/mktclapp/] that helps you mix [C]/[C++] with [Tcl/Tk] to make a standalone executable." What: Mktclapp Where: http://www.hwaci.com/sw/mktclapp/ http://home.sprynet.com/%7Eetailor/et/stuff/howto_tcl.txt http://home.sprynet.com/%7Eetailor/et/stuff/test_tutorial.zip http://www.poSoft.de/ Description: Tool (that replaces ET) that lets you mix C (or C++) with Tcl/Tk. The newest version provides support for the Tcl_Obj interface. Also includes the ability to 'hide' code via a shroud option. The executable is a single binary file that runs without Tcl/Tk being installed. Source code can compile, without change on either Unix or Windows 98/NT. Currently at version 3.8. The sprynet site is a tutorial and sample file showing how E Taylor combined mktclapp, vtcl and Microsoft Visual C/C++ to create an application. The posoft site has a patch of mktclapp 3.9 to help with building on Windows with Visual C++. Updated: 06/2002 Contact: mailto:drh@acm.org (D. Richard Hipp) ---- [IDG] It also gives you a convenient framework for building C [extension]s as .dll/.so's ---- [[point to other "compilers"]] ---- "DrumFire" reports that he has been able to use mktclapp to build .so-s from .tcl-s, for the purpose of [obfuscation] of the plain-text .tcl source. This was his recipe: mktclapp -notk -standalone -main-script function.tcl \ -extension function function.tcl > function.c gcc -shared -o function.so function.c etc etc etc The result is a [load]able function.so. 2004-04-28 [SRIV] Neat, but look at the function.so in a hex editor. Not very obfuscated if you ask me. Or, better yet. load function.so; info body function :) ---- A previous generation of this tool was called: What: Embedded Tk (ET) Where: http://www.hwaci.com/sw/et/ET.html http://www.hwaci.com/sw/et/et80b6.tar.gz Description: Code preprocessor and library which simplifies the task of developing applications which use both C and Tcl/Tk. Version 1.7 is the latest version and works with Tk 4.2 or newer. Uses the GNU [autoconf] system. Works with Win95 and Unix. Comes with some sample applications (such as a terminal emulator), and a 30 page article describing ET. Version 8.0b5 works with Tk 4.x and 8.x. Versions compiled under Windows need tcl80.dll, tk80.dll and cw3210.dll and any other dynamic library you want to load into the program. This system is no longer being developed. The author has a new system, known as mktclapp , that users should turn to. Updated: 07/1998 Contact: mailto:drh@acm.org (D. Richard Hipp) ---- Disadvantages of mktclapp, compared to [Starpack]: * directives are redundant. To add a new '''.tcl''' source file into an application requires touching the corresponding '''makemake.tcl.in''', ''and'' ... * C boilerplate. There's a proliferation of sources. * The Tcl source for a mktclapp application can''not'' be [source]d "standalone" during development nearly as conveniently. * Can mktclapp include in its [vfs] [load]able extensions? [CL] isn't sure, but doubts it. * Minor: [[compressed tclkit ...]] ---- [Category Application] [Category Dev. Tools] [Category Deployment]